Chapter 752

The leader must be Gong Zizai, the No. 1 young generation of Shenlongzong, and the violent young man next to him should be Li Yunlong, the number two figure of Shenlongzong, and the last stunning beauty must be Yanming. Liao Baihe, the famous dragon fairy.

Xiao Yu didn't expect that the top three masters of the Shenlongzong would come to the registration place of Haichaoqu.


Xiao Yu grinned. He thought that there was nothing here that he could pay attention to, but now it seems that things have become much more interesting.

Liao Baihe looked at the faces full of admiration below, feeling extremely contemptuous in her heart.In her heart, apart from the top masters among the top ten forces and the rogue cultivators among the five records, there is no one worthy of her attention. Although there are many people here, their strengths are uneven. Qi, couldn't get into her eyes at all.

Their Shenlongzong chose Haichao Canal this time after careful consideration.They have already searched secretly, and the rest of the registration points have already been stopped by people from the other nine top forces. They want to find their own base, and this Haichao Canal registration point is the best choice.

The martial arts tournament promotes the competition mode, that is, each registration point will have a competition, and the top ten people in each registration point can participate in the second round of competition and continue to be eliminated.

The top ten top forces have reached a consensus, that is to occupy the registration points as much as possible.However, due to the small number of participants, the Xiaoyao Family and the Eastern Royal Family joined together to occupy the registration point of Qixing Mountain.

In this way, they have a great chance of being able to drag the battle of the young masters among the top ten top forces into the second round, which is the real lore battlefield, a strong fight.

The secret alliance of the top ten forces that does not require words can be regarded as a kind of sweeping of those ordinary forces. After all, not all cats and dogs can have the opportunity to enter the real battle.

Liao Baihe's beautiful eyes swept away, but she saw the curved corner of Xiao Yu's mouth, and her brow frowned slightly.

Xiao Yu's eyes did not have the kind of fiery look at her, but calm, but the smile on the corner of his mouth made her a little puzzled, it was a smile looking forward to his opponent.

Her eyes paused on Xiao Yu for a moment, and she became even more puzzled in her heart, Xiao Yu's strength was only at the first level of Yuanshen Realm.

"How could such a guy dare to come to the Martial Arts Conference and not be afraid of being trampled to death? And he laughed so annoyingly."

Liao Baihe just paid a little attention to Xiao Yu and then looked away. No matter how handsome Xiao Yu is, but the strength of the first level of Yuanshen Realm has already made her lose interest.

Gong Zizai, Li Yunlong, and Liao Baihe stayed in the air all the time and did not go down to the ground. In their minds, it would be humiliating to stand with these young and strong men who were not well-known.Xiao Yu started to approach the crowd, and they couldn't even notice him.Xiao Yu's advantage lies in his own concealment. With his strength at the first level of the Primordial Spirit Realm, others will not take him seriously at all.

"Hey, this kid at the first level of Yuanshen Realm actually came to participate in the Martial Arts Conference? How ridiculous!"

"Look, with such strength, you still want to fish in troubled waters in the Martial Arts Conference? You are looking for abuse!"


The young strong men around were pointing and pointing at Xiao Yu, with a hint of ridicule. After all, with Xiao Yu's strength at the first level of the Primordial Spirit Realm, it was really not enough, even the lowest level of the Martial Arts Conference. arrive.

Xiao Yu rubbed his nose, feeling a little embarrassed. When he was in the Shenwu Continent, everyone who saw his strength was extremely respected, but now he was changed to a different place, and he was ridiculed endlessly. This is a huge contrast. It really made him uncomfortable.

However, his determination is indescribable, and the taunts pouring in from all directions are just like a gust of wind, and he still stands in the crowd like a lonely gentleman, facing the surprised and contemptuous gazes, he just smiles Of.Perhaps not long after, those who had ridiculed him would be shocked.

"Why haven't the people from the Temple of Heaven and Earth come yet?"

Liao Baihe looked around, but didn't feel anyone approaching. He was a little surprised, the agreed registration time had come, but the person in charge of the Heaven and Earth Hall hadn't been seen for a long time.

"Don't worry, it's coming!"

Gong Zizai turned his eyes to Zhengbei, but he didn't notice that there was a person who was one step ahead of him and had already swept his peripheral vision to Zhengbei.

"Have the people from the Temple of Heaven and Earth come?"

Xiao Yu muttered to himself, he felt a tyrannical aura getting closer.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there would be so many people gathered this time. It's really a good thing, a good thing!"

Hearing this voice, Gong Zizai's complexion changed, and he said solemnly: "I didn't expect it to be him. It seems that every registration office in Tiandi Temple this time The people in charge are all first-rate masters who have dispatched the Temple of the Earth.”

"Oh?" Li Yunlong on the side asked in surprise, "Could it be one of the ten wonders of the underground palace?"

"Hmm!" Gong Zizai nodded and said, "Among the Ten Absolutes in the Temple of Earth, there is only one person with the most insolent personality. Hearing this voice, he must be Wu Tianyang, the 'Soul Slayer'."

"Soul Slayer!"

Liao Baihe whispered the name softly.What she likes to make friends with most is these top masters. No matter the younger generation or the older generation, as long as their strength is recognized by her, she will be very interested.

Sure enough, the person who came was already approaching. His face was rough, his eyes were like copper bells, he had the might of a tiger, his jaw was full of broken beards, a wine gourd was hanging on his waist, his clothes were not neat enough, he looked like a beggar.

"It's Wu Tianyang, the soul destroyer, one of the ten wonders of the underground hall."

Apart from Gong Zizai, there were also well-informed people present, and some people had already recognized this sloppy middle-aged man.

"Ten Wonders of the Temple of the Earth?"

This was the first time Xiao Yu heard of this title.

A young strong man with a proud face looked at the pairs of doubtful eyes around him, and suddenly felt that he was superior, and began to show off: "The ten masters of the earth palace, those are the ten top masters of the earth palace in the heaven and earth palace, Each of them has the strength of the peak of the Yuanshen Realm, and they can step into the super-spiritual realm like the Supreme in just one step."

Everyone knew it, but Xiao Yu was astonished.

"Each of these ten masters can compete with the leaders of the other nine major forces, and even win. No wonder the Heaven and Earth Palace can be ranked first. Only nine of them, this power alone is enough to restrain the rest. Nine strengths, not to mention the unfathomable Heavenly Palace?"

The closer he was to the Heaven and Earth Hall, the more Xiao Yu felt the horror of the Heaven and Earth Hall. It was a truly gigantic monster, so huge that it was almost unshakable.

(End of this chapter)

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