Chapter 762 Silent Killing


The gate fell down at the sound, and Xie Bing's face was filled with chills. A small gate of the ruins couldn't stop him.Everyone showed excited expressions. The gate of the ruins is now broken. There should be nothing that can stop them from entering the ruins. They can't wait to enter and find out.

Xie Bing looked at the gate that had been destroyed by him, and wanted to enter directly, but Xiao Yu stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, the one who goes in the earliest may be the one who dies the fastest!"

Xie Bing turned his head to look at Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu's star-like eyes left a deep impression on him.For some reason, he firmly believed in Xiao Yu's words and stopped in his tracks.

Xie Qinxue looked bewildered, not knowing why Xiao Yu made such a statement.Xiao Yu looked at the crowd behind, with an inexplicable smile on his face, he said softly: "There will always be someone who can't help it, we don't need to be too impatient."

Xie Qinxue and Xie Bing also looked back, their eyes turned to Xiao Yu again, both felt a little shocked.Although Xiao Yu's strength is only at the first level of Yuanshen Realm, he doesn't seem to have the slightest twitch, and he looks like he is in control of the situation, and even feels a bit cunning.

"This guy, why does it feel so strange!"

Xie Qinxue thought to herself, she suddenly felt that she couldn't judge Xiao Yu with common sense.

Sure enough, there was already a lot of commotion among the crowd, Xie Bing was not a stupid person, he sat down cross-legged and didn't say a word.Xiao Yu and Xie Qinxue stood next to him, looking like they were protecting the Dharma.

"It seems that Xie Bing used too much power when he broke the door, and he is molesting now?"

Many people have this idea in their minds. In the face of the ancient ruins full of treasures, there are very few people who are not tempted. Xie Bing has already broken through the gate with all his strength, and now he is recovering. If they can take the first step , you will be able to have a greater chance of getting a good baby.

Several people couldn't bear it anymore, and the heat in their eyes had reached an unbearable level.

"Go, find baby!"

I don't know who yelled, a group of people rushed out suddenly, the sound of breaking through the air continued to resound, and one after another figure rushed straight into the gate of the ruins.Xiao Yu watched this scene with cold eyes. After all, apart from his relatives, friends and lovers, he was a cruel and ruthless person, so that these people had already rushed in, but he was still unmoved, and even felt a little turmoil in his heart. Neither rose.

The life and death of others really has nothing to do with him. Some people use them as pathfinding stones, and he is happy to be at ease. This is how this world is. People "swallow" and eliminate them, especially in the ancient battlefield. If you want to obtain treasures, you must have the awareness to face danger, and even lose your life.


About 20 people rushed into the gate, and the rest were still hesitating. Those who stayed were all shrewd people. They also knew very well that although the ruins are good, they need their lives to hunt for treasure. If they are reckless If you enter, what you get in exchange may not be a good end.

Sure enough, the more than 20 people who entered the ruins all uttered screams, which were creepy, and they didn't know what happened inside. They could only hear the sound of their bodies being torn apart. It seemed extremely harsh.

Xie Bing opened his eyes, isn't he a ruthless person?When dealing with strangers, he can also ignore life. After Xiao Yu's soft reminder just now, he has already made up his mind to use meditation to make some impatient people mistakenly think that he is adjusting his inner breath, so that they can go ahead Enter the ruins to see if there are other unknown dangers.

"help me!"

A hand protruded from the pitch-black space, and accompanied by the weak breathing and the terrified cry for help, everyone was startled, and Xiao Yu also frowned slightly. The shape suddenly shrank into the darkness, as if being dragged by something.


His desperate screams made everyone's hearts tremble, silent fear spread in the air, only the bloodstains that were dragged out were still shocking.

"In the end what happened?"

Xie Qinxue's pretty face was pale. Although she was regarded as a first-class player among the younger generation in the sanctuary, the girl's nature still existed, and she was born with a kind of fear in the face of such unknown things. More than 20 fresh lives entered it, but no one came out until now. After the screams, everyone was silent and never appeared again. Who can imagine how terrible killings have been experienced?If you saw it with your own eyes, would you be scared to death?

Xie Bing took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He is the future hope of the Xie family, and what he bears is the ups and downs of the entire Xie family. Now the opportunity is in front of him, even if there are many dangers, even surpassing his own. In anticipation, he doesn't want to give up, and he will never be reconciled if he doesn't really make a breakthrough.

"elder brother!"

Seeing that Xie Bing already had the intention of entering the ruins, Xie Qinxue couldn't help pulling him back, with a hint of fear in his eyes.He was worried that his elder brother would be like the person who entered the ruins just now.

"Xiaoxue, this relic is the first one we discovered. Although the ancient battlefield is vast and endless, there are not many relatively complete relics left behind. Judging by the completeness of this relic, there may be quite a few treasures left inside. If If I can really get what I need, then..."

Xie Bing didn't continue with the following words, but the frenzied light in his eyes already explained everything, and Xie Qinxue understood it in his heart.

"But... if you..."

Xie Qinxue didn't dare to say any more, the meaning was self-evident.In her heart, the life of the eldest brother is more important than the prosperity and decline of the Xie family.

"Little sister, don't say any more, and don't worry, if I feel something is wrong, I will definitely quit immediately!"

Xie Bing gave Xie Qinxue a comforting look, and was about to get up to enter, but Xie Qinxue grabbed him.

"Brother, I'll go with you, how can we two brothers and sisters be separated?"

"Little sister, you..."

Although Xie Bing was moved in his heart, he was somewhat reluctant. He didn't want his sister to go on adventures with him, so that even if something happened to him, there was still one person in the Xie family who could support the sky.

"I don't think you two need to be so pessimistic?"

At this moment, Xiao Yu's voice came over. He smiled and looked towards the end of the darkness. Xie Bing and Xie Qinxue read a kind of extremely strong self-confidence from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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