Chapter 788
The ice cubes melted, and the real body appeared. The huge body of Xuanshui Ice Dragon had nowhere to hide. It rolled and struggled in the flames, with a look of extreme horror in its eyes.Xiao Yu manipulated the Immortal Fire to press on his body, burning it continuously, making him completely powerless to resist.

Seeing Xuanshui Binglong screaming and struggling, but to no avail, Xie Qinxue felt a little unbearable.Even though the monster had killed them before, compassion was always a woman's nature.

Xie Bing was once again overwhelmed by Xiao Yu's cruel methods, and he also wanted to be as fearless as Xiao Yu when dealing with the enemy, and he could defeat the enemy with a snap of his fingers.

The Xuanshui Ice Dragon gradually turned into a puddle of clear water under the burning of the Immortal Fire, and its mournful howl had long since disappeared.For a moment, strange beads emerged from the melted body of Xuanshui Binglong.


Xiao Yu frowned, waved his palm, and retracted the Immortal Fire.

The crystal clear bead was suspended in the air, emitting a faint light, Xiao Yu took a step forward and grabbed it in the palm of his hand.

A trace of chill seeped into Xiao Yu's palm, and after feeling the almost violent flame fluctuations in Xiao Yu's body, the orb immediately gave up resistance and became extremely docile.

"Another good thing!"

Xiao Yu smiled. These few fights were not in vain. Before, he got a strange stone with strong and corrosive power, and now he got a cold bead.

He walked up to Xie Qinxue and Xie Bing, spread his palms and said, "Are you interested in this thing? If so, then take it!"

Xie Bing and Xie Qinxue were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect that Xiao Yu would be willing to share with them, or even give them as a gift, what Xiao Yu got from defeating the monster.

Looking at Xiao Yu's sincere eyes, they were shocked.Although Xiao Yu is extremely powerful, he doesn't have the domineering and superior appearance of others.In Xie Bing's impression, among the top young people in Sanctuary, only Xiaoyao Yuntian from Xiaoyao's family has a similar bearing to Xiao Yu.

Looking at the round bead exuding faint brilliance in Xiao Yu's hand, Xie Bing was extremely excited.For him, this is naturally an extremely rare treasure, but the monster was killed by Xiao Yu, so how ironic would it be for him to take something from Xiao Yu's hands?

Xie Qinxue glanced at Xie Bing and then at Xiao Yu, feeling that the atmosphere was a bit strange.She knew that the bead was a rare treasure, but she was not very interested in it.

"Brother Xiao, this is the result of your labor, and we, brother and sister, will never want it!"

Xie Bing gritted his teeth and finally spoke his mind.

"A gain from labor?"

Xiao Yu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled randomly.He killed the Xuanshui Ice Dragon and obtained this bead. In Xie Bing's view, it was the result of hard work.

"Brother Xie, you are my friend. It is not a big deal for me to give you this bead. Why do you have to take it so seriously?"

Xiao Yu took out another strange stone from his bosom, put the two treasures together, one was crystal clear, the other was rough and ugly, forming a stark contrast.

"How about this, Brother Xie, how about you choose one of these two?"

Xiao Yu has never been stingy with his friends. These things seem extremely precious in the eyes of others, but in his opinion, if he wants to get them, he only needs to enter another relic.With the strength in your body, you are not afraid of not being able to find your treasure.

From the first moment he saw Xie Bing, Xiao Yu knew that Xie Bing was a man with great ambitions, he needed external help, and since he was sensitive, he was not from the Sanctuary, so he was not sure if he could help him.Giving him a treasure now can be regarded as doing my part.

"Brother Xiao, this is impossible!"

Xie Bing waved his hands again and again. Although he knew that he needed such offensive treasures to improve his combat effectiveness, he didn't want Xiao Yu's booty to become his wedding dress.

"Brother Xie, those who achieve great things don't care about small things. If you want to do what you want, this baby is very important to you."

Xiao Yu didn't withdraw his hand, but said lightly.He knows that Xie Bing is a person who values ​​love and righteousness and knows how to advance and retreat, so the other party will become friends with him. Xie Bing still can't overcome the hurdle in his heart. He must let him understand that in this world, there is only one chance , and if missed, it will likely never appear again.


Xie Bing knew what Xiao Yu said was right, but he still felt that he should not take away Xiao Yu's spoils.

"Okay, don't say so much, we still need to hurry!" Xiao Yu directly stuffed the bead with corrosive power into Xie Bing's hand, "This thing will release extremely powerful corrosive power, you Its attack power is infinitely close to that of the ninth level of the primordial spirit realm, if you can bring the effect of this thing when attacking, even the real ninth level of the primordial spirit realm will have to back away, I think it is very suitable for you."

What Xiao Yu said is indeed true. The martial arts Xie Bing cultivates are all biased towards attacking. He wirelessly strengthens his attack power. This stone with corrosive power can give Xie Bing even stronger destructive power. It can be said to be Like a tiger with wings added.

He wasn't worried at all that this thing would backlash against Xie Bing, he had already completely wiped out the stone's resistance with the Immortal Flame before, and now it is like a newborn baby, whoever gets it can control it.

"Thank you brother Xiao!"

After Xie Bing finished speaking, he wanted to bow down to Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu held him with one hand and forcibly pulled him up, already showing displeasure on his face.

"I told you, we are friends!"

Although Xiao Yu's tone was somewhat displeased, Xie Bing was delighted in his heart. Xiao Yu's words proved that he had regarded himself as a true friend.

"Yes, we are friends!"

Standing up, Xie Bing nodded his head heavily. At this moment, he really let go of the gap between himself and Xiao Yu, pure heart-to-heart.

Looking at this scene, Xie Qinxue was deeply relieved, not to mention anything else, just Xiao Yu's strength is amazing, in her opinion, even her father may not be able to match Xiao Yu's strength. feather.Xie Bing and Xiao Yu became friends, so she, as a younger sister, was naturally willing.

She recalled the scene when she was alone with Xiao Yu, being held in his arms by Xiao Yu, and her face blushed suddenly.

"We should go, I think the deepest part of this ruins should be reached!"

Xiao Yu raised his head and looked towards the sky. In this ancient ruin, it seemed that the only way out was the sky for every space he went to.

The three of them soared into the sky and rushed towards the next unknown space.

"Hey!" The Heavenly Flame Saint had a panoramic view of Xiao Yu's performance, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. If Wu Tianyang, the soul destroyer, was here, he would be stunned.

His master, but never showed him such a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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