Chapter 819
The ancient battlefield was vast and endless, and the large and small battlefields were split into countless wholes.


In an ancient battlefield, the gate of the palace-like ruins burst directly, and a figure walked out of it first.

He was dressed in a white robe and wore a simple ring on his hand. He had a slender figure, a handsome face, and a hint of elegance.

He is Xiaoyao Yuntian of Xiaoyao's family, the king of this ancient battlefield.

Behind him were Donghuang Youruo and Donghuang Xieyi.Donghuang Youruo had a fascinated look on his face. The man she recognized showed a power that made her extremely excited, while Donghuang Xieyi had a look of displeasure. He just realized now that there is still a distance between him and Xiaoyao Yuntian .

"It's been a week, I don't know what's going on with Brother Xiao!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian said with emotion, within a week, he had entered and exited the three relics, invincible, turned the relics upside down, and finally he found three treasures.Two of them were obtained by Donghuang Xieyi and Donghuang Youruo respectively, and he only kept one.

In this ancient battlefield, no one was his opponent. Coming out of the ruins, he turned his attention to the rest of the young masters.

He knew that Xiao Yu's mother, Han Bicui, needed treatment and there was a time limit. He had already delayed it for a week, and now he couldn't delay it any longer.

"You Ruo, we are going to start cleaning up people!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian's tone was calm, but to the ears of others, it made them feel terrified.

This so-called top figure of the younger generation is finally about to show his fangs.

"it is good!"

If Donghuang Youruo obeyed Xiaoyao Yuntian's words, as soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards a group of people, like a wolf into a herd of sheep, all of them retreated one after another.

Although Donghuang Xieyi was dissatisfied with Xiaoyao Yuntian's bossy demeanor, he naturally had no objection to such an exciting matter, he grinned, and the corners of his mouth curved into a cold arc.

"I can only blame you for being unlucky!"

The prelude to elimination is kicking off.

In another ancient battlefield, a man with a spear was domineering. His face was not too handsome, but there was a heroic spirit between his eyebrows, which made people dare not look at him closely. Anyone who took a look at it would feel a slight numbness all over their bodies, like an electric shock.

"Xiaoyao Yuntian, Twin Sons, I look forward to meeting you!"

An extremely rare smile appeared on his serious face, and with a single point of his spear, a bolt of lightning swept out, blowing up all the opponents who were waiting attentively, and throwing the badges representing martial arts on their arms one by one. He fled the battlefield one after another...

Three people in khaki costumes were walking aimlessly, but all the people they met were expelled from the scene without exception.A tyrannical force swept in front of the three of them, but they didn't seem to notice it, and their expressions didn't change at all.

"You are not our opponent, quickly hand over your points of martial arts and leave, we don't want to do anything!"

The leader looked at a young man who suddenly attacked them not far ahead, and said coldly.

The young man blushed. After weighing the pros and cons, he gritted his teeth and handed over his badge.He also knew that with his strength, maybe even the most basic defense of these three people could not be broken...


A beam of sword light descended from the sky, splitting the earth in half, and the dozens of people in front of the team all looked pale and stood still.

The person who emitted this sword light was a black-clothed man standing in the sky at the moment. Slowly insert it back into the scabbard.

Standing behind him are two young men also dressed in black robes, one tall and one short, standing with their hands behind their backs, as if the matter in front of them has nothing to do with them, and behind them, each carries a long sword , although it was unsheathed, the soaring sword intent was hard to contain.

"Everyone, I have no intention of fighting with you, please hand over all your martial arts points."

Although the young man looked indifferent, his words were extremely polite. This huge contrast made people feel blocked.

Although the team of dozens of people was unwilling, facing such a powerful force, they also knew that they had no room to resist, so they tore off the badges on their arms one by one, and threw them into the sky.

"Thank you!"

The young man clasped his fists in a salute, took the badges completely, and distributed them to the two people behind him.

"Brother, I can't wait!"

The taller young man took the badge, but he didn't have the slightest interest in it. He turned his eyes to the sky and said in a low voice.

"Xingyun, don't worry, Xiaoyao Yuntian will definitely enter the semi-finals. When you meet him, you can fight without any scruples. Our Holy Sword Sect must never lose to others in swordsmanship. We must get rid of the original shame. Get it back."

Speaking of Xiaoyao Yuntian, the young man who made the move earlier turned even colder.

"Xingyun, you practiced the Thirteen Swords so crazily, didn't you just want to fight Xiaoyao Yuntian again? We all believe in you!"

Another taller youth had an encouraging tone in his tone.

"Senior brothers, don't worry, I won't lose to the same person twice!"



Flames, flames everywhere, the extremely gorgeous color swept across the earth with the terrifying temperature, the four figures walked unscathed in the flames, those young masters who saw the flames retreated one after another, and their faces changed drastically .

The four youths in the flames were of the same age, but their facial expressions were different. One had a gloomy face, one was full of anger, one was always smiling, and one was crying all the time. face.

The expressions of the four people have not changed, but the powerful flames released from their bodies are raging all the time.

Seeing someone trying to escape in front of him, the angry young man swung his palm, and a big hand formed by a flame grabbed those who wanted to escape directly.

"Don't, don't, let's hand over the martial arts, don't do it!"

Those who were caught looked panicked and begged for mercy loudly.

"Stop it!"

The young man with a gloomy face waved his hands, and the angry young man just let out a cold snort and dispersed the flaming hands.

The dozens of people who were caught quickly threw out their badges, and were sent out of this space by the saints of the Temple of Heaven.


"Heck, it's so boring, I can't even find an opponent!"

Three delicate and flowery beauties wriggled their water snake waists and walked on the rare ancient battlefield. Behind them was a handsome man with a red face.


Three similar-looking youths waved their hands, freezing a space, and then snowflakes floated down from the sky. They all looked at the snow scene with intoxicated faces.

These top young masters of the sanctuary show their coquettishness in every ancient battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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