Chapter 90
"So what if we know each other, so what if we don't know each other? You and I are not from the same world. You have your own life, and I have my own way to go. It's best to have nothing to do with each other!"

Xiao Yu didn't seem to care about Ao Zixuan's pitiful appearance at all, and said coldly.The people around were full of astonishment, it was the dream of many people to get acquainted with Ao Zixuan, but Xiao Yu didn't cherish it, and even pretended not to know Ao Zixuan.

"Brother Xiao is Brother Xiao. He is really full of personality. If he says he ignores a mortal fairy like Ao Zixuan, he ignores it!"

Lin Feiyun clicked his tongue in amazement.

Lin Qingbing, Liu Piaoxu, and Yang Xiruo felt relieved for some reason when they heard Xiao Yu's words, and there was a burst of secret joy.

"This guy!"

A trace of anger rose in Xie Jingchen's heart. He usually racked his brains to get closer to Ao Zixuan, but the relationship between Ao Zixuan and him was always just a family friend and a family friend, and there had never been any progress. The dream in her heart was trampled to nothing. If he was not seriously injured now, and Xiao Yu's power to kill the blood evil emperor was so intimidating, he must have gone up to fight Xiao Yu at this moment.

"Am I so dispensable in your heart?"

Ao Zixuan said these words as if her whole body was exhausted, she held onto Xiao Yu's arm tightly with both hands, for fear that he would disappear suddenly.

"The way is different!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he gently pushed Ao Zixuan away, he just wanted to find a way out.

Ao Zixuan stayed where she was, her mind went blank, she had imagined countless scenes of reuniting with Xiao Yu, but she never expected such a scene.

No one noticed that Xiao Yu's eyes changed when he turned his head.

"Zixuan!" Lin Qingbing couldn't bear to see Ao Zixuan's distraught appearance. She stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder lightly, comforting her, "Xiao Yu has encountered some terrible things, and now his personality has changed drastically. Don't take it to heart!"

Ao Zixuan was slightly taken aback, thinking of how much Xiao Yu had changed now, she immediately came back to her senses.

"You know him well?"

Ao Zixuan realized something was wrong again, and asked quickly.At the same time, I felt very uncomfortable, why did Lin Qingbing know about Xiao Yu?

Lin Qingbing didn't pay attention to Ao Zixuan's expression, a distressed look flashed across his face, and said: "He once saved me in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, but unexpectedly, because of Li Qingfeng, he lost a very important He almost killed him, that's why he killed Li Qingfeng."

"What the hell is going on here!"

Ao Zixuan said in amazement, she had long forgotten Xiao Yu's indifferent attitude towards her, and now she just wanted to know what happened to Xiao Yu.

Lin Qingbing shook her head and said, "I don't know the details, but he doesn't want to talk about it, so I won't ask."

Lin Qingbing said she wanted to look at Xiao Yu, her eyes were full of tenderness.Ao Zixuan had a panoramic view of Lin Qingbing's expression, and felt even more uncomfortable. It seemed that the relationship between Lin Qingbing and Xiao Yu was much better than her current one.

Xiao Yu looked at it for a long time, but he didn't find the way out of this space, and felt strange.

"Is there no way out of this place at all? It's unreasonable. Forget it, let's solve another thing first!"

Xiao Yu turned his head to look at Tu Ling and Mie Cangsheng, who were seriously injured. His sharp gaze was like a bone-scraping steel knife, and the two of them shuddered.

Xiao Yu's strength is obvious to all, not to mention that they are seriously injured now, even in their heyday they are not Xiao Yu's opponents. At this moment, Xiao Yu is obviously on the side of Duanyun Sect and Tianyun Academy. If you want to kill them Two, they really couldn't resist.

"The two of you were originally on my must-kill list today, but now I have changed my mind. I can let you go, but only one of you can leave here alive. As for who can live, it depends on your own choice."

Xiao Yu's icy voice was devoid of emotion, Mie Cangsheng and Tu Ling both trembled in their hearts, which meant that one of them must die.Both of them felt a sense of sadness in their hearts at the same time, thinking that they were also among the top five figures in the younger generation of the Fire Cloud Empire, but unexpectedly, today they even took control of their own lives in the hands of a young man who was younger than them. None of the rights.In Xiao Yu's eyes, killing them seemed to be the same as killing chickens and dogs.

"What conditions?"

Tu Ling asked first, he was the most bloodthirsty, but he was also the one who was most afraid of death.

"The one of you who handed over the Changchun Xinxin Dafa first will be the one who can leave alive. Of course, if you can prove that the Changchun Xinxin Dafa handed over by your competitor is fake, and he then handed over the real one to you!" Me, then he can leave alive, the person who handed in the fake, I will definitely make him die ugly!"

When Xiao Yu said the last sentence, his tone was more than ten times colder.

"This is the Changchun Heart Cleansing Dafa!"

What surprised Xiao Yu was that the two immediately took out a simple book from their arms.

Little do they know that although this Changchun Xinxin Dafa can only be obtained by high-level personnel in the bloodthirsty sect, its only effect is to repair damaged meridians, and Tu Ling and Mie Cangsheng have no pain or disease on their bodies, let alone damaged meridians, leaving How could this thing compare to his own life?

Xiao Yu took two copies of Changchun Xinxin Dafa to compare with each other, and found that both copies were the same, there was no difference.

"it is true!"

? Xiao Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart, held two copies of Changchun Xinxin Dafa in his hands, and said coldly: "If you want to survive, then you can decide for yourself. I don't care about the process, I only look at the result."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he turned around and ignored the two of them. How to decide life and death is their own business.

"Tu Ling! The two of us entered the bloodthirsty gate together, and we were born and died together in the bloodthirsty gate, killing all directions. We are so happy. Unexpectedly, we are going to part here today!"

Mie Cangsheng spoke first, his tone contained memories of the past.It seems that he really remembered the days when the two thin figures were struggling.

Rao was such a cruel and merciless character as Tu Ling, who was also infected by the truth in Mie Cangsheng's tone at this moment, immersed in the memories of the past.

"Yeah, at that time, both of us didn't know what killing was!"

Tu Ling nodded.

"At that time, the sect master personally taught the two of us. At that time, there were 300 people who entered the bloodthirsty devil's lair, and you and I were the only ones who came out alive. I have to say that this is a kind of fate. Since one of us is going to die today, then we I have come to sacrifice so that you can live."

Mie Cangsheng smiled freely, approached Tu Ling, and patted him on the shoulder.


Tu Ling was stunned by Mie Cangsheng's words. He never thought that Mie Cangsheng would give up his hope of life for him.

"Are you surprised? In fact, we are all the same kind of people. Don't worry too much about it. I just hope that after my death, you can find a chance to avenge me!"

Mie Cangsheng glanced at Xiao Yu at this time, his eyes were full of resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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