Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 761 Breaking the Door

Chapter 761 Breaking the Door
Xie Bing stood in front of the gate of the ruins, his palms trembling uncontrollably. He didn't know what was behind the gate, but just the simple and leisurely atmosphere coming from behind it made his blood boil.

In the ancient ruins, there are generally specific treasures, and even extremely advanced martial arts. If you can get one of them, you can increase your strength by several steps. There used to be many masters because of the ancient ruins. Remnant and instant fame.

Once upon a time, the Xie family had a taste that their ancestors got the inheritance from the ancient strongman in an ancient relic. During that time, the Xie family also had the most first-class status in the sanctuary, compared to the Eastern Royal Family and the Xiaoyao Family. It is a pity that the inheritance obtained by the ancestor of the Xie family can only be used by himself and cannot be passed on to future generations, so the power of the Xie family has gradually declined, gradually falling behind the top ten top forces.

Xie Bing has always had a dream in his heart. He wants to lead the Xie family to the altar and become one of the top players. However, he only realized this dream after meeting those talented masters from the top forces. How out of reach.Although he is well-known among the younger generation, he is still far behind those on the list by more than 01:30 points.

He knew very well that even if he cultivated the Xie family's martial arts and martial arts to the extreme, it would be of no avail, and he would not be able to catch up with the top ten top forces.He came to this martial arts conference with a mentality of experience. He knew very well that if he wanted to fight against the top young masters trained by the top ten forces, he would definitely not be an opponent, and it would be impossible for him to win Yousheng, the powerful and unpredictable "Kaiyuan Broken Demon Hand" in the rumors is naturally missed.

Unexpectedly, the sudden change of the playing field made his mind active again.Since the establishment of the Tiandi Temple, the ancient battlefield in the sanctuary has been blocked by the top figures of the Tiandi Temple in the Tiandi Temple, and the rest have no way to enter, but it has been opened in the Martial Arts Conference. How can they not be excited?If it can be inherited in the ancient battlefield, then Xie Bing will have the capital to compete with the younger generation of masters among the top ten top forces. Perhaps because of this, he can bring the Xie family to the top.


Xie Bing calmed down the churning thoughts in his heart, and took a deep breath.

His hand slowly raised, touching the blue-black gate of the ruins.

Cold and hard!
This was Xie Bing's first feeling when he came into contact with the gate of the ruins. A sense of vicissitudes rushed to his face and spread throughout his body.

Xiao Yu stood not far from Xie Bing, his eyes kept scanning around the gate, but he didn't notice any dangerous aura.

Xie Qinxue stood beside Xiao Yu, staring at Xie Bing closely, fearing that something might happen suddenly.The greatest hope of the Xie family is Xie Bing. Even though Xie Qinxue is arrogant, he has to admit that his elder brother is really rare and outstanding, and she cannot compare to him.Because of this, Xie Bing is the last person in the entire Xie family who cannot have any accidents. He represents the top strength of the Xie family's new generation, and he bears the responsibility of the entire Xie family.

"Brother, be careful!"

Xie Qinxue couldn't help but reminded again.Xie Bing turned his head and smiled at Xie Qinxue, signaling her to rest assured.At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's shout, Xie Bing reacted immediately, he felt a strong wind blowing from the top of his head and from the bottom of his feet, and the sound of the breaking wind almost pierced his eardrums.

Xie Bing pressed his palm on the gate suddenly, and his figure floated backwards. Two cold lights directly penetrated his original position. The ghostly speed and tricky angle surprised everyone.

People with good eyesight have already seen that they are two extremely small needle-shaped hidden weapons.

Xie Bing retreated again and again, far away from the gate of the ruins, and stood in front of Xiao Yu and Xie Qinxue.

"Hidden weapons? Sure enough, there are organs in the ruins?"

Xie Bing frowned slightly, thinking secretly that it was very dangerous, he had just turned his head to Xie Qinxue with a smile, and was already distracted, in that situation, if Xiao Yu hadn't reminded him in time, whether he could escape the attack of the hidden weapon is still a question.

This needle-shaped concealed weapon, named "Dragon Needle", is extremely small and almost invisible to the naked eye, but it is made of the hardest material. When fired, it can have extremely powerful piercing force and extremely fast speed , if one is not careful, even a strong person in the primordial spirit state may be directly penetrated by him with divine power, piercing directly into the body.After the poisonous dragon needle enters the body, it will keep approaching the blood vessels in the human body, and finally turn into poisonous blood and blend with the blood, constantly destroying the functions of the human body and eroding the vitality of the human body. It can be called a truly vicious hidden weapon.This kind of hidden weapon has been lost until now, only in the ancient ruins.

Thinking of this, Xie Bing broke into a cold sweat again, he turned his head, clasped his fists at Xiao Yu and said, "Brother Xiao, thank you!"

This time he called Xiao Yu "Brother Xiao" instead of "Brother Xiao Yu", as if he had regarded Xiao Yu as an existence of the same level. over him.

"Brother Xie is serious!"

Xiao Yu shook his head with a smile. He also felt the approaching dangerous aura just now, so he spoke to remind him.Xie Qinxue also smiled at Xiao Yu, letting go of her prejudice against Xiao Yu a lot.

But neither of them ever thought about why Xiao Yu would sense the approaching danger one step ahead of them?
After Xie Bing thanked Xiao Yu, he cast his eyes on the gate again. This time, he didn't dare to approach it easily. The poisonous dragon needle is extremely vicious. If it invaded his body, his own life might be lost.The eyes of the people looking at the gate of the ruins also became extremely dignified. Fortunately, it was Xie Bing who went to explore the way just now, and he was able to come back without incident. If they were to go forward, they might not be able to escape successfully when the poisonous dragon needle came out. .

Although the relics are likely to hide endless treasures and wealth, they must be explored with a life. If one step is wrong, they may fall into a place of eternal doom. Although the relics are good, danger is everywhere.


Xie Bing snorted coldly, his eyes became colder, he stretched out his palm, divine power gushed out from his palm, turned into a big black hand, and directly bombarded it.


The gate trembled, and everyone could feel Xie Bing's powerful strength, and countless smoke and dust fell from the ruins.There are already cracks at the door.

"Break it for me!"

Xie Bing let out a low cry, the muscles on his palm twisted up, his palm turned into a fist, and he slammed out again.


The powerful divine power turned into a giant energy python, and the big tail swept out, only a loud noise was heard, and the solid and simple gate was directly shattered into countless pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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