Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 789 The Hand of Dragon Power

Chapter 789 The Hand of Dragon Power
"This little boy really surprised me. He is only at the first level of the Yuanshen Realm, but he can defeat these monsters whose strength is comparable to the ninth level of the Yuanshen Realm. He also has a powerful flame that I don't know about, and even the Xuanshui Ice Dragon This kind of ancient beast is not his opponent, it is really interesting."

The smile on the corner of Tianyan Saint's mouth faded away, and he regained that ancient well-smooth face again.

"I don't know how you compare with those guys?"

Who are the "those guys" in the mouth of the Tianyan Saint?But there is no way of knowing.

In the desert of the Primordial Battlefield, strong winds howled.Occasionally, some sandy ground was blown away, exposing sections of white bones.These are the corpses left by those powerful people in the ancient battlefield. They are powerful and their bones are also very strong. After going through such years, they can still maintain immortality.

This sandy land was originally one of the places where the fighting was most intense in the ancient battlefield, otherwise it would not have allowed the hundreds of thousands of miles around to be reduced to a sandy land.

In the depths of the desert, the crowds gathered here still haven't dispersed. Although they couldn't enter it, they still didn't give up. They were waiting for a miracle to happen. Those who rushed towards the black hole were blocked one by one, but it didn't happen at all. Does not prevent them from trying again.

The rest of those who don't try are also waiting here, hoping that those who enter it can bring out something good, even if they don't get it, it's a good thing to see it.There are even some people who have already put on the stage and started thinking about other people's dances.

Underneath the bunkers that formed the skulls was an extremely ancient palace.After the three masters of the Shenlong and the muscular monk from Fanyin Valley entered it, they saw the huge building in front of them.

"Vampire Palace?"

Hanging on the huge palace is a huge plaque with four big bloody characters on it, which looks gloomy.

"Hey, I didn't expect the three of you to move so fast!"

The muscular monk was the last one to arrive. He looked at the three gods and dragons who stopped in front of him and said with a grin.His voice is simple and honest, but if he fights, it will be an eye-opener.

"Muscle Monk, you also followed?" Li Yunlong smiled, "Indeed, apart from the three of us, the contestants at the Haichao Canal competition point, you are the only one who can resist the wind to prevent you from entering here."

The muscular monk laughed, but he didn't pay much attention to Li Yunlong. He came to Liao Baihe in a flash, and said with a playful smile: "Fairy Baihe, long time no see, do you still remember me?"

Liao Baihe's face was still indifferent, she nodded lightly, and never looked at Muscular Monk again.

The muscular monk didn't feel any displeasure, he laughed and stood beside Liao Baihe.Although he was called a monk, it was only because of his appearance. He was a normal, vigorous man, and he had naturally fallen in love with a beauty and fairy like Liao Baihe for a long time.

Seeing the muscular monk's behavior, Li Yunlong's eyes showed a trace of sullenness, but he never showed any anger. He has liked Liao Baihe for a long time, but Liao Baihe has always been extremely indifferent to everyone, even when facing him, the so-called senior brother, he has never shown any signs of anger. He was too enthusiastic, and he never dared to show his feelings, for fear of being rejected.

With great difficulty, he just moved his eyes away from Liao Baihe's flawless and beautiful face, and forcibly suppressed the emotions in his heart.

Gong Zizai didn't seem to be here when the muscular monk arrived. He glanced at the huge palace and started to walk forward.

Liao Baihe wanted to stop her, but she didn't know what to say.For some reason, every time she took a step closer to this underground palace, she felt a stronger sense of crisis in her heart.This sense of crisis came very inexplicably, even she herself didn't know why.

"Why exactly?"

She frowned slightly, and when she looked up, Gong Zizai had already stepped on the stairs leading to the underground palace.

Seeing this, Li Yunlong and Liao Baihe followed, and the muscular monk still had a playful smile on his face, following beside Liao Baihe.

The four climbed up nine hundred and ninety-nine steps and stood in front of this huge underground palace.

The height of the majestic building can only be looked up at, and even the top masters of the younger generation of the four sanctuaries have to admit that this is really a big deal.

"Vampire Palace, I really want to know why there is such a powerful spiritual power coming out of it!"

Gong Zizai whispered softly, staring unblinkingly at the gate of the underground palace in front of him, with a burning heat beating in his chest.

Liao Baihe, Li Yunlong, and the muscular monk were also very curious. There must be countless rare treasures in such a majestic building.

"Tianyan, those four kids are really starting to approach the palace of the Blood Ghost King. Are we really going to do nothing?"

In the heavenly temple, the old man with ice crystals on his beard and hair looked at the flame-haired Saint Tianyan and said in a deep voice.

Sage Tianyan shook his head lightly: "As I said before, we can't pay attention to the things involved. Once we enter the competition field, life and death will depend on fate. We can't break the rules! Shuiyue, we don't need anything!" Just look at it."

There was a trace of worry in the eyes of the Shuiyue Saint.

"The blood ghost king was a truly notorious peak powerhouse in the ancient times. His methods were weird and cruel, and he acted unscrupulously. Moreover... the blood ghost palace is his tomb!"

Sage Shuiyue sighed, with an unconcealable chill in his tone.

For people of their generation, the blood ghost king's vicious reputation can really stop children from crying at night.

"Hey, why don't I know?" Tianyan Saint glanced at the saints around him who were looking at him, and continued, "Everything has its own destiny, and we are now standing on the commanding heights of the sanctuary. Still can't see through?"

As soon as Saint Tianyan said this, the rest of the people nodded silently and closed their eyes again, even Shuiyue who spoke before remained silent.

The Temple of Heaven returned to its previous calmness, and there was a gleam of divine light in the eyes of the Saint of Heavenly Flame. Some things could no longer be prevented from happening.

Outside the blood ghost palace, Gong Zizai and others are already planning to enter.

"Back off!"

Gong Zizai waved to the three of them, and Li Yunlong, Muscular Monk, and Liao Baihe all stood aside.Gong Zizai has practiced the supreme skill of the Shenlongzong "Dragon Power Hand" for many years, and he has already perfected it.The so-called hand of dragon power is to expand the power of the arm infinitely, just like the power of a giant dragon. It is not difficult to move a big mountain with this stunt, let alone this small gate of the underground palace?
Gong Zizai pressed both hands on the gate of the underground palace, but he didn't realize that the moment his palms touched the gate, a tiny gem at the top of the gate of the underground palace gave off a faint light.

(End of this chapter)

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