Chapter 79 The Past Emerges

"Brother, I don't know what enmity Brother Qingfeng has with you. Are you going to kill him?"

Xie Jingchen's tone was already hinting that he was not kind. The Duanyun faction and the Tianyun Academy were allies in this trip. Xiao Yu's move was undoubtedly on the opposite side of him. In his view, Xiao Yu was an enemy rather than a friend, but let him What was surprising was why the members of Duanyun faction were all standing behind Xiao Yu, as if they were in the same group.

"He has a deep hatred with me, and it can't be washed away without blood!"

Xiao Yu's cold voice was devoid of any emotion, as if he was talking about a trivial matter. ,

Ao Zixuan frowned slightly, thinking to herself: "This person is so bloodthirsty, but his strength is so strong, it is really troublesome!"

Ao Zixuan felt rather strange in her heart, Xiao Yu always made her feel familiar and close, just like that guy gave her the same feeling, but his appearance was different from that guy.Her thoughts couldn't help but fly back to when she was five years old.

At that time, the sun was shining brightly, and as the little princess of the empire, she was accompanied by a bunch of guards every day, which was really annoying to watch.She is playful by nature, but the emperor of the empire does not allow her to wander around and let the accompanying guards control her range of action, so she can only stay in the palace every day, and can only go around the few palaces that are boring to see. medium view.Finally, one day, because a big man came to the palace, the emperor held a banquet to welcome him, and the guards were blessed by this, allowing them to go and have a look at this person's demeanor. slipped out of the palace through a secret passage discovered in the

But she didn't know that this secret passage was left by a treasure thief and stranger back then, and it led directly to the mass grave outside the imperial city.Mass burial mounds are cemeteries everywhere, where people in the capital of the empire are proudly buried after death. When Ao Zixuan climbed out of the secret passage, she felt that everything around her was extremely novel. After walking for a while, she suddenly found that everything around her was It is a piece of tombstone.Although she is young, she has read a lot of books and knows about tombstones naturally. She can't help but feel scared at the moment. It's dark now, and there is no one around her. She wants to go back the same way, but finds that there is no one there. There was a secret passage, and she was so frightened that she was at a loss and burst into tears.

Unexpectedly, instead of attracting people, her crying attracted a hungry wolf.This is a wolf with a strange appearance, his teeth are also very strange, they are crescent-shaped, and a pair of green eyes are staring at the young Ao Zixuan.It is a first-order high-level spirit beast, the Cang Yue Wolf.

She was stunned for a moment, and then she knew what was in front of her eyes.She turned around and wanted to run, but she only took two steps in a panic before falling to the ground.As soon as the Cang Yue wolf pounced on it, it bit down with its big mouth. She was so frightened that she closed her eyes and waited quietly to die. Who knew that she didn't feel any pain in her body after waiting for a long time. She mustered up the courage to open her eyes, But she found a small figure standing in front of her, hugging the Cang Yue Wolf's neck.

"Hey, are you okay?"

This is a little boy, he grinned innocently and kindly, somehow, Ao Zixuan also smiled foolishly at him, completely forgetting about the danger now.


Suddenly the little boy let out a cry of pain and let go of his hand. It turned out that when he was distracted from speaking, the Cang Yue Wolf suddenly turned his head and bit his arm, but he reacted very quickly and quickly withdrew his hand, but Cang Yue Wolf's crescent-shaped The teeth still scratched his wrist, leaving a crescent-shaped scar on the wrist, and blood flowed out immediately.


Ao Zixuan exclaimed, but the little boy didn't care about the pain at all, with a confident light on his face, he greeted the Cang Yue Wolf with a pair of small fists, which made the Cang Yue Wolf scream, In the end, Cang Yue Wolf turned around and ran into the darkness, but was never seen again.

The little boy beat Cang Yuelang away, turned his head and smiled at Ao Zixuan, and stretched out his little hand.Ao Zixuan was also delicate and cute, she grabbed the little boy's hand, and the two pink and tender children held hands together.

The little boy pulled Ao Zixuan up, and said loudly: "My name is Xiao Yu, what's your name!"

Ao Zixuan flashed her lovely big eyes, and replied: "My name is Ao Zixuan!"

Later Ao Zixuan went back to the capital with Xiao Yu, and the emperor's people immediately brought Ao Zixuan back to the palace, and then Ao Zixuan found out that the little boy Xiao Yu was the second young master of the Xiao family. From then on, Ao Zixuan would often go to Xiao's house to play with Xiao Yu, and the two were inseparable, they were childhood sweethearts.

Ao Zixuan broke away from the memory, and fell into the memory again, but a trace of pain appeared on her face.That was when Xiao Yu was eight years old. When she was seven years old, one day she went to Xiao Yu's house to look for Xiao Yu, but she heard from Xiao Yu's family that Xiao Yu was injured and could not see guests.She thought it was because Xiao Yu stopped playing with her, and the boss was upset, so he went back to the palace with his mouth pouting, and was depressed for a while.

After more than a month, she met Xiao Yu by chance on the street, but found that Xiao Yu seemed to be a different person, wantonly bullying innocent people, touching little girls' buttocks in the street, she went to question Xiao Yu in anger, but Xiao Yu didn't Knowing her, she not only scolded her, but also told her to go away. After that, she swore that she would never pay attention to Xiao Yu again. She was so angry that she cried all day and night in the palace, which frightened the emperor.

It was later that Ao Zixuan learned from the emperor that Xiao Yu was attacked by gangsters, resulting in amnesia and her personality changed drastically. Only then did she know that he had misunderstood Xiao Yu, but the emperor told her not to talk about it casually.She knew what happened to Xiao Yu, so she started to look for him at Xiao Yu's house again, but Xiao Yu always subconsciously rejected her.

In fact, although Xiao Yu lost his memory at that time, he had a very deep impression on Ao Zixuan. Subconsciously, he didn't want Ao Zixuan to get close to him now. This is really an extremely contradictory idea, but Ao Zixuan But don't know.

Later, when the two grew up, Ao Zixuan became more and more famous because of her outstanding talent and beauty, but Xiao Yu really became an ignorant, useless playboy.But Ao Zixuan never gave up on him, hoping that one day the Xiao Yu she knew would come back.When Xiao Yu did bad things, Ao Zixuan would stop him, if Xiao Yu offended someone stronger than him, Ao Zixuan would also help him, it can be said that she really cared for him in every possible way.However, this matter is extremely secretive, and perhaps less than ten people know about it.

Four years ago Xiao Yu's father, Xiao Haoyun, died of serious injuries. Ao Zixuan wanted to comfort Xiao Yu, but found that Xiao Yu had disappeared, no matter how hard he searched, there was no trace of him.She didn't give up, she has been looking for it for five years.

Ao Zixuan broke away from the memory, and sighed in her heart.

"Am I going to never find him again?"

(End of this chapter)

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