Chapter 818

Holding the box containing the Panlong Spirit Grass in Xiao Yu's hand, his mood gradually calmed down. As long as he brought this thing back, he could save Han Bicui, and finally he didn't need to worry about his mother's affairs!
"Senior Tianyan, do I still need to participate in the rematch?"

Xiao Yu asked, now that things are going on, he feels that participating in the semi-finals is of little significance.

"Rematch?" The Heavenly Flame Sage had a half-smile, "Do you think there are still any of these young masters who are your opponents?"

Wu Tianyang, who was on the side, was terrified, he was in a fog.

"What did the master say? There is no match for him among these young masters? Although this kid is special, he is only at the first level of the Yuanshen Realm... No, he is now at the third level of the Yuanshen Realm? How is it possible? He entered the battlefield only two years ago. In just a few days, Shengsheng raised two levels of strength?"

Wu Tianyang thought so in his heart, but Xiao Yu didn't explain too much to him. Of course he understood the meaning of Tianyan Saint. It is difficult for him to find an opponent among the younger generation in Sanctuary. It is really meaningless to participate in the rematch .

Before he killed Gong Zizai, Xiaoyao Yuntian might still be able to compete with him, but now that he has killed Gong Zizai, his strength has improved a lot. Among the younger generation in Sanctuary, those who can catch up with him , I am afraid that there are only Xiaoyao Yuntian and the twin sons of the Heaven and Earth Hall who have not yet appeared.

All he has to do is to follow the team to fight when the three major domains are at war, and it doesn't make much sense for him to stay here now.

"Senior, I understand. I don't know when that incident started?"

Xiao Yu asked.

Saint Tianyan pondered for a moment, then replied, "Three months later!"

"Okay!" Xiao Yu cupped his fists and said, "I will definitely not be absent!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left without dragging his feet.The moment he turned around, there was a flash of doubt in his heart.

"Out of the eleven people back then, there were only ten people, and there was one more, where is it?"

With this question in mind, he flew out of the Heavenly Palace and ran in the direction of Shengyuan City.

"Master, what is going on?"

After Xiao Yu left, Wu Tianyang looked at Saint Tianyan with an inexplicable face, wanting to know the whole story.

"Tianyang, you don't need to worry about it, you just need to know that this little boy is an indispensable secret weapon in our Heaven and Earth Hall, don't let anyone offend him, you go down!"

After the Tianyan sage finished speaking, he waved his hand, quite impatiently.

Wu Tianyang wanted to ask again, but the Saint of Tianyan didn't give him this chance. With a wave of his hand, a soft force rolled him out of the Heavenly Palace.

"Fuck, what the hell is going on!"

Wu Tianyang couldn't help but swear, but he also knew what the master didn't want to tell him, no matter how much he asked, it was useless.

He recorded the entrustment of the Tianyan Saint in his heart, and after returning to the underground hall, he conveyed this order.

Although no one knew why this young man named Xiao Yu couldn't be bothered, but they didn't dare question the order in the slightest. Who would dare to disobey when the sage spoke?

Xiao Yu took the Panlong Spirit Grass, leaped through the space, moved constantly, and finally arrived at Shengyuan City when it was dark.

He came outside the Eastern Royal Gate without stopping, and went directly through the ten guards and entered it.

None of the guards stopped them. They wiped their eyes, thinking they had misread.

"Isn't that Master Biao? He... Didn't he go to the Martial Arts Conference? Why did he come back suddenly? Could it be that he was eliminated?"

The guards chatted all over, thinking that this matter was very likely.

Donghuang Wuying stood by Han Bicui's bedside tonight, with a worried expression on his face. As time went by, the paleness on his sister's face became more and more serious, and he tried everything to no avail.

"Brother, don't worry, Yu'er will definitely save Bicui!"

Xiao Haoyun on the side seemed a little more carefree. Before Xiao Yu left, he had already made a promise. He believed in his son, because he had never let himself down.

"Yeah, now we can only rely on Yu'er, we can't do anything!"

Donghuang Wuying nodded slightly, but the worry in his heart never dissipated. Although he also believed in Xiao Yu's ability, it was after all a contest among the younger generations in the entire sanctuary, not to mention whether he could compete with the numerous young masters. Standing out from the crowd, I don't know if this time alone is enough.

They have only forty days left.

"Uncle, Dad!"

A familiar voice sounded from outside the door, and a person had pushed the door open, holding an exquisite box in his hand.


Both Donghuang Wuying and Xiao Haoyun looked at Xiao Yu in astonishment, they didn't expect him to come back suddenly at this time.

"Yu'er, what's going on? Why are you back?"

The strangest thing is Donghuang Wuying. He and Xiao Yu once had a silent confrontation. He naturally knows how powerful Xiao Yu is now. With such strength, even if he cannot win the championship in the martial arts conference, He would never be eliminated so quickly, he believed that there must be something hidden in it.

Xiao Haoyun also cast his eyes on Xiao Yu, and found that Xiao Yu was not injured, so he was relieved, but the joy on his face faded. Xiao Yu is back now, does it mean that the Martial Dao Conference will not continue? up?If so, how to find the Panlong Lingcao that heals Han Bicui?
"There were some changes in the middle of the competition. I have done Heaven and Earth Palace a big favor. They have given me the Panlong Spiritual Grass to thank me."

Xiao Yu raised the box in his hand and smiled.


Donghuang Wuying was surprised that Xiao Yu would receive different treatment from the Heaven and Earth Hall, while Xiao Haoyun did not expect things to go so smoothly and progress so quickly.

"Yu'er, what you said is true?"

Xiao Haoyun took two steps forward, looking at the box in Xiao Yu's hand, his voice was trembling uncontrollably.

"Yes dad!" Xiao Yu replied, "I'm going to try it now, how to wake up mother!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yu paused.

"I almost forgot, it's not time yet!"

Xiao Haoyun and Donghuang Wuying were stunned, greatly puzzled.Now that the elixir is in hand, what's the problem?
Donghuang Wuying thought carefully, and showed a clear expression: "Yu'er, what do you mean, we haven't been able to get the rootless water yet?"

"That's right!" Xiao Yu nodded, "Rootless water, in the final analysis, is water that has not landed, that is, rainwater. We have to wait for a rain and use utensils to hold it before the rain falls. Only then can it be effective.”

Xiao Yu didn't dare to be sloppy in this matter, and could only follow what was written in the book. Whether Han Bicui could wake up, everything could only depend on God's will.

(End of this chapter)

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