Chapter 927 Another Comer

"I am coming!"

An extremely familiar voice struck Xie Qinxue's eardrums, and at the same time touched her soft heart.

Feeling her erratic body falling into a warm and strong embrace, Xie Qinxue felt unreal.

She turned her head and saw a face that she thought was impossible to appear here, but actually appeared here.

"Xiao Yu?"

Xie Qinxue couldn't believe her eyes. The person she was thinking of was only tens of inches away from her, and her eyes met. She knew that she could clearly see the tiny pores on his face.

"it's me!"

With a smile on his face, Xiao Yu hugged Xie Qinxue and landed from the sky. Lei Zhengyang who was beside him was also awakened by this violent vibration. So as not to fall to the ground and make a fool of yourself on the spot.

"Little sister!"

As soon as he landed, Xie Bing, who had been worried for a long time, rushed over and said in surprise.

Xie Qinxue didn't respond at all, but just stared blankly at Xiao Yu in front of her. Up to now, she still couldn't believe that it was Xiao Yu who rescued her at the most difficult moment.

"Xiao Yu, is it really you?"

Xie Qinxue murmured, stretching out her soft, white and tender jade hands slightly, and gently brushed across Xiao Yu's face.

Xiao Yu's heart fluctuated slightly, Xie Qinxue's heart-piercing cry when facing a desperate situation made him unable to dodge at all.

The touch was real, and Xie Qinxue could still feel the faint warmth on Xiao Yu's face.

Knowing that it was Xiao Yu who came personally, Xie Qinxue couldn't bear the grievance of the suffering in her heart anymore, tears came out of her eyes, and her whole head was buried in Xiao Yu's arms.

"Wow, Xiao Yu, why did you come here! You said you would show up in the rematch, you lied to me, you lied to me!"

Xie Qinxue lay in Xiao Yu's arms and wept bitterly. Xiao Yu's face was full of self-blame. If he had been in the rematch battlefield from the beginning, Xie Qinxue would not have endured so many days of pain.

The pain of being suppressed by others is really not easy to bear.

Xie Bing stood beside him with a face of embarrassment. At this time, he became an outsider. Not far away, Lei Zhengyang, who had just safely landed on the ground, struggled to stand up. Seeing this scene, the pride in his heart was even more instant. collapse.

The woman he likes has been guarded by him for several days, but has not made any progress, but now Xie Qinxue is throwing herself into the arms of a young man in front of him, crying like a child, full of dependence , with a touch of sweetness.

"This guy, is that Xiao Yu?"

If it were the Lei Zhengyang of the past, he would definitely be furious and confront Xiao Yu, but after he was defeated by Zhang Qiulie's inner battle, his ambition was damaged and his spirit was worn down. In front of Xue, he behaved so arrogantly.

As a man, his most embarrassing appearance has been seen through by the woman he likes. This is almost worse than death.

"Zhang Qiulie, you bastard!"

Lei Zhengyang hated secretly, if Zhang Qiulie hadn't grasped his psychological weakness, even if he lost, he would not have lost so quickly and thoroughly.

Xie Qinxue seemed to want to vent all the hardships of these days, she cried unscrupulously, without the slightest concealment, after a long time, the crying subsided, she was buried in Xiao Yu's arms, unwilling to get up, Xiao Yu just kept silent He hugged her tightly, without moving an inch.

Xie Bing stood aside awkwardly, with ambiguity written all over his face, his sister liked Xiao Yu, he had already seen that if Xiao Yu was also interested in his sister, that would be a real good thing.

Whether it is strength or appearance, Xiao Yu is an impeccable young talent.

"Have you had enough crying? Can you come down?"

Xiao Yu's voice was soft. For Xie Qinxue, he did have a desire to protect. This strong woman also had a weak side in her heart.


Xie Qinxue nodded slightly, and raised her head, with tears and a faint blushing on her face, she looked infinitely shy.

Xiao Yu put her down, turned his eyes and landed on Lei Zhengyang.He had already learned Lei Zhengyang's identity from the top ten sages, and he was really curious why Lei Zhengyang, a top young master in the sanctuary who was looked up to by Xiaoyao Yuntian, lost so badly to Zhang Qiulie hands.

When Xiao Yu cast his gaze, Lei Zhengyang subconsciously puffed up his chest and looked at Xiao Yu, but after a while, he still lowered his haughty head, and a wry smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

As a defeated general, he no longer has the qualifications to be brave.

Xiao Yu didn't have any intention of looking down on Lei Zhengyang, he knew that Lei Zhengyang ended up like this in order to protect Xie Qinxue, and he was grateful in his heart.

"Xiao Yu, this is the young sect master of Jingleimen, Lei Zhengyang. He saved me, we are friends."

Xie Qinxue thought that Xiao Yu didn't know Lei Zhengyang's identity, so she introduced, and in the end, there was a hint of explanation between the words.She was afraid that Xiao Yu would misunderstand her relationship with Lei Zhengyang.

How could Lei Zhengyang not understand Xie Qinxue's obvious explanation tone, he gave a wry smile, and cupped his hands at Xiao Yu.

"You must be the Xiao Yu that Miss Xie often mentioned, thank you for saving me!"

Lei Zhengyang knew that it must be Xiao Yu who helped them out of trouble, and thanked Xiao Yu.

"Brother Lei, you don't have to be like this. I've heard your name for a long time!"

Xiao Yu also cupped his fists at Lei Zhengyang, but he didn't want him to hear this sentence for a long time, but it was ironic to Lei Zhengyang.

Lei Zhengyang knew that Xiao Yu had no other intentions, so he only sighed in his heart.In the battle with Zhang Qiulie, he really lost all his wisdom.If he knew that Zhang Qiulie was using the image of him and Xie Qinxue being suppressed to threaten Xiaoyao Yuntian, he would be even more furious.

At this moment, Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows, and his eyes swept towards the sky. After a long time, Xie Qinxue, Xie Bing, and Lei Zhengyang all felt a powerful aura approaching here, sharply piercing through the air. The sound is already clearly audible.

In just one scene, Lei Zhengyang's heart was full of turmoil. Although he was seriously injured and his combat strength was not as good as one or two in his heyday, his perception was still there. Xiao Yu was able to detect someone approaching him so long before him. This is strength Biggest proof of the gap.

"He... how strong is he?"

The hard power in Xiao Yu's body is clearly at the third level of Yuanshen Realm, and he can clearly feel it, but the calmness Xiao Yu displayed is far from comparable to that of the younger generation he has seen.Perhaps only Xiaoyao Yuntian is qualified to compare with Xiao Yu.

The sound of breaking through the sky came from far to near, and in just an instant, a figure appeared in the sky.


When the visitor saw the four of Xiao Yu below, he was startled at first, but when his eyes swept over Lei Zhengyang and realized Lei Zhengyang's serious injury, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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