Chapter 760 Pathfinder
"Hello there!"

Xiao Yu nodded and smiled at Xie Qinxue, that unhurried look made Xie Qinxue secretly annoyed.

"This person's strength is not very good, and he still has such a big air!"

Xiao Yu didn't know that he had just met him not long ago, and he had already been put on such a big hat.

A group of people soon came to the gate of the ruins. Xie Bing walked forward first. When he approached the gate of the ruins, he obviously felt a strong resistance.


He snorted coldly, and pushed his palm forward, wanting to test against the resistance, he exerted his divine power to the extreme, but his palm only reached Zhang Xu forward, and it was difficult to penetrate further.

"What a strong barrier!"

Xie Bing was surprised. This relic had obviously been preserved for ten thousand years, maybe even longer. The barrier here should have been set up by the owner of the relic during his lifetime. After ten thousand years, such a powerful force still remained. How terrifying the owner of the ruins is.

Xiao Yu didn't even step forward, but he already felt the impenetrable force of obstruction. Xiao Yu had only seen one strong man in the ancient times, and that was General Lei.At that time, General Lei made him and Xiaoyao Yuntian suffer, if he hadn't awakened the skill of Thunder and Roaring Volibear at the last moment, Xiaoyao Yuntian could only let Xiaoyao Yuntian fight.

From General Lei, Xiao Yu could vaguely understand how terrifying the powerhouses in the ancient times were, and the heights reached by the peak powerhouses among them were even more unimaginable to him. Maybe even people like Juetian couldn't match In comparison, only Donghuang Taiyi, the ancient blood demon and other peak powerhouses in ancient times can compare with him.

"Brother Xie, what shall we do now?"

The young masters who gathered around saw that the gate was close at hand, and they couldn't wait any longer.

"Everyone, how about we gather our strength together and hit the barrier together?"

Xie Bing suggested, and as soon as he finished speaking, there were many responses.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, everyone, let's do it!"

Everyone lined up, and hundreds of divine powers spewed out and gathered in the sky. Xie Bing and Xie Qinxue also made moves, and a huge colorful palm appeared in the sky, which was as huge as a million feet. , That's really blocking out the sun.

Xiao Yu also felt a slight jump in his heart. Even if he wanted to follow up with the mighty hand formed by gathering the strength of everyone, it would be extremely difficult.

Xie Qinxue frowned when she saw Xiao Yu who was watching with her hands behind her back and had nothing to do with her.

"This guy, although he can't really help at the first level of the Yuanshen Realm, he really can't do anything!"

Xie Qinxue felt that Xiao Yu was really hateful.

Seeing Xie Qinxue's gaze, Xiao Yu touched his nose in embarrassment.It's not that he doesn't work hard, but he is not used to fighting with others. Since he became famous, he has never teamed up with others. Even that time in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, he and Xiaoyao Yuntian fought separately, which is not a real battle. team up.

"Everyone, let's attack the barrier together!"

Xie Bing shouted loudly, everyone responded in unison, and the terrifying giant hand in the sky that could instantly raze millions of feet of land to the ground took a picture of the ruins.


The giant hand fell, and the violent wind made the space extremely distorted. If it wasn't for the ten saints of the Temple of Heaven to keep the space stable in the dark, with this palm, the surrounding space would collapse completely, causing extreme mania. space turbulence.

With a loud noise, the raised hand seemed to have touched an invisible barrier and stopped in midair.The powerful cyclone swept straight away from the ground, blowing up countless layers of land and smashing them into fine powder.

"Everyone, let's work harder!"

With Xie Bing's loud shout, everyone exerted their strength suddenly, and the powerful force exploded.


There was a crisp sound, like glass shattering, and the supernatural hand was also shattered by the force of the shock at this moment.

Everyone was shocked and kept retreating, but their faces were full of joy.This powerful protective barrier was finally broken by them.


Xie Bing and Xie Qinxue looked at each other, the joy on their faces was hard to hide.The Xie family where the two of them belong is considered a first-class force in the sanctuary, but compared with the top ten top strengths, there is still some distance. They did not want to lose to any younger generation since they were young, so they have been working hard. Resources to improve oneself, just to fight smoothly with the top young generation among the top ten forces, so as not to fall into the name of the Xie family.If they can find something useful in this relic, they will have an extra reliance when they fight against the young masters among the top ten forces in the future.

"Everyone, the barrier has been broken, I think we can go in!"

After Xie Bing finished speaking to the ecstatic crowd, he took the lead in striding forward.When passing by Xiao Yu, he winked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu understands that Xie Bing wants him to stop and wait in place. Generally speaking, all ancient ruins will have certain protection projects to prevent outsiders from invading. Established protections do not necessarily fail.Xie Bing didn't let Xiao Yu follow because he was worried that Xiao Yu wouldn't be able to take care of himself in an emergency.

Xiao Yu was also very grateful to Xie Bing in his heart, even though he didn't need such concern.

"Based on this alone, you will definitely be one of the top ten players in this arena!"

Xiao Yu secretly thought in his heart, but Xie Bing didn't know that his own good intentions had already decided his own fate.

"Brother, be careful!"

After receiving Xie Bing's instructions, Xie Qinxue did not step forward, but she still reminded Xie Bing.

"Don't worry, if there is any problem, I will return it!"

Xie Bing nodded, he still has great confidence in his own strength.The rest of the young masters stood at the back, motionless. At this moment, human nature is selfish, and they are of course no exception. Although they worked together to break through the barrier a second ago, each of them knew very well that once they entered the ruins , They are opponents, they may be attacked suddenly by others at any time, and they will also wave their fists and weapons at the people around them at any time.

Some people even desperately hope that Xie Bing will be killed by the protection measures of the ruins. In this way, without the little king Xie Bing, they will have a better chance of getting good things.

Xiao Yu cast his eyes on the gate of the ruins, from top to bottom, he did not point to any place.

Xie Bing was already approaching the gate of the ruins. He stepped on every step very carefully, and his vigilance had been raised to the highest level. As long as there were few changes, he would be able to respond in time.

Finally, he came to the gate of the ruins, and through the thick stone gate, he could feel the quaint atmosphere coming from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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