Chapter 882 Xue Li
Sanctuary, Heaven and Earth Hall.Three days have passed since the Martial Arts Tournament rematch.

The ten great sages sat in the Heavenly Hall, observing the current situation of the contestants in the Heavenly Hall all the time, and never escaped their eyes and ears in every battle.

When teleporting into this area, all former partners lost contact, and their areas were completely different, and those who could have formed an alliance had to fight alone.

For the powerhouses of Xiaoyao Yuntian's level, even if they are separated from their companions, it will not have the slightest impact, but for the second-rate masters among them, it may be a very huge blow. One mistake, that is, they will be eliminated Danger.

Those who participated in the Martial Arts Tournament were originally the best of the younger generation in the Sanctuary. After the first round of competition, those who can now participate in the semi-finals are almost without exception the true top young masters of the Sanctuary. People who come in with special care will face extremely severe challenges.

Xie Qinxue and Xie Bing belonged to this type of people. With their strength, it would be extremely difficult for them to enter the semi-finals, but because of the existence of Xiao Yu, Muscular Monk, Liao Baihe, and Li Yunlong all took care of them, so they were able to into the semi-finals.

But now that everyone is separated, Xie Qinxue and Xie Bing have lost all protection, and even if Liao Baihe and others still protect them, it may not be effective.

Among them, there are many people who can defeat Liao Baihe and others.

Xie Qinxue walked alone on a vast plain, looking around, she suppressed her breath to the minimum, for fear of being discovered.She is very clear about what this competition means. Many of the contestants are ruthless. In this rematch, killing people is the most common thing, which is different from the first round.

Now whether it is killed or defeated by others, it is equivalent to elimination for Tiandi Temple. This time, only the top ten people are needed, and the last ten people will break out a shocking battle , It was a decisive battle for ranking.

The current battle has not yet reached the final moment, but Xie Qinxue is extremely nervous. Since she has come to the semi-finals, she doesn't want to be kicked out so soon.

"Xiao Yu, you liar!"

Xie Qinxue cursed secretly in her heart, she had already formed an invisible dependence on Xiao Yu.

"If you were here, I wouldn't have to worry about being discovered!"

Xie Qinxue stopped and sat beside a small hill, holding her fragrant cheeks in her hand, dazed in a daze.

"Jie Jie, I never thought I would be so lucky. Not only did I meet a gift giver, but I was also a little beauty!"

Just when Xie Qinxue was lost in thought, a lewd laughter came from above his head.


Xie Qinxue was shocked in her heart, she raised her head hastily, and saw a burly figure standing on the hill, with a pair of lewd eyes scanning her up and down.

"you are?"

Xie Qinxue took a few steps back, her eyes were full of panic, she could feel the tyrannical force in the incoming person's body, if she fought against him, there was absolutely no possibility of winning.Moreover, this person is obscene and obviously not a kind person. She began to worry about her situation and thought about how to escape.

For her, this is not a game at all, it is a game of survival, and she is the prey, and she can only keep running away from the hunter.

"My name is Xue Li, little girl, you can call me Mr. Xue."

The aggressive intention in Xue Li's eyes is hard to hide. This person is notorious in the sanctuary, and many female disciples in the family have been ruined by him. However, this person is powerful. These sects have dispatched many people to chase him down. But they were all easily escaped, and even lost a lot of manpower.

He was born in poverty, and became a beggar when he was a child. He just entered the road of martial arts because he got a secret book by accident. Fame is a complete act of self-deception, but he never tires of it.

Upon hearing Xue Li's name, Xie Qinxue's pretty face immediately turned pale. Xue Li belongs to the top figure of the younger generation of the underworld in the sanctuary. Suicide would be muddled, in short, none of them will have a good result.Now that she has met this monster in human skin, it can be said that it is more or less ominous.

"Xue Li, what do you want to do?"

Xie Qinxue was extremely vigilant and asked in a cold voice.Xue Li was not in a hurry to act, he always liked to see these women struggling and fearful, it would give him great satisfaction both physically and mentally.

Although this is the martial arts conference held by Tiandi Temple, he also regards it as an entertainment place, as long as it is the target locked by him, he will not let it go.

Xie Qinxue was his prey now, and he began to enjoy the process.

"What do I want to do?" Xue Li smiled, "You said we alone, men and widows, can do something on this vast plain? Huh?"

The smile on Xue Li's face made Xie Qinxue want to vomit, she said coldly: "Shameless!"

"Shameless?" Xue Li continued to laugh without the slightest sense of shame, "I like women to praise me like that the most."

Xie Qinxue was trembling with anger. If she had absolute strength now, she would absolutely beat the beast in front of her. However, Xie Qinxue's own strength is too far behind Xue Li, so she has no chance at all.

"Hey, Xue Li!" Xie Qinxue smiled sweetly, with a trace of contempt in her smile, "I've heard of your name as a beast, and I deserve your bad luck if I meet you today. Ladies, charge some interest!"

Xue Li was stunned, Xie Qinxue's sudden change of momentum made him a little at a loss, he was a cautious person by nature, otherwise he would not have lived to this day, and he would never underestimate his opponent.Xie Qinxue's tone was fearless, and she was sure of dealing with him, which made him have to be vigilant.

"Scattering hand!"

Xie Qinxue scolded, her palm turned into countless phantoms, and petals of divine power radiated in front of her, attacking Xue Li from eight different directions, with extraordinary momentum.

Xue Li didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, he let out a low drink, and the tyrannical divine power gushed out from his muscular body, forming a protective barrier.

"Bang bang!"

When the eight attacks fell, Xue Li felt a slight shock, and his surroundings were blocked by smoke and dust.


Xue Li found it strange that although Xie Qinxue's attack was powerful, it was far from being able to threaten him.

"not good!"

With a thought in his mind, his divine power swept wildly, blowing away the smoke and dust around him.

Xie Qinxue had long since disappeared. It turned out that the attack just now was just her bluff.

"Hey, this little girl is interesting!"

Xue Li grinned, and his figure turned into a streak of light, chasing forward.

(End of this chapter)

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