Chapter 91
Tu Ling clenched his fists and said angrily, "Okay, I promise you, I will definitely kill this boy in this life!"

"Okay, I'm relieved now!"

After Mie Cangsheng finished speaking, he raised his right hand and was about to put down the sky cap facing him. Tu Ling's expression was complicated, and the shock in his heart was really not small.

But Tu Ling didn't notice that Mie Cangsheng was very close to him. When he lost his mind, a ruthless look flashed in Mie Cangsheng's eyes, and the right palm that was going towards his Tianling Gai suddenly disguised, turning his palm into a knife and stabbing Tu Ling Spirit's chest.

When Tu Ling lost his mind, he only felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked at his chest in disbelief. Mie Cangsheng's sharp hand knife had pierced his chest, strangling all the vitality in his body.

"Don't blame me, this is the rule of survival!"

The mockery in Mie Cangsheng's eyes made Tu Ling spit out another mouthful of blood, and he died instantly.Mie Cangsheng withdrew his hand indifferently, and kicked Tu Ling's body far away. ,

"I've dealt with it, I hope you keep your word and let me live!"

Mie Cangsheng looked at Xiao Yu with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

"I, Xiao Yu, keep my word, I won't kill you!"

Xiao Yu nodded, and began to search for a way out of this place again. Although he has obtained the Changchun Xinxin Dafa, it is useless if he can't get out.

The eyes of Xie Jingchen and others returned to the blood-colored long knife on the top of the blood pool again. At the moment when the blood evil emperor died, all the blood on the blood-colored long knife faded away, and the blade showed a golden color , bursting out a sky-high golden glow, one can tell it is an extremely rare treasure at a glance.

At this moment, the enemy is no longer there, and Xiao Yu doesn't seem to be interested in this rare treasure. Their minds are active again. To get such a rare treasure, even if they can't use it by themselves, it is definitely a great achievement to hand it back to the sect academy. Sometimes they might be able to get more resources from the sect.

Xiao Yu didn't have much interest in this knife. He wandered between the walls on all sides, hoping to find a mechanism to open the way out, but the result disappointed him greatly.

"How is it possible? There is really no way out?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, the space here only has a space channel from the outside, but there is really no space channel from the inside to the outside, so everyone will be trapped here to death?

"No, I absolutely don't want to be trapped here!"

Xiao Yu walked towards a wall, and everyone was shocked to see that he raised his right fist and slammed it hard against the wall.


A huge roar sounded, Xiao Yu punched the whole space violently, several cracks appeared on the wall, Xiao Yu continued to punch, three punches in a row, one punch was heavier than one punch, everyone They all felt as if there was an earthquake, and their feet trembled endlessly.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Yu retracted his fist and looked at the wall, but found that apart from adding a few cracks, there was no sign of being broken at all.Xiao Yu couldn't help but be surprised. With his punches just now, even granite rocks would definitely be broken into countless pieces, but the wall was only cracked with a few cracks?

"It seems that there is a mysterious power guarding this space to prevent the space from collapsing and shattering. It seems impossible to open the way out by brute force!"

Xiao Yu retracted his fist and stood aside, he would not do such a waste of effort.He decided to take a look at this so-called Changchun Xinxin Dafa that can restore the meridians first.

The eyes of Xie Jingchen and Mie Cangsheng were locked on the golden long knife at the same time. Although the two were seriously injured at the moment, they still possessed fighting power that was unmatched by others, and Ao Zixuan was focused on Xiao Yu's right now. On the body, how can I care about the long sword and rare treasure.

"Mie Cangsheng, in our current state, do we still want to fight?"

Xie Jingchen looked at Mie Cangsheng who was in the same state and asked.

"If you want to fight, I will fight to the end!"

Mie Cangsheng sneered, not to be outdone.

"Really? Do you think your Bloodthirsty Sect is still qualified to compete with our Cloud Breaking Sect and Tianyun Academy at this moment?"

Xie Jingchen jokingly smiled, and didn't take Mie Cangsheng seriously at all. Now that the bloodthirsty sect has weakened, he can completely crush Mie Cangsheng.


Mie Cangsheng snorted coldly, but did not deny that at this moment, three of their top fighters of the Bloodthirsty Sect had already died, one was killed by him, and the other two were killed by Xiao Yu. It's like a fool's dream.

After weighing the pros and cons, Mie Cangsheng sat down cross-legged and no longer participated in the battle for this rare treasure. Even though the rare treasure is good, he has to be ordered to get it.

Xie Jingchen saw that Mie Cangsheng had relented, and he was secretly happy. If Mie Cangsheng wanted to bring people from the Bloodthirsty Sect to fight them, the result would be very tragic, and he was not happy to see it.

"I'm going to see what's so special about this rare treasure!"

Xie Jingchen flew out, wanting to hold the golden long knife, but who knew that the other person had just approached the golden long knife, and an invisible force directly bounced him back.

Unexpectedly, Xie Jingchen was extremely embarrassed by this forceful bounce. After falling to the ground, he almost couldn't stand still, and he was about to make a fool of himself on the spot.

"What's going on? Didn't it mean that unowned treasures will not be repelled?"

Xie Jingchen was secretly surprised, everyone saw what happened here, some people were surprised, some people laughed secretly, Mie Cangsheng was one of them, he not only laughed secretly, but also laughed unscrupulously.

"Hahaha! Xie Jingchen, it seems that Yibao doesn't like you! You better stop thinking about it."

Mie Cangsheng had a gloating expression on his face, he had already lost the chance to compete for the rare treasure, and now seeing that others couldn't get it, of course he was extremely happy.

"Hmph!" Xie Jingchen snorted coldly, turned his head and wanted to let Ao Zixuan try it, but who knew that Ao Zixuan didn't look at this at all.She has been staring at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's upper body was naked, his muscles were strong and well-proportioned, and he was full of explosive power. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged, with his back against the wall, flipping through the pages of the Changchun Xinxin Dafa in his hand. gas?

Not only Ao Zixuan was watching, Liu Piaoxu, Lin Qingbing, Yang Xiruo were all watching, Xiao Yu always had a special aura that seemed to be there, which made everyone admire him, sometimes he was domineering, sometimes arrogant , sometimes taciturn and extremely cold, but no matter what kind, he is Xiao Yu, he is the unique Xiao Yu.


The golden long knife suddenly produced a strong buzzing sound, the blade trembled violently, and the golden light radiated everywhere. Everyone felt that their eyes were bright, and they temporarily lost their eyesight.

After a long time, the golden light dimmed a little, and everyone recovered their eyesight. They saw the golden long knife suddenly bounced, drew an arc in the air, and landed a few feet in front of Xiao Yu.


Everyone was shocked.The strange treasure has a spirit, and it will automatically choose its owner. At this moment, the golden long knife automatically flew in front of Xiao Yu, is it because it chose Xiao Yu?

(End of this chapter)

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