Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 80 Xiao Yu's Deduction

Chapter 80 Xiao Yu's Deduction

Xiao Yu's answer without a trace of emotion caught Xie Jingchen by surprise. He thought Xiao Yu would at least explain the enmity between the two, but Xiao Yu was so simple and clear.

"You can't wash without blood!"

Yes, these five simple words, this is Xiao Yu's reason for killing Li Qingfeng, although it is simple, it is impossible to refute.Xie Jingchen didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

He glanced at the people from the Bloodthirsty Sect, and thought to himself: "At this moment, the people from the Bloodthirsty Sect are still eyeing it. This Xiao Yu can kill Li Qingfeng, and his strength must not be underestimated. There is no need to make a mess for Li Qingfeng now. The enemy is coming."

"Since that's the case, it's justifiable for you to kill him. It's inconvenient for me to intervene in your own private affairs."

Xie Jingchen regained his previous calm expression, but he was thinking about something again, this Ao Zixuan is usually very cold and arrogant, and has never put any man in his eyes, this is also the reason why he is obsessed with Ao Zixuan , but just now Ao Zixuan lost his composure when he heard the name "Xiao Yu", which made him think a lot.

"Who is this Xiao Yu? He can make Zixuan so interested."

Xie Jingchen didn't know about the relationship between Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan for so many years, and he had never even heard of Xiao Yu's name. Although they all lived together in the imperial capital, Xiao Yu was a contemptuous person at that time. The dude is so different from Xie Jingchen and others, how can he pay attention to a waste?

"Ao Zixuan's strength is probably on par with this Xie Jingchen, but Li Qingfeng is weaker than the two of them. Sure enough, the younger generation of Tianyun Academy is stronger than Duanyun."

Xiao Yu looked around and found nothing strange, so he sensed Ao Zixuan's aura.

"Xiao Yu, where do you live?"

Ao Zixuan always felt that Xiao Yu gave her a very familiar feeling. Although Xiao Yu's face was cold, she could feel the characteristics of Xiao Yu from her heart, which was very similar to Xiao Yu before the age of eight.

Ao Zixuan had already decided in her heart that this Xiao Yu was not the Xiao Yu he knew, but she still couldn't help asking again: "Xiao Yu, where do you live?"

Xiao Yu took a look at Ao Zixuan, and said coldly: "No matter what you say, you, Ao Zixuan, are the princess of the empire. Don't you think it's inappropriate to ask a man's information so abruptly?"


Ao Zixuan immediately blushed, since she grew up, no one of the same age had ever rejected her, and no one of the same age had dared to be so powerless against her, except for the Xiao Yu in front of her and the Xiao Yu she knew.

""Brother Xiao, your words are too much, right? "

Xie Jingchen's face was a little unsightly, Ao Zixuan asked Xiao Yu's hometown in front of everyone, which already made him feel uncomfortable, but Xiao Yu was still so arrogant, which annoyed him even more.He usually wants to say a few words to Ao Zixuan, and Ao Zixuan may not be feasible, but Xiao Yu doesn't take it seriously when he gets this honor.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly and didn't answer. Normally, he would have retorted, but this Xie Jingchen gave him a good feeling. Although he was a little less generous, he was not a hypocrite like Li Qingfeng. He felt proud in his heart. It is a good choice for Zixuan and Xie Jingchen to be together.

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop arguing, why bother to hurt your peace over a small matter?"

Lin Qingbing hurriedly came out to smooth things over, Xie Jingchen saw Lin Qingbing's face, and did not pursue him any longer, but Ao Zixuan was annoyed.

"This Xiao Yu is just as bad as that guy."

Ao Zixuan said angrily in her heart, but she didn't know that this Xiao Yu was the same person as the Xiao Yu she knew.


At this moment, the space here suddenly trembled suddenly, and there was a loud noise at the top of the space, and a space channel of more than ten feet appeared.

"Clap clap clap!"

Black shadows appeared in the space channel and fell straight to the ground.At this moment, no matter it was the Duanyun Sect, the Tianyun Academy or the Bloodthirsty Sect, they all stared at the falling objects without blinking, their eyes were full of surprise, and even the leader of the Bloodthirsty Sect was shocked.

Xiao Yu looked at this scene with gloomy eyes, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger. These falling objects were nothing but corpses, including monsters, humans, and spirit beasts. .If only this was the case, it was not enough to surprise Xiao Yu. The most strange thing was that these corpses were the ones they had seen before.

"Ah! Are you from Tianzong?"

The members of the bloodthirsty gate looked at the fallen corpses of the 15 members of Tianzong with their eyes wide open. Even the person headed by them could not maintain a calm appearance. He knew the strength of Tianzong's first son, the emperor. , compared to him is only a little weaker, but died in this battle emperor's domain.

"Who killed them? If they were able to kill all the fifteen sons of Tianzong in one fell swoop, we might not be spared if the target was changed."

There was a layer of cold sweat on his back, as if there was an unimaginable enemy in this space.

"It's from our school!"

Suddenly Xie Jingchen widened his eyes, looked at the falling corpses and exclaimed, these corpses were all wearing the same clothes, and they were all from Tianyun Academy, that is, they were with Xiao Yu and his party before ten The group of people who had parted ways in the hall of the six golden statues turned into lifeless corpses at this moment.

"It's all our fault, we gave them the signal, but failed to turn around to meet them!"

There was a look of self-blame in Ao Zixuan's eyes, so many students from the same school died tragically, she felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

Xiao Yu's heart moved when he heard Ao Zixuan's words, and he asked Xie Jingchen: "It seems that you have sent them a signal? Are you telling them to choose the path to the left of the sixteen-gold statue?"

Xie Jingchen felt a little sad at the moment, and subconsciously replied to Xiao Yu's question: "Yes, we told them before that they should go to the left when they encounter a fork in the road."

"Oh?" Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, "Why are you so sure you are going left?"

"You seem to be very interested in this? Now that so many people have died, what's the use of talking about it, their lives can't be saved."

There was some anger in Xie Jingchen's voice, he didn't understand why Xiao Yu insisted on this issue, it was obviously to expose the scars of their group of Tianyun General Academy.

"I ask this question, it's true that it won't save their lives, but I think it's crucial to our lives."

Xiao Yu's tone was dignified, and the entire Duanyun faction was shocked. They knew Xiao Yu well, and he would never say anything that was groundless.

"Our fate? What do you mean?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu took a look at Xie Jingchen and Ao Zixuan, and slowly said: "If my prediction is correct, someone must have told you before you came to take the road on the left after passing the Sixteenth Golden Statue, right?"

As soon as Xiao Yu said this, Xie Jingchen and Ao Zixuan looked at each other at the same time, and they could see disbelief in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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