Chapter 908 Provocation
Xiaoyao Yuntian punched down, and the ground where the three women were on collapsed again after the explosion, and the smoke and dust rose directly into the sky.


Xiaoyao Yuntian turned upside down in the air and landed firmly on the ground, with smoke and dust billowing in front of him, making it hard to see clearly.

"The power of the dragon and elephant, the hand that covers the sky!"

When Dragon Elephant's rough and angry voice came, Xiaoyao Yuntian raised his brows, raised his left leg, and swept back suddenly.


The space shattered, a white trace appeared between the sky and the earth, and the giant hand of the dragon elephant that had just been condensed was torn to pieces.

The body of the dragon elephant shook violently, spurting blood, and fell directly to the ground, smashing a big hole in the ground.


Dragon Elephant raised his head with difficulty, and looked at that not far away as if he had done an insignificant thing, with a calm and unrestrained expression on his face, his heart trembled.

The martial arts he practiced are all masculine and strong, focusing on strength, but Xiaoyao Yuntian's seemingly random blow actually completely shattered his strength, how strong is this?
The smoke and dust in front of Xiaoyao Yuntian had dissipated, and the clothes of the three fairies of the Hehuan faction were torn apart, revealing large pieces of white flesh, lying on the ground in an extremely indecent posture.

Xiaoyao Yuntian was like an emperor, standing on the spot and looking down coldly, the four masters of the Hehuan faction all became his defeated opponents in an instant.

"I've said it before, the four of you together are not enough for me to pay attention to!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian put his hands behind his back, and his words were full of unconcealable arrogance. These so-called top masters of the younger generation in the sanctuary were no different to him, they were just roles that he could take care of.

The three fairies of the Hehuan faction had already lost consciousness. The moment they fell down, they still couldn't believe that the gap between them and Xiaoyao Yuntian was so huge.

The dragon elephant stood up with difficulty, trembling all over.Only now did he understand how terrifying power the so-called young leaders of the sanctuary possessed. These so-called top experts of the young generation were just a joke in front of Xiaoyao Yuntian.

With the strength that Xiaoyao Yuntian has just realized, even the suzerain of their Hehuan Sect may not be their opponent.

"No wonder people often say that you are the No.1 of the younger generation in Sanctuary. Now it seems that this is not groundless."

There was a trace of decadence on Long Xiang's face, Xiaoyao Yuntian's strength really hit him hard, but even so, he was still able to face it calmly, on the road of the strong, one needs to have peaks to let him go People look up to, and then let people surpass.

Xiaoyao Yuntian is the tallest mountain in front of his eyes.

Xiaoyao Yuntian didn't refute, just smiled slightly and said: "Brother Long, please hand over your martial arts points now."

After Xiaoyao Yuntian finished speaking, he waved his hand, and all the badges on the shoulders of the three fairies of the Hehuan faction flew out and landed in his hands. He rubbed the three badges to his shoulders, and the badges on the shoulders representing the division of martial arts expanded several times. With shining light.The three women disappeared in place in an instant.

"Since we lost, we will naturally have to pay the price!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Long Xiang tore off the badge from his shoulder, but did not throw it directly to Xiaoyao Yuntian.

"I'm really curious, who else in the younger generation is worthy to be your opponent? The Twin Sons? Or the strongest Zhang Qiulie among the loose cultivators? Or Lei Zhengyang from the Shocking Lightning Sect?"

Long Xiang looked at Xiaoyao Yuntian and asked.

When the name Zhang Qiulie was mentioned, Xiaoyao Yuntian's eyes were cold, and he said in a deep voice: "In my opinion, none of them are my opponents."

Xiaoyao Yuntian's face was full of confidence, but Long Xiang didn't think he was arrogant at all, because Xiaoyao Yuntian definitely had the strength and courage to say such words.

"Among the younger generation, there is no one who is your opponent. It's really enviable!"

Long Xiang shook his head slightly. He once dreamed that he could reach that step, but now it seems that everything can only be a dream. With the existence of Xiaoyao Yuntian, it is difficult for him to take that step.

"No, you are wrong!" Xiaoyao Yuntian waved his hands, "I am indeed confident that I can defeat everyone you just mentioned, but there is one person I dare not say I win, and if we really want to fight, I think the one who will lose in the end It must be me."

There was a strange light in Long Xiang's eyes, Zhang Qiulie, Shuang Shengzi, Lei Zhengyang, these four favorites to win the championship were still able to win in the eyes of Xiaoyao Yuntian, so who else could make Xiaoyao Yuntian feel jealous people?
"Brother Long is wrong, he is not a member of the sanctuary, and he is my life-and-death friend!" Xiaoyao Yuntian's tone was a little lonely, "If he is in the rematch of the Martial Arts Conference, it will be very exciting, I'm afraid You will see even more terrifying power."

"What's his name?"

Long Xiang asked in a deep voice.

"Xiao Yu!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian said lightly.

"Xiao Yu?"

Long Xiang was startled, and suddenly remembered the contestant who was mentioned by the Heavenly Flame Sage before to deal with the demonized Zhang Qiulie. That person's name was also "Xiao Yu".

"It turned out to be him?"

Long Xiang's heart trembled. At first, he only cared a little about this name, but he didn't pay much attention to it.Looking at it now, this Xiao Yu is definitely number one extremely dangerous person.

Anyone who can make Xiaoyao Yuntian with such strength feel ashamed, who is this Xiao Yu?

"If there is a chance, I really want to meet him and see what kind of character he is!"

After Long Xiang finished speaking, he threw the badge in his hand to Xiaoyao Yuntian.


Xiaoyao Yuntian caught it and said with a smile, "Thank you, Brother Long, let's go slowly, Brother Long."

With a bitter smile on his face, Long Xiang gradually disappeared into the space crack.

Xiaoyao Yuntian's aura gradually dissipated, he raised his head, looked towards the sky, and murmured: "Brother Xiao, without you in the Martial Dao Conference, it really loses a lot of color."

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strange breath.

The aura seemed to be there, it seemed to be in a very far place, and it seemed to be near at the same time. This aura sometimes grew stronger and sometimes weakened, as if it was attracting Xiaoyao Yuntian's attention.

Xiaoyao Yuntian's complexion changed slightly, and there was a cold light in his eyes.This is obviously a different kind of provocation. He really can't figure it out. Who else would dare to provoke him like this?
"It's him?"

A face suddenly flashed in Xiaoyao Yuntian's mind, and the coldness on his face became more intense.He was about to chase out the breath, but that breath suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Run away?" Xiaoyao Yuntian said coldly, "Hmph, we will always meet, no matter where you escape, I will find you, Mochizuki's hatred can only be washed away with blood."

On a mountain peak thousands of miles away from Xiaoyao Yuntian, Zhang Qiulie's brows were gloomy, and the corners of his mouth curved into a cold arc.

"Xiaoyao Yuntian, our game begins now!"

(End of this chapter)

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