Chapter 866

The elders of the alliance were stunned for a moment, then Long Xiu stepped forward and asked, "Leader, what happened to the Xiao family? Can we help?"

Xiao Yun shook his head lightly: "I don't know now, the letter only mentions that I should go to Shiwan Dashan to meet my uncle immediately, and he will explain everything to me."

"That's it!"

Hearing Xiao Yun's answer, everyone gave up the idea of ​​inquiring. They really wanted to do their part for the Xiao family, but now that things are unclear, they have nowhere to go. They believed that if the Xiao family needed help, Will definitely speak to them.

"I will trouble you all during this time!"

Xiao Yun cupped his fists at the crowd and said.

"Where did the lord say, we have seen all the contributions you have made to the alliance in the past few months, and it is our duty to share it with you!"

Long Xiaotian stepped forward and said loudly.These days Xiao Yun is indeed doing his best for the alliance, and on the surface he is polite and courteous to everyone. They are very satisfied with Xiao Yun as the leader of the alliance.

Xiao Yun bid farewell to everyone, that is, he left the alliance directly, and rushed towards the Hundred Thousand Mountains. This matter was entrusted by the mysterious man. When he thought of what the mysterious man asked him to do, he felt chills all over his body, but now But he has no choice.The temptation of declaration and power made him no longer the Xiao Yun he was before. Now he has become a puppet driven by desire. Even if he knows it is wrong, he will do it without hesitation. .

In only half a day, Xiao Yu and the three had already arrived outside the Lanhua Gate.

Xiao Yu looked at the Lanhua Mountain that he had seen several times before, and frowned slightly.Orchid Mountain is named because there are orchids blooming all year round on the mountain, but now the mountains and plains are full of abruptness, not even a single complete tree, the whole mountain is messy, and even most parts of the mountain appear With cracks, it may collapse at any time.

"Huh? It's strange. I came here a year ago, and it was a beautiful and prosperous place. How did it become like this?"

Juetian was puzzled. Orchid Mountain was one of the headquarters of the God of War Temple established by Batian God of War in ancient times. Because he missed his father, he would often come here to take a look. But the Orchid Mountain in front of him was the same What I saw was very different, it was a world of difference.

"This place has also been hit by natural disasters! It's a hurricane!"

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, Juetian and Mu Baifeng probably didn't know about this news, and he only learned about it through the alliance's news network.

"Hurricane?" Mu Baifeng frowned, "That guy didn't even let Lanhua Mountain go. No wonder, he was defeated by the old master near here."

"Let's go up the mountain to have a look first, the hurricane is so strong, I don't know if it will damage the fountain of holy power!"

The three of them flashed directly, and they had already arrived at the top of Lanhua Mountain, and saw the miserable scene of Lanhuamen.

The originally extremely symmetrical buildings have disappeared, leaving only some gravel and fine slag, and low ruins everywhere, dilapidated.

Those disciples of the Orchid Sect were also missing, and only Xiao Yu and three were standing on the top of the huge Orchid Flower Mountain.

"The hurricane caused by the golden-eyed beast could completely destroy an empire in an instant during its heyday. After the hurricane, Orchid Mountain can still exist. Obviously, its current strength is definitely not one-tenth of what it was in its heyday."

Mu Baifeng looked around and expressed his opinion.

Xiao Yu nodded lightly, but what he was concerned about now was where the three daughters of Liu Piaoxu were. They had come to rebuild the Orchid Gate, why are they missing now?In the entire Orchid Mountain, I have never seen a disciple of the Orchid Sect.

"The direction of the fountain of holy power should be over there!"

Juetian glanced around and pointed to the west.Because the appearance of the Orchid Gate has changed drastically now, it is no longer what it used to be, and he can't tell where the fountain of holy power is.

"I'll find out when I look it up!"

Xiao Yu squatted down, and a circle of cards suddenly appeared under his feet.


Expanding Xiao Yu's perception, he will be able to see clearly everything within a hundred thousand miles of Lanhua Mountain. He has already felt the existence of the Spring of Saint Power. At the same time, he has also found Liu Piaoxu three The location of the woman.

"That's right, the fountain of holy power is over there!"

Xiao Yu said, the direction Juetian pointed before was not wrong.

They walked several hundred steps forward, and saw a large nearly circular pit. There were many sundries in this pit, including broken branches, smashed walls, and ruined flower petals. It was extremely messy.

The Spring of Saint Power used to be a pool of clear spring water full of spiritual energy, but now the spring water has disappeared, as if under the sweep of the hurricane, completely out of control.

Xiao Yu still clearly remembered that he had fought two old monsters named Twin Fairies here.

"The fountain of holy power has completely dried up. It seems that the hurricane has already affected the root of the fountain of holy power!"

Juetian's tone was a little heavy. The fountain of holy power was actually passed down from ancient times, and it was regarded as a treasure of the Temple of War God. Unfortunately, it has completely disappeared now. The destructive power of the fire-dispelling golden-eyed beast is indeed unparalleled.

"Let's look for the 'Tiantian Eye' first!"

The divine power in Xiao Yu's body had penetrated into the pit, and with a lift of his palm, all the sundries were moved aside.A clean and tidy spring bottom was exposed.

There are seven small caves at the bottom, which are arranged in the position of seven stars. These caves are supposed to be the springs of the holy power spring.

The three of them looked back and forth, but found nothing special. The so-called "eyes of the sky" did not seem to be here.

Xiao Yu closed his eyes, and a very strange feeling flowed through his heart.


He suddenly opened his eyes, and there was an extremely thin spiritual energy overflowing from the seven springs. If the spiritual energy mixed with the air, he would definitely not be able to detect it unless he sensed it carefully.

Juetian and Mu Baifeng also noticed something strange, the three of them looked at each other and shot at the same time.


The power of the three penetrated into it and suddenly broke out.The bottom of the spring was completely shattered, and fragments flew into the air one after another.They didn't worry at all that this would damage the "Tiantian Eye". The ability to withstand damage like this kind of rare treasure is absolutely unimaginable.


A light and shadow flew out from the fountain of holy power, and Juetian set off first, trying to grab that light and shadow.

The light and shadow didn't dodge or dodge, as if they were letting Jue Tian do whatever they wanted.When Juetian's palm was about to touch it, he suddenly retracted, and he turned and fell back to the ground.

"so close!"

He also acted out of desperation just now, but then he suddenly remembered the backlash from the "eyes of the sky", and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, so he had to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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