Chapter 881 Ancient Books

Xiao Yu froze in place. Even though he had expected it before, he still found it difficult to accept the real news in front of him.

His guess was not wrong, something really happened to Xiao Xuri, and when he mentioned being murdered, he immediately thought of the cold and strange mask of the mysterious man.

"It's him……"

Xiao Yu clenched his fists tightly, and the flames in his eyes almost spread out. No one could bear his anger.

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin felt the sudden killing intent in Xiao Yu's heart, they ran to Xiao Yu's side at the same time, and gently stroked his arm, hoping to calm down the anger in his heart.


The madness in Xiao Yu's eyes gradually receded, and he glanced at the two women, feeling a little guilty.

"Yu'er, do you know who did it?"

Xiao Haoyun and Xiao Maifei looked at Xiao Yu at the same time, and asked in surprise.

"I think that guy can't be wrong!"

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, the coldness in his eyes was enough to freeze a person, he told the story of the mysterious man.

"What, the ancestral box is in the hands of that person? How is this possible? Could it be that... the mysterious person killed the rising sun and took the ancestral box from him?"

Xiao Maifei was furious in his heart, this mysterious person actually plotted against the Xiao family.

"It is very possible that I felt something was wrong when he was holding our Xiao family ancestral box in his hand. It was just that I had to deal with that monster at the time, and I had no time to pay attention to it. The more I thought about it afterwards, the more uneasy I felt. Now it seems that my premonition is true. It's damn right."

Xiao Yu's tone was low, and he swore that if he knew that Xiao Xuri had died at the hands of the mysterious man, he would never let it go. Even if he risked his life, he would let the mysterious man die in the western part of Shenwu Continent.

Unfortunately, it is too late for him to know now, even if he wants to take revenge, it is still difficult to find that mysterious person in this vast continent.Unless Tongtianyan can still be used.

"I wrote a letter just now, asking Jinxiu and the others to transport the body of eldest brother back! Yu'er, what do you think?"

Xiao Haoyun said to Xiao Yu.

"I'll pick it up myself!"

Xiao Yu immediately replied that he was going to bring back the uncle's body himself.

"Brother Xiao Yu, let's go with you!"

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin took Xiao Yu's hand, they were very worried about Xiao Yu's current state.Xiao Yu's crazy appearance gives people an extremely violent aesthetic feeling, but it can also bring fear to people.They subconsciously didn't want to see Xiao Yu's bloodthirsty killing scene.

"Xuanxuan, Jingxin, the two of you have to stay. It may take several days for me to go. Uncle's body must be transported back in a grand manner. I can't use space movement. During this time, Piaoxu, Qingbing, Xiruo Maybe they will come to Xiao's house, they are not familiar with this place, and the two of you are just here to help them recognize people and get familiar with the familiar environment."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu kissed the two of them lightly on the cheek, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin nodded lightly, since Xiao Yu had this arrangement, they would naturally be obedient.

"Father, Grandpa, you don't need to take the letter with you. I'll go directly to Shiwan Dashan!"

Both Xiao Haoyun and Xiao Maifei nodded, and he couldn't be more relieved that Xiao Yu would go there in person.

"By the way, Dad, I have two friends. They are outside the courtyard now. You can arrange a place for them to live in. They are all peerless masters at the peak of the supernatural realm. During my absence, they will be in charge of the Xiao family. Safety."

Xiao Yu secretly rejoiced that he brought Juetian and Mu Baifeng back. He thought that the Xiao family was now so powerful that no one would dare to take action against the Xiao family, but the appearance of this mysterious person made him feel that the lives of his relatives were in danger. During the time when he was going to Shiwan Dashan, the mysterious man attacked Xiao's family suddenly, and with Xiao Haoyun's power, it was absolutely unstoppable. He had already lost his uncle, and could not lose other relatives.With Juetian and Mu Baifeng in charge, the mysterious person will never come back.

"The peak of the super god realm?"

Everyone was taken aback by Xiao Yu's words, they did not expect Xiao Yu to bring back two such terrifying powerhouses.

Xiao Yu walked out of the courtyard, Juetian and Mu Baifeng were sitting on the stone bench, they could hear the conversation of Xiao Yu and the others clearly.

"You can deal with this matter at ease, we are responsible here!"

Juetian said directly that he didn't have much opinion on Xiao Yu's use of them as bodyguards.

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yu clasped his fists at the two of them, then left Xiao's house and headed straight for Shiwan Dashan.

During this time, he didn't seem to stay in one place for too long.

"Uncle, I'll take you home!"

Xiao Yu secretly thought in his heart, the guilt towards Xiao Xuri is beyond words.He knew that if he hadn't given the ancestral casket to Xiao Xuri for safekeeping, perhaps Xiao Xuri would not have been murdered.

Xiao Xuri was released because of his family's business since he was a child. He worked hard outside, developed his own power, and made great achievements. However, few people in the family knew what he had done. Such a person should be respected by everyone in the Xiao family. Respect, he dedicated all of himself to the Xiao family, devoting himself to the development of the Xiao family, so far he has not even left any heirs.

Thinking of these, Xiao Yu felt a little sour in his heart. For the first time in the past five years, he felt a kind of hatred towards himself.

That's right, he hated himself, why didn't he take the Xiao family's responsibility back then?But leave all these things to grandpa, father, uncle?

If he was carrying the burden of the Xiao family, it would be him, not the uncle, who fought against that mysterious person today.

"Uncle, you will not die in vain, whoever killed you, I will make him pay back a hundredfold!"

Xiao Yu disappeared into the space crack.

Hundreds of thousands of mountains, people in the ancestral land of the Xiao family were immersed in grief.The passing of Xiao Xuri was a kind of grief to them, and even more a shame.

Someone dared to attack the Xiao family, this is a naked provocation to the Xiao family.The most frenzied thing is that this murderer actually started in the Xiao family's ancestral land, and his strength and courage are by no means ordinary.

"Sister Jinxiu, everyone doesn't have the energy to cultivate anymore. It seems that the matter of the head of the branch has hit everyone hard!"

The ten captains of the training ground all came to Xiao Jinxiu and reported to Xiao Jinxiu.


Xiao Jinxiu sighed softly, waved her hands, and said nothing, not to mention these brats, even she had no time to think about other things.

Xiao Xuri's death cast a thick shadow over everyone in the Xiao family's ancestral land.

Xiao Yun stood in an open space on the Shiwan Dashan, and his mood was a little difficult to calm down. He chose to stand on the opposite side with Xiao Yu. For the current development of things, he had some vague expectations.

He took something out of his arms, and greed shot out from his eyes.This is a quaint book, given by a mysterious person.

"Cultivate it successfully, and your strength will not be inferior to Xiao Yu."

Xiao Yu still remembered what the mysterious man said. He looked at the yellowed book, and the fire in his eyes never faded for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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