Chapter 751
"You Ruo, where's Brother Xiao?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian ignored Donghuang Xieyi who was blowing his nose and staring at him, and asked Donghuang Youruo directly.

"Cousin, he..." Donghuang Youruo replied, "Father didn't let him come with us, but let Xie Yi and I go first, I don't know why."

"Let you go first?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian pondered for a moment, his brows relaxed.

"I see!" He smiled, "Let's go, let's go, we don't need to wait for Brother Xiao, he is not with us."

"Not all the way?"

Donghuang Youruo and Donghuang Xieyi looked at each other, but followed Xiaoyao Yuntian in a daze.

"Brother Tian, ​​what did you mean just now?"

The three of them had already left Shengyuan City, Donghuang Youruo really couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart.

"You will know this soon!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian made a fool of himself without explaining, the madness in his eyes made Donghuang Youruo's heart tremble.

She had a feeling that this time the martial arts conference would become turbulent because of the participation of Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian, who were naturally restless.

In the inner hall of the Eastern Royal Family, Xiao Yu and the Eastern Emperor Wuying looked at each other calmly.

"Uncle, you should have some special arrangements, do you need me to attend the Martial Arts Conference alone?"

Xiao Yu asked.

There was a look of approval on Donghuang Wuying's face, Xiao Yu was right, he just had this plan.

"Yu'er, the reason why you are not allowed to act together with Xie Yi Youruo and the others is to deceive others. You are new to the sanctuary, and others do not know your existence. If you participate in the martial arts conference as a member of the Eastern Royal Family , it will attract a lot of attention. If you join as a casual cultivator, people will pay less attention to you. This will make it easier for you to act, and it will also prevent you from revealing your strength prematurely. At the same time, you can observe in the dark Does anyone want to harm Xie Yi You Ruo and them?"

Xiao Yu nodded secretly in his heart, Donghuang Wuying is worthy of being a cunning and calculating person, and few people can match his thoughtfulness.With such an arrangement, Xiao Yu could become a surprise soldier and win by surprise.

"Yu'er, let me make it clear to you that there are many registration points for this Martial Arts Conference. If Yun Tianyouruo and the others went to the registration point of Qixing Mountain, you should not go with them. You should go to the registration point of Haichao Canal, which is farther away. Act separately from them."

Donghuang Wuying arranged.

"Okay, uncle, tell me the route, and I will leave immediately."

After getting the route map provided by Donghuang Wuying, Xiao Yu didn't stop at all, and headed towards the south of Shengyuan City.

"The Martial Arts Conference has begun again!"

Xiao Yu had gone away, Donghuang Wuying sighed slightly, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes. Twenty years ago, he and Emperor Xiaoyao participated in the first Martial Arts Conference together. In that conference, they were regarded as the seed figures that attracted much attention, and they always thought so, but what happened after that...

Donghuang Wuying withdrew his thoughts and stopped thinking about it. That incident was an eternal trauma in his heart with Emperor Xiaoyao, which could not be healed. This is why they never mentioned the Martial Dao Conference with future generations. The tragic history is really unbearable to look back on.

"You mean, cousin, he acts alone?"

Donghuang Youruo, who was rushing to Qixing Mountain, was a little surprised, and Donghuang Xieyi was also a little inexplicable.

Fourteen days ago, Xiaoyaohuang and Donghuang Wuying had reached an agreement to allow Xiao Yu to form an alliance with the three of them to compete together, but now Xiao Yu was allowed to act alone. Such a big change made them very uncomfortable. untie.

"I'm just speculating about the reason for this incident. I think Uncle Wuying is for Brother Xiao to win in the dark."

Xiaoyao Yuntian is worthy of Xiaoyao Yuntian, and he guessed Donghuang Wuying's intentions very closely.

The three stopped talking, and the speed increased a bit.

Xiao Yu was only a few tens of kilometers away from Shengyuan City, and there were already countless crackling sounds from all directions. He deliberately slowed down and followed behind these people.Many people passed by his side, all casting disdainful expressions at him.

Apparently, Xiao Yu, a "poor" boy whose strength is only at the first level of Yuanshen Realm, is the target of their ridicule. In their view, participating in the Martial Dao Conference with Xiao Yu's strength is simply a dead end, and anyone can do it. Throw him off the battlefield.

But they didn't know how terrifying this young man's strength was, only at the first level of the Primordial Spirit Realm. Maybe they would have to experience that kind of power before they could have a concept.

The sea tide canal is a wide and continuous ditch. Its water potential comes from the sea, and the tide rises and falls, just like sea water, so it is called the sea tide canal.

Haichao Canal is not only a place name, but also an amazing beauty. Whenever the tide beats on both sides of the canal, the strong force makes people feel excited.It is indeed very meaningful to set up a martial arts conference registration point here in Tiandi Temple, and only such a big world is qualified to gather elites from all walks of life.

Xiao Yu had already slowed down his speed, as if he was belatedly arriving. He landed in a remote area of ​​Haichao Canal, far away from the crowd gathered around Haichao Canal.

All the people who come here are young faces, all of them are powerful and extraordinary. Except for Xiao Yu, the weakest one is also at the sixth level of Yuanshen Realm. Such a master, even if he takes one to the Shenwu Continent to show off his might, then It is also absolutely capable of sweeping any force, including cash alliances.

There are so many young Yuanshen Realm masters, and it can be seen that there is a huge gap between Shenwu Continent and Sanctuary, and it is impossible to compare the two.

"Sure enough, there is a sky beyond the sky, and mountains beyond the mountains!"

Xiao Yu felt a lot of emotion in his heart, suddenly his eyes paused, and he looked at the sky.

The clouds there were thin, gradually blown away by the breeze, and three figures appeared.

The leader is a young man, handsome and handsome, with an extraordinary demeanor, with lightning flashes in his eyes, it is obvious at a glance that he is a difficult person to provoke.On the left is a young man with wider palms than ordinary people, a rough face, and a violent look all over his body.

Beside the two of them, there is also a charming beauty with cherry red lips, and her figure is more slender than ordinary women. Every part of her body is perfectly combined, showing that extremely attractive gold The proportions, especially her blond hair, make people feel very charming.

Although this is a stunning beauty, the fluctuations from her body make people's hearts tremble.She was like a ferocious beast, with a dangerous light emitting from those blue eyes, which made people dare not look directly at her.

"Ah, it's from the Dragon Sect!"

As soon as the three of them appeared, the people below suddenly boiled up, and whispers rang out in the arena. It was obvious that these three were extremely famous.

"It turned out to be them!"

Xiao Yu immediately thought of the No. [-] figure in Shenlongzong.

(End of this chapter)

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