Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 774 An Ordinary Stone

Chapter 774 An Ordinary Stone

"Is it dead?"

Xie Qinxue stood high in the sky and asked a silly question.Even the head has exploded, and the blood in the body keeps gushing out, can you still not die?
Xiao Yu nodded slightly, the comfortable smile on his face was enough to melt the ice in anyone's heart.Xie Qinxue's figure slowly fell, and landed beside Xiao Yu like a feather.She stepped on the corpse of the giant lizard, and she had a special feeling.The gigantic monster that was alive and well just now turned into a slowly cooling corpse in just an instant.

She looked at the huge black and motionless monster under her feet, and gradually became fascinated.After a long time, she just came back to her senses and looked at Xiao Yu with complicated eyes.

"Xiao Yu, who are you?"

Xie Qinxue's eyes were burning, and she looked at Xiao Yu stubbornly.

Xiao Yu shook his head secretly in his heart, this Xie Qinxue was indeed inexperienced, if he was some villain with ulterior motives, if he heard her question, he might kill her directly.

Xiao Yu didn't avoid Xie Qinxue's gaze, and said frankly: "I don't have any special purpose, and I never thought of deliberately hiding it. Your evaluation of me comes entirely from your subjective assumptions, not from me. Said."

Xie Qinxue was suffocated. Indeed, what Xiao Yu said was not wrong at all. Their evaluation of Xiao Yu was completely misled by Xiao Yu's superficial first stage of Yuanshen Realm. They always thought that Xiao Yu was a weak person. Yu never took the initiative to say that his strength is not enough.

But even so, Xie Qinxue was still wary of Xiao Yu. She didn't know what she was afraid of. Every time she got close to Xiao Yu, she felt a heartbeat that she had never felt before.

Sensing Xie Qinxue's vigilant gaze, Xiao Yu said helplessly, "Miss Xie, I don't have any malicious intentions. Think about it, if I want to harm you, there will definitely be opportunities."

Xie Qinxue thought about it, it was indeed so. She was almost stuck in the tunnel by the hard wall before. If it wasn't for Xiao Yu's action, she would definitely die. Later, she encountered a giant strange bird No need to think about it, the mysterious person that Xiao Yu made up never existed at all, Xiao Yu still saved her, if Xiao Yu wanted to harm her, let alone before, even now, he can definitely do it easily.


Xie Qinxue snorted lightly, but did not answer, she was still angry at Xiao Yu's previous hiding.

Xiao Yu didn't want to force it either, he turned his eyes to the corpse of the giant lizard, and his heart moved slightly.The vital signs of the giant lizard have completely disappeared, but the powerful energy in its body has not dimmed at all, it is still so strong, which makes Xiao Yu more sure that there must be something unusual in its body.

Xie Qinxue's perception was not as sharp as Xiao Yu's, but at this moment, she also sensed something was wrong. There seemed to be something beating in the monster's body, which was very rhythmic.

Just this time, she became nervous again.

"What else is there in here?"

Xie Qinxue looked at Xiao Yu nervously. Although she somewhat rejected Xiao Yu, at the critical moment, she still thought of Xiao Yu.

"There is indeed something in it!" Xiao Yu smiled meaningfully, "Not only is there something, but it is also a good thing."

"good stuff?"

Xie Qinxue looked puzzled, and saw Xiao Yu stepping up to the spine of the monster's corpse.

"Strength through the body!"

Xiao Yu punched down, and his divine power spread directly through the giant lizard's body, until every part of this huge body was filled with his divine power.

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Yu let out a low cry, and the divine power that penetrated into it exploded suddenly.


There was a loud noise, Xie Qinxue exclaimed, the huge corpse of the giant lizard was directly turned into pieces of minced meat, flying in all directions, the broken internal organs and flesh and blood flew all over the sky, and the smell of blood rushed to the face, making me want to vomit.

Xie Qinxue was disgusted in her heart, but she was more amazed at Xiao Yu's use of power. She was sure that even if she had Xiao Yu's powerful power, she would never be able to kill this behemoth in an instant. The body was completely separated.

How did she know that Xiao Yu had already used this move flexibly. As early as five years ago, Xiao Yu had used this move in the hidden space jointly created by the four major hidden families in the Shenwu Continent. , then completely destroyed the stone platform that is difficult for ordinary people to destroy, and the energy body in it was also exposed to everyone's sight.

The only person who can do this is Xiao Yu. His penetrating power can directly infiltrate power into any substance.No matter how hard the substance is, it is also composed of tiny individuals. As long as he can disperse his own power into it, separate those individuals one by one, and when it erupts in an instant, he can make the object fall apart.


At the moment when the corpse of the giant lizard exploded, a golden light shot up into the sky, flying towards the sky at a speed that even Xie Qinxue couldn't match.


Xiao Yu had been prepared for a long time, and with a cold snort, his figure shot out, quickly approaching the yellow light.

"Stop for me!"

With a flash, Xiao Yu appeared in front of the yellow light, his palm suddenly protruded, and the tyrannical divine power turned into a dark blue cage, directly covering him in it.


Xiao Yu firmly grasped it in the palm of his hand, but it didn't seem to give up, still struggling violently, but no matter how it collided, it couldn't escape Xiao Yu's divine power blockade, and gradually, its struggle became weaker.

"Xiao Yu, what is this?"

Xie Qinxue finally caught up, looking at the intangible golden light in Xiao Yu's hand, she said curiously.

"I don't know what it is, but judging from the fluctuations it emits, it is very likely that this thing gave that big guy the ability to release erosive beams."

Xiao Yu lifted it above his head, the dazzling golden light made Xie Qinxue dizzy.Xiao Yu was also heartbroken. The object wrapped in this golden light had been exuding a very strong and domineering power of corrosion. If Xiao Yu's divine power hadn't been able to resist, he might have already given this thing to him directly. Throw it out.For others, this is really a hot potato.

The light gradually dissipated, and a stone-like object appeared in Xiao Yu's palm. It was unremarkable and covered in light gray. You can find hundreds of such things casually in the mountains.Xie Qinxue was really a little unbelievable, it was this thing emitting that strong light just now.

Xiao Yu's eyes fell on this ordinary stone, and his palm actually began to feel a trace of scorching heat, and the temperature was still rising.

(End of this chapter)

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