Chapter 81
"how do you know?"

Xie Jingchen and Ao Zixuan asked in unison.

Xiao Yu didn't feel complacent because he guessed right, instead his expression became more gloomy. Now he can be sure that this trip to the Death Canyon is definitely a conspiracy that has been brewing for a long time, and the safety of his and others' lives is by no means optimistic.

"You better tell me the details!"

Seeing Xiao Yu's serious expression, Xie Jingchen and Ao Zixuan did not seem to be alarmist, so they told what happened.

It turned out that an elder in their college gave each of them a map, and told them to take the road on the left when they lived sixteen gold statues.

"An elder? Could it be Li Guoxiong?"

Xiao Yu vetoed this idea as soon as he came up with it. Li Guoxiong is the elder of Duanyun Sect's sect, and he may have a pivotal position in the main sect, but it is absolutely impossible to extend his hand to Tianyun College. That elder must be People from Tianyun Academy.

"Is it the same map as this one?"

Xiao Yu stretched out his hand to Lin Qingbing, and Lin Qingbing very cooperatively handed him the map.

"What? Why are they exactly the same?"

Ao Zixuan and Xie Jingchen were even more surprised.

"It seems that what I think is right. Our operation this time has been planned, and even the route is controlled by people."

Xiao Yu sneered, his eyes flickered with coldness, he never expected that he would be plotted by others just after he came out of the mountain.

"Planning? You mean our trip was planned?"

None of the people present were stupid, they had already comprehended what Xiao Yu meant by what he said.

Xiao Yu nodded and didn't answer again. He began to sort out all these things in his mind, trying to connect them together.

"Before entering the realm of the Emperor of War, everything was normal, but after entering the realm of the Emperor of War, one thing began to go out of control, the killing mechanism, the bloodthirsty monsters, all of these are for death. The people of Tianyun Academy left, The Duanyun sect went to the right, which would kill people on the left and right roads, but now this place is full of dead bodies, and the bodies of people or monsters who died before were also sent here, as if for some kind of event .And the launch of this activity seems to require our entry, so what exactly do we need to do?"

Xiao Yu still couldn't figure this out.

"Now it seems that Li Guoxiong and the elder Xie Jingchen mentioned are undoubtedly accomplices. They have only one purpose, which is to let us part ways in the Warlord Domain."

Everyone saw Xiao Yu nodded, but shook his head again, wondering what he was thinking.

"Xiao Yu, what did you think of?"

Lin Qingbing asked.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, his eyes swept across the fresh corpses that were sent over, and suddenly his eyes became fixed.

"Could it be for fresh corpses? Or to increase the number of corpses here?"

Thinking of this terrible possibility, even Xiao Yu felt a little terrified. What kind of conspiracy is this?
"Xiao Yu, you..."

Lin Qingbing wanted to ask something else, but suddenly the hall trembled again, and the corpses in the center rolled towards the surroundings, and the center gradually turned into an open space, but the ground was still dripping with blood.

"Everyone be careful!"

Xie Jingchen reacted quickly enough and immediately reminded everyone.


The ground in the center suddenly bulged, forming a rectangular groove. Everyone was surprised to find that the surrounding corpses were gradually drying up, and streams of blood were drawn from the corpses and gathered in the rectangular depression. The corpses on the ground turned into bloodless mummy, all the viscous blood on the ground disappeared, and a pool of blood was formed in the huge rectangular groove.

"how so!"

Everyone turned pale with fright. The group of Bloodthirsty Sect was closer to the center. Seeing this scene, they hurriedly retreated away from the pool of blood.

From the pool of blood came bursts of painful murmurs, like hell hungry ghosts chasing their souls for their lives.Except for Xiao Yu and a few others, everyone's face turned pale with fright, and they kept shrinking back.

"What a strong blood!"

Xiao Yu looked at the blood pool with an incomparably dignified expression. There was an extremely powerful energy fluctuation coming from the blood pool.


A golden light suddenly shot out from the pool of blood, soaring straight into the sky, even the ceiling of this space was pierced by it, everyone felt that the golden light was very familiar.

"Ah! This is the golden light we saw before. Could it be that this is where the strange treasure is?"

One of the people from the Tianyun General Academy exclaimed.

"This is the destination of the Warlord Domain, and it must be the place where the rare treasures are located. It seems that we have come to the right place!"

One of the members of the Bloodthirsty Sect also grinned, with undisguised complacency in his tone.

Xiao Yu looked at the bright golden light soaring into the sky, and remained silent. He always felt that there was something wrong with the golden light.


The blood in the blood pool exploded, and under the golden light, a blood-colored long knife rose slowly and appeared in everyone's sight.Although the knife is blood-colored, the blade is emitting a dazzling golden glow.


Almost everyone gave a low shout in their hearts, and their eyes shot extremely fiery.This knife is full of power and power, and its divine light is shining. It is definitely an extremely powerful weapon, and it may even be a legendary artifact.


The figures of Xie Jingchen and Ao Zixuan rushed out at the same time, at the same time the leader of the bloodthirsty sect and the person beside him also flew up together, and they all went towards the bloody long knife.


The two parties had already sensed the approach of the other party, snorted coldly at each other, and waved their palms far away before meeting each other.

The four palm prints whizzed towards each other, and two by two connected, causing all the withered corpses around to fly in all directions, and the enclosed space created a turbulent current, which made people's hair flutter.

Xie Jingchen and Ao Zixuan were shocked and stopped. The two people from the bloodthirsty sect didn't seem to have much influence, but they also stopped.

"Xie Jingchen, are you going to fight me today?"

The leader of the bloodthirsty sect locked on Xie Jingchen with a pair of pale pupils, and said coldly.

"Hmph, Mie Cangsheng, so what if we compete against each other today?"

Xie Jingchen's tone was full of provocation. At this moment, when the strange treasure appeared, they all wanted to get it. This battle was really inevitable. Only the strong could control the strange treasure.

"In that case, then I will be in charge of Ao Zixuan, one of the twin flowers of the Fire Cloud Empire. Today, let me learn about your imperial family's unique skill 'Aohan Liujue'!"

The man next to Mie Cangsheng stared at Ao Zixuan's exquisite and convex figure with a pair of thug eyes, shining lustfully.

"Tu Ling, I heard that you spoiled many girls from good families and then killed them mercilessly. I have long wanted to execute you."

Ao Zixuan snorted coldly, stood her palms on her chest, and tyrannical vitality gushed out from her body.

War is imminent!
(End of this chapter)

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