Chapter 926 Rescue
"Break it for me!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian roared loudly, and the phantom of the giant behind him trembled violently, and a palm that covered the sky and the sun fell from the sky, which was actually only a circle smaller than the castle.

The huge palm landed on the castle with unparalleled power.


The sky and the earth trembled, and the loud noise was deafening.Xiaoyao Yuntian's eyes were fixed, a little surprised.

Just before his attack touched the castle, streaks of golden light suddenly shot out from inside the castle, forming a protective film on the outside, blocking all his attacks.

The giant's hand pressed the protective film into a concave surface, but it never broke the protective film, nor was it able to touch the inner castle.

"As expected, it was set up by the eleven top masters in the past. It really has some skills."

Xiaoyao Yuntian's complexion recovered, he hadn't noticed this obstruction yet, even if he was forced to cooperate now, he still wanted to do things beautifully.

"In that case, let's see how long you can last!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian grinned. At this moment, his enemy is not Zhang Qiulie, but the protective film that protects the castle seal.

The sound of violent impacts continued to be heard, and the battlefield of the Martial Arts Conference rematch was filled with a sense of power.

Through induction, the ten great sages saw this matter clearly.

"Sure enough, this Zhang Qiulie is indeed a disciple of Zhuifeng. Since the establishment of the Martial Arts Conference, this battlefield has been set up by us as a battle area for the rematch. He is sure that we will not change this year, so let Zhang Qiulie Participate in the competition, so as to find an opportunity to get close to the sealed place we repaired. If my prediction is correct, there must be some kind of induction in this Zhang Qiulie."

The Human Sovereign Saint said in a deep voice, with too much helplessness in his tone.The chasing saint used to be his best brother, but because of "Three Changes of the Demon", he lost such a close friend.

"He doesn't need to use other objects to sense!" Shuiyue Sheng shook his head and said, "Zhang Qiulie must have practiced the "Three Changes of Heavenly Demon" himself. The demon nature of Shura Yan Mo Dao interacts with each other, so he can naturally use this to find the sealed place."

Sage Tianyan nodded: "Junior Brother Shuiyue is right. This Zhang Qiulie has made a plan from the beginning, and it is indeed a surefire way to let the kid from Xiaoyao's family help him. This Zhang Qiulie , thoughtful, very similar to Chasing the Wind, he really took in a good apprentice!"

The voice of the Tianyan saint became colder and colder, and the human emperor said worriedly: "Looking at the current situation, the seal we set back then will soon be broken by Xiaoyao Yuntian, and Zhang Qiulie will be killed by then. I don’t know if there will be any accidents if I get the "Asura Yan Demon Knife" and cooperate with the "Three Changes of Heavenly Demon" that he has cultivated himself?"

The corner of Tianyan Saint's mouth curled into a smile, and he shook his head slightly.

"Junior Brother Renhuang, don't worry, Xiaoyao Yuntian is a junior who can bring us infinite surprises. Even if Zhang Qiulie uses these two magical exercises in combination, I don't think he will be Xiaoyao Yuntian's opponent."

The rest of the saints looked at each other a few times and said in surprise, "Xiaoyao Yuntian is really so strong?"

Saint Tianyan smiled and said, "This kid from the Xiaoyao family hasn't tried his best since he entered the battlefield. I'm also curious about what it will be like when he fully releases his power."

The rest of the saints were relieved when they saw the appearance of the Tianyan saint. Even if Xiaoyao Yuntian is not as powerful as the Tianyan saint said, there is another person in this battlefield, which is enough to ensure that nothing will happen.


The breeze blows, and it looks even colder among the continuous icebergs.

Two figures stood in the air, they were Xiao Yu and Xie Bing.

Xiao Yu's incomparably handsome face is more attractive than this iceberg beauty, his star-like deep eyes scan between each iceberg.

"It's a bit interesting, but I can't see where it has been tampered with. This Zhang Qiulie, the origin is indeed not simple!"

Xiao Yu smiled, but there was no warmth in his words.

"Brother Xiao, can't you find it?"

Xie Bing had an anxious look on his face. Xie Qinxue was his most beloved sister. If her cultivation foundation was damaged, he would definitely blame himself.Because he didn't fulfill the responsibility of an older brother and didn't take good care of his younger sister.

"I can't find it!" Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, and under Xie Bing's panicked eyes, the conversation suddenly changed.

"However, I can't find a way to find it. Since I don't know which mountain they are suppressed in, just lift up all the mountains."

Xie Bing was terrified, the snow-capped mountains here are so vast that Xiao Yu wanted to lift them all up.

Xiao Yu landed on the ground, pulled his right fist violently, and shouted: "Strength through the body!"


The fist landed on the ground, and there was a muffled sound, but the fragmented scene that Xie Bing expected did not appear, as if Xiao Yu's punch had landed in an empty space.

How did he know that Xiao Yu's fist strength had already penetrated into the ground, spreading to the bottom of every iceberg, and his divine power had also penetrated down, spreading to the bottom of every iceberg.


In the darkness, Xie Qinxue, who was in pain all over her body, felt a little strange. She noticed that there seemed to be a vigorous energy rushing upwards from the ground.

"This is……"

Xie Qinxue was shocked and wanted to avoid it, but now she couldn't mobilize all her strength. She was suppressed here for several days. She was exhausted and couldn't do it at all. Lei Zhengyang, who had been in a coma beside her, was even more so. Unbearable, I can't even move a finger.


In the next moment, blue-purple rays of light suddenly erupted from the ground, and hundreds of icebergs all flew off the ground.


Xie Qinxue let out a tender cry, and was pushed into the sky by Xiao Yu's strength, her heart was filled with panic. Lei Zhengyang also lay on his back, totally unaware of what happened at this moment.

Xie Bing was still immersed in the shock, but Xiao Yu turned his eyes and his figure had disappeared in place.

"Am I really going to die?"

Being in mid-air, surrounded by the huge iceberg rubble, Xie Qinxue was extremely panicked.

She wasn't afraid of death, she was sure what she was afraid of was never seeing that person again, the one who had saved her life.

"Xiao Yu, I just want to see you again, why, why is it a luxury to see you once?"

Xie Qinxue shouted in her heart, but her eyes were slowly closed. From the moment she and Lei Zhengyang were suppressed by Zhang Qiulie, her heart was already in despair.

"Xiao Yu, save me!"

At the last moment, Xie Qinxue called out the name that had been buried in her heart for a long time. This cry filled the whole world with sorrow.This is a person who is facing death calling for the person he depends on the most.

"I am coming!"

A chuckle sounded in Xie Qinxue's ear, and at the same time, she felt herself falling into a warm and strong embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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