Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 938 Battle of the Peak

Chapter 938 Battle of the Peak

Xiaoyao Yuntian and Lei Zhengyang were motionless, but a torrent of force had already erupted from the ground and charged towards the Twin Sons of the Heaven and Earth Hall.

Two divine powers, one red and one blue, are like the tail of a giant python, sweeping across the sky.

Xiaoyao Yuntian's divine power is fierce and incomparable, extremely powerful, and its interior exudes colorful light, which is extremely restrained.

Lei Zhengyang's divine power raged towards the heaven and earth with a thunderous light.

Two powerful divine powers slashed at the Twin Sons respectively.

Sensing that terrifying power, the Twin Sons were also greatly surprised.

"There are no worthless people under the great name, it is true."

Both of them had this idea in their minds, and they rushed forward at the same time, grasped into iron fists, and smashed down angrily at the supernatural power.

Two low voices came, and their fists had already collided with Shen Lian.


There was a huge earthquake, powerful energy shock waves spilled from the sky, and the ground cracked and collapsed downward.

The intensity of the impact made Liao Baihe and the others panic-stricken. Just as they were about to resist the raging shock wave, Xiao Yu waved his palm to intercept all the shock waves.

When everyone came back to their senses and looked around, they were even more horrified. The land around them had been torn apart, but the area they were in was intact.

Needless to say, all this is because of Xiao Yu.

"I haven't seen him for more than a month. He seems to have become stronger again. This guy is really a monster!"

Li Yunlong and the muscular monk looked at each other and shook their heads lightly. It was really difficult for them to catch up with Xiao Yu's footsteps.

"Xiao Yu, don't you want to make a move?"

Xie Qinxue stood beside Xiao Yu, with her head turned sideways cutely, a little coquettish.

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Brother Yun and Brother Lei are here, so naturally I don't need to take action. The two of them, together with the two holy sons of the Heaven and Earth Hall, the top masters of the younger generation in the sanctuary have really collided, and it is also It's a match for chess, if we don't let them have a good fight, how can they have fun?"

"What about you? Don't you want to fight them?"

Liao Baihe stared at Xiao Yu with beautiful eyes, and asked with great interest.Every time I think of Xiao Yu's bloody and heroic fighting to the end, she becomes addicted and cannot extricate herself. She really wants to see Xiao Yu's battle again, that kind of scene is unforgettable forever.

"Dou?" Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, "I'm not interested!"


Liao Baihe seemed unwilling to let go of this question and continued to ask.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, but did not answer. He did not want to answer the answer to this question.


Above the sky, Lei Zhengyang yelled loudly and stomped the soles of his feet suddenly. Thunder thunder swept all around, space cracks spread one after another, and the surroundings were filled with violent thunder power.

The blue-shirted man turned over, dodging a tens of thousands of feet of huge thunder attack, with his palm poking out, he had already plunged into the thunder light.

"Soul Slayer!"

He gave a low shout, and a purple-red palm appeared in the sky, and a huge shadow shrouded it.He can actually use Wu Tianyang's unique skills.

"Soul Slayer?"

Lei Zhengyang was startled, but only for a moment.He punched out, and the thunder twisted in one place, like a winding dragon, and suddenly swallowed towards the huge palm.

The two forces collided, without the slightest sound, the space collapsed inch by inch, and space fragments fell one after another, and turned into nothingness on the ground.

"The light of the mysterious moon, the ice waterfall flows into the sky!"

The man in red let out a low cry, turned upside down in the air, and clenched his palms, ice crystals condensed in the air, and then formed countless ice cones, which quickly pierced towards Xiaoyao Yuntian.


Xiaoyao Yuntian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and gently pushed out his palm, a wave of air rose up in front of him, resisting all the ice cones, and then pointed out with his fingers, a lightsaber broke through the defense, breaking countless ice cones, Shoot the man in red.

The man in red twisted his body, the ray of light brushed past him, and the air around him was directly incinerated, obviously the destructive power was astonishing.

"As expected of Xiaoyao Yuntian, my ice waterfall Liutian can't help you at all!"

There was approval in the tone of the man in red. Only at this moment did he understand why Xiaoyao Yuntian has such a high reputation among his peers. What he has learned is absolutely shocking. How many of his peers can compete with him?
The light shield that Xiaoyao Yuntian condensed before was obviously made of his own divine power, such a mighty divine power, even he was secretly startled, besides, Xiaoyao Yuntian's true strength has not yet been revealed at all.

"If you have any abilities, just use them. If the Twin Sons of the Heaven and Earth Hall only have these abilities, it will disappoint me too much!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian gently waved his hands at the man in red, as if he wanted to attack.

The man in red stared slightly. He grew up in the Temple of Heaven and Earth. He was in contact with the ruler of the Temple of Heaven and Earth on weekdays. His strength was also supervised by the ten great saints. The thinking above all forces, so that he would look down on the young masters from other forces, Xiaoyao Yuntian is no exception in his eyes, but with these few fights, he has already felt the horror of Xiaoyao Yuntian.

This is definitely not comparable to the so-called ordinary geniuses. Xiaoyao Yuntian's strength has already caught up with the older generation of masters. In his opinion, those who are in power at the top may not necessarily be Xiaoyao Yuntian's opponents.

The battle in the sky is still going on, and the ten saints in the Temple of Heaven and Earth are also focusing all their attention on this land.

"The four of them finally met together, plus Zhang Qiulie, it will be even more exciting!"

The Sage of Water Moon said with emotion.Although they have stood at the apex of the sanctuary for many years, they have already lost the enthusiasm and courage of their youth. Now seeing these vigorous young people coming and going, the competition is fierce, and the blood in their hearts is slowly Restore the heat.

"This kid from the Xiaoyao family has never revealed his trump card. The depth of his strength is really unpredictable."

The Tianyan Saint looked at the Xiaoyaoyuntian, which was always flowing like the wind, and said in a deep voice.

"To be honest, among the younger generation, only Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian are the only ones I can't understand. If these two go to the battlefield of the younger generation in the three major domains together, I think our sanctuary will still have a chance to breathe .”

The Human Sovereign Saint accepted.

Xiao Yu watched the battle in the sky, most of his eyes fell on Xiaoyao Yuntian, since he met Xiaoyao Yuntian, he always felt that Xiaoyao Yuntian's strength was beyond consideration, as if no opponent could force Xiaoyao Yuntian to use his full strength.Xiaoyao Yuntian must have a way to deal with that trip to the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, but he was just one step ahead.

The four people in the sky were fighting heartily, and the tough sound of power clashing stirred everyone's heart.But at this moment, a tiny stream of black air overflowed from the soil in the distance, gradually returning to the appearance of a person.

(End of this chapter)

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