Chapter 883
Xie Qinxue ran wildly, she knew that Xue Li would see through her little scheme in just a moment, all she could do now was run, run desperately, even for a moment, she wanted to fight for it.

At this moment, only Xiao Yu existed in her mind, and she kept calling Xiao Yu's name in her heart, hoping that Xiao Yu would suddenly appear in front of her eyes.

As long as Xiao Yu is around, Xue Li is not enough to support him. No matter how powerful Xue Li is, he is no match for Gong Zizai, who has reached the Super God Realm.

"Xiao Yu, where are you?"

Feeling the extremely disgusting aura behind her getting closer, Xie Qinxue's heart was filled with despair. In the face of absolute strength, all schemes were just floating clouds.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Xue Li and Xie Qinxue were separated by only a few feet, and he just chased behind Xie Qinxue without advancing an inch or retreating an inch, keeping a proper distance.

He regards this as a kind of fun, a kind of fun that can make people crazy.


Although Xie Qinxue was afraid, her tenacity to refuse to admit defeat did not weaken in the slightest. She knew that she could not escape, so she turned around and slapped Xue Li's chest with her palm.

Xue Li didn't expect that Xie Qinxue would suddenly stop to fight back, and turned around, soaring into the sky, dodging Xie Qinxue's full-strength palm.


This palm bombarded the sky, the space exploded suddenly, and the energy scattered.

Xue Li was high in the sky, whirled, and was behind Xie Qinxue, clasping his palm towards Xie Qinxue's arm.


Knowing that she couldn't escape, Xie Qinxue calmed down instead. She shrank her arms, dodging Xue Li's palm, and kicked Xue Li's head with a fierce sweep of her slender and slender legs.

Xue Li smiled and looked up, Xie Qinxue's retreating wind directly split the space, and the soles of his feet swept over Xue Li's head.

"Well, it smells so good!"

Xue Li took a deep breath and smiled.


Xie Qinxue was furious and was about to strike, but Xue Li reached out and pointed at her left shoulder like lightning.


With a soft sound, Xie Qinxue suddenly felt numb, and the powerlessness gradually spread from her left shoulder to her whole body, as if she was being shocked by an electric shock.


Xie Qinxue wailed in her heart, she knew that she had been subdued by Xue Li's move, and she was no longer able to fight.

This trick is Xue Li's unique trick to control people that he learned from the cheats he accidentally obtained.Facing opponents who are stronger than oneself, this move is useless. It is very likely that people will use stronger divine power to counterattack and hurt oneself. Did not miss.

Those women who were insulted by him were all subdued under this trick, and they could only watch themselves being stripped into a little white sheep, and felt that every movement of this animal on their body was half-moving. no.

Xie Qinxue fell to the ground almost immediately, completely lost control of her body, and couldn't even speak a word.

Xue Li wrapped his arms around Xie Qinxue's arms, with an impatient look on his already annoying face.

"Hey, little beauty, you can't escape!"

Xue Li stretched out his rough fingers and brushed across Xie Qinxue's smooth face. Xie Qinxue opened her eyes wide and wanted to curse, but she couldn't make a sound at all.

"Xiao Yu, where are you? Do you know that I'm about to be ruined by this beast?"

Xie Qinxue felt desolate in her heart, two lines of tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, at this moment, she was really desperate.

Xue Li brought Xie Qinxue to the ground. He laid Xie Qinxue flat and admired every part of Xie Qinxue's body.The well-proportioned lines made him almost crazy, and he was impatient to appreciate the beautiful scenery inside Xie Qinxue.

His palm reached to Xie Qinxue's neckline, and was about to untie it.

"I have been wanting to meet you for a long time, Xue Li, it seems that you are not lucky today!"

An aggressive young voice came, and Xue Li's arms froze and he stopped.


Xue Li turned around and saw a young man standing hundreds of feet away.

He was dressed in blue and white, and the blue stripes on his clothes were slightly distorted, extending in all directions, like thunder.His face is not too handsome, but it is extremely ugly, and his face is full of fortitude.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Xue Li's eyes. It was the first time he had encountered someone approaching him within a thousand feet of him, but he hadn't noticed it.The young man in front of him was obviously a formidable enemy.

"You are..." Xue Li looked at the young man, his eyes suddenly fixed, and he said in surprise, "Thunder Thunder Gate, Lei Zhengyang?"

The young man took a step forward, and a faint lightning arc swept across his body.

"Yes, it's me!"

Lei Zhengyang had a cold expression on his face. The top ten top forces were all decent. He didn't have the slightest sympathy for Xue Li, a conscientious underworld master. If he hadn't had the opportunity, he would have gone to hunt down this notorious gangster a long time ago. The Thief of the Cauliflower.Unexpectedly, in the martial arts conference, he really encountered such an excellent opportunity.

"Lei Zhengyang?"

Xie Qinxue, who was lying on the ground, was overjoyed when she heard the name.Lei Zhengyang is definitely a leader among the younger generation in the sanctuary, and he is as famous as the two holy sons of Xiaoyao Yuntian and Tiandidian. Although he has never seen him make a move, it is not difficult to deal with Xue Li.

The mood of despair just now was suddenly full of hope.

"Hey, I didn't expect the young sect master of Jingleimen to have the habit of disturbing other people's good deeds!"

After Xue Li was shocked, his mentality had recovered.He has experienced big and small fights over the years, but he will not be intimidated by anyone's name. He believes that he will never lose to anyone in the younger generation, even if the person in front of him is Lei Zhengyang, that is the same .

"Let her go, I can let you go!"

Lei Zhengyang pointed at Xie Qinxue who was lying motionless on the ground, and said coldly.

"Oh?" Xue Li smiled, "You like her?"

Lei Zhengyang's face darkened in an instant, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't want to say the same thing a second time, Xue Li, don't you think that you, as the top figure of the younger generation of the underworld, can be compared with me?"

Xue Li smiled contemptuously, took a step forward, squatted down in front of Xie Qinxue, and brushed his palm across Xie Qinxue's face again.

He waved his fingers lightly, and provocatively said to Lei Zhengyang: "If you want to save her, why don't you try?"

"It seems that you really think you have the ability!"

Lei Zhengyang sneered again and again, stomped the sole of his foot suddenly, and let out a low shout from his mouth.

"Thunder net!"

There was a crackling sound from the place where the soles of his feet stepped on, Xue Li was startled, and retreated almost like a conditioned reflex.

The moment he left, several thick arcs of lightning suddenly spread out from the ground where Xie Qinxue was, enveloping Xie Qinxue and lifting her up in the air.


Xue Li stretched out his palm, wanting to snatch Xie Qinxue back, but just as his palm touched the lightning arc, he felt a numbness rushing all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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