Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 865 The Conspiracy Begins

Chapter 865 The Conspiracy Begins

In Xiao Yu's courtyard, the three of them were silent.Xiao Yu's heart sank slightly, he could already feel the aura of a resurgence, and the smell of blood began to spread in the Shenwu Continent again.

The person who released the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast definitely had his own ulterior motives, otherwise, who would take such a big risk to release a peerless beast?

Xiao Yu would not think that this guy who can call wind and rain is a divine beast. In his opinion, a beast that can benefit the people is a divine beast. If it can cause harm to the world, it is a ferocious beast. different extremes.

"This is what you came to discuss with me? Do you have any solution?"

Now Xiao Yu finally knew the reason of these natural disasters, he was silent for a moment, then asked.

Since Juetian and Mu Baifeng took the initiative to visit, they should have certain information.

"We came to you in the hope of fulfilling the old master's entrustment!" Mu Baifeng said in a deep voice, "The old master thought of benevolence at the beginning, and thought that this fire-piercing golden-eyed beast had once benefited the mainland, so he didn't take action to kill Pihuo. The golden-eyed beast is destroyed, but he told us that we must not let the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast cause trouble in the world again. If one day he breaks through the seal, those who used to be under the command of the Batian God of War are obliged to get rid of the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast without mercy .”

"That is to say, we need to find the whereabouts of the Fire-Prohibiting Golden-Eyed Beast?"

Xiao Yu frowned. Although he didn't know about the Fire-Purging Golden-Eyed Beast, judging from its ability to cause such a powerful natural disaster, its strength would never be lower than that of a super god. Monsters of this level would be found in the vast continent. It is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

If they can't even find their traces, then they have no solution at all.

"This is where the trouble lies. We must find a way to find it. Its strength has reached the Martial God Realm, but it has been sealed for thousands of years. It is definitely not at its peak now, and its strength has been greatly damaged. We must find it in its never before. Find it and get rid of it before it recovers, otherwise once it recovers, in today's Shenwu Continent, unless Batian God of War comes again, no one will be its opponent. Even if the three of us add up, it will not be enough."

Juetian is extremely afraid of people with the strength of the Martial God Realm, and only after reaching the peak of the Super God Realm can he understand how powerful the Martial God Realm is.He had seen the power of the Fire-Providing Golden-Eyed Beast before, and it was truly devastating. If it wasn't for the Heaven-Battering God of War's talent, and the help of the Holy Spirit, if he wanted to win, he would have to pay a lot. A heavy price.

"So strong?"

Xiao Yu was greatly surprised. He thought that he had overestimated the strength of the Fire-Purging Golden-Eyed Beast, but now it seems that he still underestimated a lot.If what Juetian and Mu Baifeng said is true, then it is absolutely urgent to find the fire-piercing golden-eyed beast now.

If such a terrifying monster is brought back to its peak, who else can deal with it except those envoys of the arbiter?
"Is there a way to find it?"

Xiao Yu said in a low voice, even he felt serious about this matter.The fire-piercing golden-eyed beast has been imprisoned in the seal for ten thousand years. Once released, it will become more violent and violent, and vent its grievances on the Shenwu Continent. The natural disaster a few days ago is the best proof.The reason why it chose to stop is probably because it is looking for a place to recover its power. As long as its power recovers, no one can make it afraid, and Shenwu Continent can only let it trample.

"There is indeed a way!" Juetian replied, "When my father was taken away, he left behind something called 'Tiantian Eye', which can only be opened once in a year. Once it is opened, Then you can know what you are looking for and the specific location of the person, it is a search artifact."

"There is such a good thing? Then why don't you control it and directly investigate where the senior Batian God of War is located?"

Xiao Yu was very puzzled.

Juetian and Mu Baifeng looked at each other with a wry smile, and Juetian explained: "How can it be so simple, the 'Tiantian Eye' itself has extremely high spirituality, and it was refined by the ancient Xuanyuan God himself, and non-sacred divine vein owners cannot If you use it, if you touch it forcibly, you will definitely be backlashed by it and cause serious consequences."

"Only the owner of the Holy Vein can use it?"

Xiao Yu finally understood why Juetian and Mu Baifeng would come to him. Obviously, he was the only one who could use the "Sky Eye" artifact, and he could only rely on his power to find the Fire-Prohibiting Golden-Eyed Beast.

"Where is 'Tiantianyan' now, how about we leave immediately?"

Now that Xiao Yu knew the solution, he wanted to leave immediately. He didn't want the time bomb of the Pihuo Golden Eyed Beast to threaten his relatives and friends. He was running out of time, and he had to arrive in two months. The Sanctuary Heaven and Earth Hall, where he still has his promise to the Ten Saints.

Before that, he had to hurry up and deal with the matter of the Fire-Providing Golden-Eyed Beast.

"'Tiantianyan' is located at the bottom of the holy power spring of the Orchid Gate. In ancient times, the mountain where the Orchid Gate was located was one of the headquarters of our God of War Palace."

Absolutely replied.

"At the Orchid Gate? That's really great."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu was overjoyed, if the "Tiantian Eye" was in the Orchid Gate, he could take this opportunity to visit Lin Qingbing, Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo at the Orchid Gate.

"It's not too late. We're leaving now. I know you have to say goodbye to your family. We'll be waiting for you outside the city."

Mu Baifeng and Juetian stood up and disappeared, Xiao Yu went directly to Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin, briefly explained the matter, and left in a hurry.

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin didn't stop them, they knew that Xiao Yu was born with great abilities, his existence was very important to the whole world, and his figure would not be missing in major events of the world.

They are all proud of having such a man.

Xiao Yu met Juetian Mu Baifeng outside the city gate, and the three of them ran at full speed towards the direction of the Lanhua Gate. Now time is life, and they shoulder the heavy responsibility of the life and death of the entire Shenwu Continent.

Lansimogao Empire, Alliance Headquarters, Xiao Yun stood on the high platform of the main hall, and said to the elders below: "Everyone, I received an entrustment from the seniors of the Xiao family yesterday, and I have important matters to discuss, let me go to Ten The ancestral land of the Xiao family in Wanda Mountain. Although I am the leader of the alliance, I am also a member of the Xiao family. If there is something in the family, I have to go. During my absence, I will let Mr. Long take charge of the alliance. I hope everyone can do their best to help him .”

Hearing that Xiao Yun was going to leave, everyone showed stunned expressions. They were even more curious about what happened to the Xiao family, so urgent?
(End of this chapter)

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