Chapter 909
The martial arts conference in the sanctuary was in full swing, and just after that day, Xiaoyao Yuntian and Zhang Qiulie suddenly carried out a frenzied plunder.

The two of them kept attacking others in the battlefield of the Martial Arts Conference and learned the points of martial arts. It can be said that they are invincible, and no one can resist.

Shenwu Continent, in the alliance.

The time Xiao Yun had been waiting for finally arrived. In the past two days, he had the alliance concentrate on searching for dragon blood crystals. He had already collected 80 yuan, but there was still a huge gap from the 200 yuan that the mysterious person said. .

Sitting in the room, Xiao Yun gently pressed his temples with his fingers. With such a huge gap, he knew that the mysterious person would definitely get angry.

"Bastard, how do you get the 200 yuan dragon blood crystal? Is it really a stone on the side of the road?"

Xiao Yun slapped the stone table in front of him, and the square table instantly shattered, his face was gloomy.

"You don't seem to have met my request?"

The mysterious man's voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Yun's room, Xiao Yun was terrified, stood up, and looked at the mysterious man with a little fear.

"The quantity you want is really too much, as you can see, I really tried my best!"

Xiao Yun hurriedly defended that in the past two days, he used his identity to unearth all the power of the alliance, and searched for the whereabouts of the dragon's blood crystal to the maximum extent. As a result, he has really exhausted his strength.

"What I want is not an excuse, I only look at the result!" The mysterious man said coldly, "It seems that it is a wrong choice to cooperate with you, and now you have no value."

Xiao Yun's eyelids twitched wildly, and he said in a low voice, "You...what do you want to do?"

The mysterious man sneered and said, "What to do? What do you think should happen to the waste that has no value?"

Xiao Yun couldn't help taking three steps back, the cold killing intent from the mysterious man was quietly spreading, he knew that the mysterious man really wanted to kill himself now.

"Asshole, have you been using him all this time?"

Xiao Yun secretly resented that the promises made by the mysterious man to him were all empty talk, without any sign of fulfillment, he was purely for him to design Xiao Xuri and take away the Xiao family ancestral box.

Now once the use is complete, he can be eliminated anytime and anywhere. Only now has he recognized the essence of the mysterious man.

"This is the alliance, and I am the leader of the alliance. If you kill me, the members of the alliance will not let it go!"

Xiao Yun pretended to be calm, and said coldly.

"Hmph, alliance?" the mysterious man disdainfully said, "So what if it's an alliance? Do you think these wastes can be compared to me? I can come here quietly, and naturally I can kill you silently."

After the last word fell, the mysterious man had already made a move. His palm pierced through the space and directly inserted into Xiao Yun's chest as if there was no distance.


Xiao Yun's pupils shrank, and a sharp pain spread all over his body. At this moment, he felt that his whole body was filled with pain, and a low cry of pain came out of his mouth.

With an excited and bloodthirsty smile in his eyes, the mysterious man killed Xiao Yun. Although it did him no good, he liked the feeling of controlling other people's life and death.


In the next instant, the expression in his eyes changed drastically, and his eyes were full of panic.

The palm he inserted into Xiao Yun's chest seemed to be pulled by a gravitational force, and he couldn't pull it out at all. At the same time, Xiao Yun's body was like a black hole, continuously absorbing the power in his body.

"What?" The mysterious man was startled, and suddenly thought of the strange exercise book he gave Xiao Yun, "Is it the three transformations of the demon?"

"Three Transformations of Heavenly Demons" was obtained by a mysterious person decades ago. This book has three levels. What is surprising is that the cultivation of this book has nothing to do with the level of a person's divine power, and only requires some specific conditions.

With his comprehension aptitude, he only completed the first change, and it was only this first change that allowed him to have a terrifying power that surpassed the masters of the same level. He teamed up to expel them, and he passed "The Three Changes of the Heavenly Demon" to Xiao Yun. There is also one of his disciples in "Three Changes". Similarly, this disciple is just a chess piece, a test product.

However, he never thought that Xiao Yun could successfully practice all the "Three Changes of Heavenly Demon" in just one month.The triple transformation is completely mastered by Xiao Yun, this peerless magic skill is like a peerless tiger hiding in Xiao Yun's body, now his fatal attack has become an opportunity for this "tiger" to erupt.

A tyrannical suction emerged from Xiao Yun's body, and the mysterious man's eyes became more and more fearful. No matter how he struggled, he could not escape the control of the power in Xiao Yun's body, and the divine power in his body was also lost inch by inch, strengthening Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun's complexion gradually returned to ruddy from the original paleness, and then his eyes turned to the mysterious person, and the eyes that should have been fearful turned ferocious at this moment.

"Want to kill me?" Xiao Yun said coldly, as if the voice didn't belong to him, "Let's see who will die today!"

"Do not……"

The mysterious man felt that the power in his body was continuously draining, and the fear in his heart was beyond words.For revenge, he endured for decades, just to be able to realize his ambition.The foundation of all this is strength, without strength, he will only be unable to move forward.

"You bastard!" the mysterious man snorted, "Heavenly Demon Transformation is the first transformation, give up God."

A black light flashed in Xiao Yun's room, and a black energy emerged from the palm of the mysterious man, entangled with the suction force in Xiao Yun's body, and his palm also broke free at this moment, and was pulled out of Xiao Yun's body.

He backed away in shock, and Xiao Yun also knocked over many tables and chairs.

The black energy in Xiao Yun's chest wriggled crazily, his wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and so were the broken internal organs in his body.

There was no trace of fear on his face, but a great sense of satisfaction.Just a moment ago, he absorbed most of the mysterious man's power, and now his power has reached the peak of the Yuanshen Realm, and he is only one step away from the Super God Realm.

This sudden powerful feeling made him almost crazy. Although he didn't know what happened to him, the feeling of being full of power and being more than me was really wonderful.

The palms of the mysterious man were still trembling slightly. He looked at Xiao Yun, who had changed a lot in front of him, and felt a chill in his heart. He began to regret why he passed on "The Three Changes of the Demon" to Xiao Yun.Looking at Xiao Yun's current situation, it is obvious that he has mastered the core of "Three Transformations of the Demon". The power of "Three Transformations of Heavenly Demon" is fully displayed through Xiao Yun's body.

His divine power has been greatly reduced now, and his strength is less than [-]% of that in his heyday. Xiao Yun's strength has greatly increased, and his momentum is like a rainbow.Xiao Yun took a step forward, and he was frightened out of his wits. He threw off the roof of the house and fled in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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