Chapter 937 Genius Gathering
The gentle smile on Xiao Yu's face made them feel unreal. Liao Baihe's beautiful eyes widened, looking at the young man she thought was impossible to appear in front of her.

"Xiao Yu, is that you?"

Liao Baihe covered her red lips lightly and said in shock.

"It's me, are you all right?"

Seeing that the three of them had injuries of varying degrees, Xiao Yu asked aloud.Although he doesn't have a deep friendship with the three of them, they can be regarded as helping him. At least the appearance of the Xie family brothers and sisters in the rematch battlefield of the Martial Arts Conference has a lot to do with them.

Among the ancient ruins in the preliminary round, without the care of the three of them, the brothers and sisters of the Xie family might not even be able to participate in the semi-finals.

"Ah, we're fine!"

The three of Liao Baihe recovered from the shock and shook their heads.

For some reason, when Liao Baihe saw the smile on Xiao Yu's face, two red clouds flew up from her pretty face for no reason.

The last time it was because of Xiao Yu, they saw a wonderful battle and were saved by Xiao Yu, but this time when they met Xiao Yu, they were chased and fled in embarrassment.

"Brother Xiao, there are guests here, what do you think?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian looked at Xiao Yu and said with a smile.

This made the three of Liao Baihe even more astonished, Xiaoyao Yuntian is such a person, but he talks casually with Xiao Yu, and even has a slightly joking tone, this is definitely the expression that will only be shown between close relatives and friends.

When the semi-finalists gathered, they all knew that Xiaoyao Yuntian and Xiao Yu had a good relationship, but now it seems that the relationship between the two is stronger than they imagined.

"It depends on Brother Yun and Brother Lei!"

Xiao Yu shook his head with a smile, still standing on the side without any movement, the two swift lights and shadows in the distance had come close, and two figures, one blue and one red, stood proudly in the sky.

The man in the blue shirt was tall and slender, with a thin mask covering his face, making it impossible to see his face clearly. The man in the red shirt was thinner and also wearing a mask, so he couldn't recognize the person coming.

When they saw Lei Zhengyang and Xiaoyao Yuntian below, they were obviously shocked.

The gazes of Xiaoyao Yuntian and Lei Zhengyang also moved upwards. Lei Zhengyang was obviously very puzzled by these two uninvited guests, unable to figure out their identities.

However, Xiaoyao Yuntian grinned: "I didn't expect to meet the Twin Sons of the Temple of Heaven and Earth here, it's really interesting!"

"The twin sons of the Heaven and Earth Palace?"

Only then did Lei Zhengyang react, secretly thinking that his reaction was too slow, he should have thought of the identities of these two people long ago.Apart from Xiao Yu, Xiaoyao Yuntian, Zhang Qiulie, who was able to chase the two top masters of the Shenlongzong and the muscular monk to flee in embarrassment, it seems that there are only two masters from the Heaven and Earth Palace.

"It turned out to be them!"

Only then did the three of Liao Baihe realize who they had lost to. This match was not unfair.

"Young Patriarch Xiaoyao, Master Lei Shaomen, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

The man in blue clasped his fists, and gently cupped his hands towards Xiaoyao Yuntian and Lei Zhengyang, without any other meaning in his tone.Facing the two young heroes with the most resounding voices in the Holy Domain, he didn't have the slightest fear.

He does have this capital, whether it is his own strength or the huge support behind him, it can make him stand out from his peers.

The Temple of Heaven and Earth deserves to be the dominant force in the sanctuary, and no force can shake it.

"I don't know what to do with the Twin Sons?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian didn't mention Liao Baihe and others who were at the side, and his eyes were always on the Shuang Shengzi, which was quite aggressive.

"We are here only to take back our martial arts."

The man in red has never opened his mouth, but unexpectedly, he was extremely domineering when he opened his mouth.As soon as these words came out, the faces of Liao Baihe and the three of them changed color. It was obvious that the Shuang Shengzi had regarded the three of them as fish on the chopping board, which was really a great insult.

"Twin Sons, we haven't lost to you yet, don't go too far."

The muscular monk has always had a hot temper, and suddenly said angrily.

"Oh? Really? Of course running away doesn't count as defeat!"

The blue-shirted man said something casually, the muscular monk shouted loudly, and wanted to make a move, but Liao Baihe stopped him.

"Don't be impulsive, we don't need to worry about things here!"

Only then did the muscular monk calm down, looking at Xiaoyao Yuntian and Lei Zhengyang at the side, it seemed that they really had no role to intervene in this matter.What's more, there was an extremely terrifying Xiao Yu at the side.

Xiaoyao Yuntian smiled, and took two steps forward: "Oh? What are your martial arts? I don't know where there are your martial arts? Why didn't I see it?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian has always been unconvinced by the Heaven and Earth Palace, and he has no good impression of the people associated with the Heaven and Earth Palace. Today, Liao Baihe and the three have friendship with Xiao Yu, so he will not sit idly by no matter what.

"Why does Patriarch Xiaoyao know what to ask? The three of them were chased by us, and the martial arts in them naturally belong to us."

The man in red pointed at the three of Liao Baihe and said coldly.

"That's really unfortunate. They are brothers Lei and I's partners. If you want to fight their idea of ​​martial arts, you have to ask us first."

Xiaoyao Yuntian didn't have the slightest intention to give the Shuang Shengzi any face, and his tone was tit for tat.

"Xiaoyao Yuntian, Lei Zhengyang, it seems that you want to help them? We don't know when the Xiaoyao family and Jingleimen got so close to Shenlongzong."

The blue-shirted man sneered again and again, not surprised at Xiaoyao Yuntian and Lei Zhengyang's protection.

"I'm really sorry, we just became partners!"

Lei Zhengyang stepped forward, and he, who has always been taciturn, also said in a cold voice.Although Lei Zhengyang was defeated, he still had the courage to face any opponent.

The Twin Sons of Heaven and Earth Hall are a rare opponent, and he has long thought about meeting them for a while.

"Su Wen, you Xiaoyao Yuntian's swordsmanship is superb and has reached the peak. I really want to see what kind of swordsmanship that is."

The man in the blue shirt crossed his arms, his eyes full of provocation.All geniuses have arrogance. Even if they are humble on the surface, they must be proud of the sky in their bones. Today, a group of top geniuses gathered together in one place, and wanting them to chat calmly is undoubtedly a dream.

"If you want to see my sword skills, then you have to see if you are qualified to let me use the sword."

Xiaoyao Yuntian was noncommittal, with a playful smile on his face.

"It has long been heard that the twin sons of the Heaven and Earth Hall have been carefully trained by the ten great saints, and they have many unique skills. Today I want to learn a lot."

Lei Zhengyang and Xiaoyao Yuntian stood side by side, a sense of arrogance slowly rose from his body, the eyes of the four met, and invisible fireworks stirred in the air.

The pinnacle battle of the younger generation seemed to be about to start. Liao Baihe, Muscular Monk, Li Yunlong, Xie's brothers and sisters, and Donghuang's brothers and sisters all felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

(End of this chapter)

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