Chapter 820
In an ancient battlefield, two figures wrapped in wide gray robes kept moving towards the huge volcano in the distance.

Judging from their speed alone, it was enough to be included in the list of first-class masters in the sanctuary. The two walked side by side, whistling.

"Is this what the masters said?"

The two finally came to the top of the volcano, looking at the crimson magma below, one of them spoke.

The voice came out very vicissitudes, it sounded like an old man in his seventies and eighties, but after careful identification, he felt that it was just the lower voice of a young man.

The outfits on the two are almost exactly the same, the only difference is the color of their necklines, one is red and the other is blue.

It was Hong Fang who spoke just now.

"It should be right!"

Lan Fang pondered for a while, then replied.His voice is very similar to Hong Fang's, the kind of voice that is extremely difficult to identify his age.

"Then let's go down, we must finish what the masters have told us!" After the red side finished speaking, he turned to the blue side, with no expression on the masked face, "Let's go down, you're right here Stay up there!"

Lan Fang was stunned and shook his head randomly.

"No, let's go down together. The masters have said that we must work together to have a chance to get that thing. This Shura magma is not ordinary magma. It is said that even artifacts can be melted clean."

"OK then!"

Red Fang nodded in agreement, and the two of them pushed out their palms, and the tyrannical divine power sprayed upward from their feet, forming two oval protective films.


The figures of the two dived rapidly, and with a soft sound, they had already submerged in the magma.


As soon as they entered the magma, they felt the heat around them that almost burned their clothes, and they felt like they were about to explode.Fortunately, their clothes are made of special materials with extremely strong temperature resistance, and their protective film function, under the extremely hot temperature, there is still no sign of damage.

"Sura magma is indeed the best magma!"

The two felt emotional in their hearts, they just now understood the horror of the Shura magma, and with their strength, they might only be able to stay in this magma for at most half an hour.

If they still can't get what they want after half an hour, they have to leave this place and have to rest for a day before entering.

"Let's act quickly, time is running out!"

The red side and the blue side looked at each other and continued to go deeper. The color of the magma in front of them was also constantly changing. First it was red, then dark purple, then pink again, and the temperature was also rising.

There are beads of sweat between their hair tips, and they are suffering unspeakable torture at this moment.

"There, I saw it!"

At a glance, the red square saw a trace of light yellow fluid slowly flowing in the magma not far below. If you don't identify it carefully, you will definitely not be able to find it.

"There, do it immediately!"

The palms of the two faced each other, forming a large milky white net, facing the fluid cover.


The fluid originally drifted with the tide, but at this moment, it seemed to sense danger and was given life, and suddenly rushed downward.

"Want to go?"

Naturally, the two of them had expected it a long time ago, their speed suddenly expanded, and they chased towards the fluid, and the big net was getting closer and closer to the fluid.


Fluid's speed was much lower than the two, and they were attacking from left to right, Fluid still couldn't escape its fate, and was locked by their divine power net, tumbling and struggling in it.

"Great, let's take it back quickly and let the masters handle it!"

The two hit it off and wanted to leave.

Suddenly, a more fiery air flow passed through the layers of magma, erupting from the depths of the ground.

"Oops, let's go!"

Both of them felt that an extremely tyrannical force was waking up, their faces changed drastically, and they rushed towards the crater at the extreme speed.

"Bang bang!"

There were two loud noises, and the magma on the volcano shot towards the sky, and two figures rushed out in embarrassment. They were about to break through the space and leave here, but a fire dragon swept out from the volcano.


The powerful dragon's breath shattered the surrounding space between sprays, the faces of the two men fused, and their figures retreated.The sky where they were originally was already wrapped in crimson magma.

"This is……"

A huge head protruded from the crater, followed by two giant claws that could smash the mountain to the ground, and the eyes that were the size of a small hill were shining with a dangerous red light.

Two wings covering the sky and the sun fluttered, and a huge monster appeared in front of their eyes.

This is a huge flame lizard with wings, or rather, the dragon of the west.

The red square and the blue square stood in front of it, like two tiny ants, feeling the extremely terrifying breath, and the two of them felt that their breathing became much heavier.

"Oops, it's the Purgatory Demon Dragon!"

In the heavenly temple, the ten great saints all opened their eyes at the same time, and they disappeared in place at the same time.


When the red side and the blue side were terrified, ten figures suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking the huge pressure from the giant dragon for them.

"You go!"

The Heavenly Flame Saint said to the two of them, they dared not neglect, immediately tore apart the space and fled from here.

The Purgatory Demon Dragon wanted to catch up and take back the "food" it had stored so hard for many years, but the ten saints blocked it.

"Kaiyuan Broken Demon Hand!"

Without any hesitation, the ten saints shot at the same time. There was an extremely dark power surging in their palms, and the energy between the heaven and the earth became violent in an instant.

Centering on the battle strength of ten people, a huge black hand about a million feet suddenly protruded from the space, and shot straight at the Purgatory Demon Dragon. magic hand".


Facing this giant hand that was slightly bigger than its own body, the Purgatory Demon Dragon opened its mouth wide without any fear, and a flame bullet condensed in its mouth, and then spewed out.


The magma like a raging wolf collided with the giant hand of divine power, and the surrounding space collapsed. The volcano below directly shattered into a piece of flat ground, and then the ground cracked and spread downward. Everything continued to dissolve, even the sky. It also cracked countless cracks.

The whole space is trembling non-stop.

"let's go!"

With a wave of the Heavenly Flame Saint, all ten people disappeared without stopping.


A fierce light appeared in the eyes of the Purgatory Demon Dragon, and the area of ​​the flame bomb in its mouth became larger. In the next moment, those magma directly swallowed the giant hand with great power.

The power dissipated, and the Purgatory Dragon wanted to find those who blocked him, but when he looked around, there was no trace of him?

(End of this chapter)

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