Chapter 773

The entire space was shaking violently, and the huge body of the giant lizard was completely shrouded in smoke and dust.Xiao Yu pressed down with one palm, but didn't stay too long, his body turned upside down, and the sole of his foot stomped on the back of the giant lizard again.


The giant lizard screamed in pain, and Xiao Yu soared into the sky, away from the billowing smoke that just spewed out from under the giant lizard.


Xiao Yu fell beside Xie Qinxue, Xie Qinxue looked at him blankly, unable to say a word, or rather, she didn't know what to say.

What happened in front of her eyes was really hard for her to accept.

"If you stand still so stupidly, I will still take care of you later!"

Xiao Yu turned his head and grinned, Xie Qinxue's mind was shocked even more by the evil smile.

"What kind of person is this?"

Xie Qinxue asked herself over and over again in her heart. When she met Xiao Yu earlier, although she was calm and composed, she definitely did not have this kind of power and influence. She even suspected that what Xiao Yu had always shown was Illusion.
In fact, Xiao Yu was also a little guilty, he had always been very weak in front of Xie Bing and Xie Qinxue.It is normal for Xie Qinxue to be unable to accept such a sudden display of such terrifying strength now.


At this moment, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air, Xiao Yu's heart moved, his palm rested on Xie Qinxue's bright wrist, and he led her to dodge to the side.

The pale yellow light beam swept across the sky, just like before, where the air and space it passed were all evaporated.Only then did Xie Qinxue come to her senses, and looked at Xiao Yu with some embarrassment.

"Have you been playing tricks on me?"

Xiao Yu was stunned, and then shook his head: "I never thought of playing tricks on you, it's just that I didn't have a chance to make a move."

He said this, perhaps even he himself did not believe it.Sure enough, Xie Qinxue's beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she said coldly: "No chance to make a move? When we encountered those wolf-like dog monsters at the gate before, why didn't you have a chance?"

Xiao Yu spread his hands, and said a little rascally: "It's not that I don't want to do it, but you said at that time, let me follow you, and you will solve it. How can I refuse your kindness?"

Xie Qinxue was so angry that she almost wanted to throw Xiao Yu out. At the same time, she felt ashamed and angry. At that time, she thought that Xiao Yu was weak and worried that Xiao Yu would be attacked by those wolf-like and dog-like monsters, so she asked him to follow behind her. Protect him, but who would have thought that this seemingly weakest guy would be the strongest in the team? Now that she thinks about it, she really wants to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.With my own strength, I'm afraid it's not enough for others to appreciate, and I even said that I want to protect others.

"Hmph, that's even the case, but what about before? When the giant monster bird appeared, why didn't you make a move? And let me be knocked unconscious by it?"

Xie Qinxue raised her brows upside down, as if she wanted to interrogate Xiao Yu to the end.

"This." Xiao Yu rubbed his nose and said in embarrassment, "At that time you told me to leave quickly, wasn't I wondering whether to leave or make a move?"


Xie Qinxue pointed at Xiao Yu, her eyes almost burst into flames, Xiao Yu made her angry today much more than she had in the past 20 years, it was really hateful.

"I'd better get rid of the big guy down there first!"

Xiao Yu didn't want to get entangled with Xie Qinxue on this matter anymore. Although the giant lizard below was severely injured by his palm, its vitality was beyond ordinary and powerful. It might not be much different from that giant strange bird. Then he felt that his aura showed signs of recovery, and the light yellow light beam just now was also emitted by him.


Xie Qinxue snorted, and then she focused on looking down. She knew that Xiao Yu had the strength to defeat this big guy, but she also had to guard against the sudden attack of this giant lizard.If the light yellow beam of domineering and erosive power was contaminated even a little bit, it would be extremely painful.


There was a strong smile on Xiao Yu's face, and his fingers suddenly closed together, turning into iron fists.


A move without any warning, Xiao Yu has appeared on the back of the giant lizard, the dark blue light flashing on the palm of his hand, driving a dangerous rhythm.

"Strength through the body, powerful punching, superposition!"

The powerful fist slammed down suddenly, only a shocking hiss was heard, Xiao Yu's fist sank directly into the flesh of the giant lizard's back as if there was no obstacle, and the place Xiao Yu hit was exactly The place where it emits a yellowish glow.

The tyrannical power directly poured into his body, rampaging in his body, wantonly destroying, Xiao Yu's powerful divine power seemed to have come to a paradise without restraint, and burst out the power that belonged to him to his heart's content.

Xie Qinxue was horrified by the sound of explosions coming from the giant lizard's body. She really didn't understand why Xiao Yu could produce such a powerful destructive force with one punch.The appearance of the giant lizard was like a huge "tank", fully armored and difficult to break through from the outside, but Xiao Yu completely tore up these defenses with just one punch.

"Breaking Fire!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered with brilliance, and with a swipe of his palm, a fireball emerged in his hand. The flames were brilliant in color, but in the depths of the flames, there were ashes and chaotic flames dancing.The fireball shot towards the giant lizard's head at an extremely fast speed, and the moment the fireball, which was less than a hundred meters in size, burst into contact with its head, it exploded suddenly.


The giant lizard's head was directly blown to pieces, and fiery air waves swept all around, turning the forest below into a sea of ​​flames.The huge body of the giant lizard collapsed, announcing that it had completely lost its life.Xiao Yu stepped on his back with his hands on his back, like an emperor who ruled the world, full of unconcealable demeanor.

Xie Qinxue's beautiful eyes widened, expressing incomparable horror at the scene in front of her.Although he knew that Xiao Yu had the strength to defeat this big guy, he never expected that the battle would end so quickly and Xiao Yu's moves would be so cruel.

"Who the hell is he?"

Xie Qinxue shook her red lips lightly, feeling a little awe towards Xiao Yu in her heart. This guy who is so handsome and harmless to humans and animals when he smiles is definitely far superior to their brothers and sisters. In this ancient battlefield, there may only be the three masters of the dragon He is qualified to be Xiao Yu's opponent.

Maybe... even the three gods and dragons couldn't stop the tough man in front of them.

Xiao Yu raised his head, nodded and smiled at Xie Qinxue, seeing that warm smile, Xie Qinxue felt extremely at ease, and the fear of this unknown space was gradually fading away.

(End of this chapter)

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