Chapter 941 Dangerous Moves
Xiao Yu's eyes fell on the four people who were fighting fiercely in the sky. This exciting decisive battle was indeed the pinnacle battle of the younger generation.

Whether it is Xiaoyao Yuntian, Lei Zhengyang, or the red and blue twin sons of Tiandi Temple, they are all true pinnacle figures of the younger generation, and the top masters of the Holy Sword Sect, Shenlong Sect, Raging Flame Sect, and Hehuan Sect It is indeed a lower grade.

Liao Baihe and the others were also attracted by the wonderful battle, and they couldn't move their eyes away, but Xie Qinxue would look at Xiao Yu from time to time, with a strong sense of affection in his eyes.

Xiaoyao Yuntian and the red-clothed Shengzi clashed, the sky trembled, and a ripple of energy descended from the sky, completely destroying the surrounding vegetation.

The man in red groaned, and turned upside down in the air, his body suddenly panicking.

Xiaoyao Yuntian stood in the sky, motionless, and his body was as stable as Mount Tai. He didn't seem to be affected in the slightest by the head-on encounter with the saint son in red, but seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

"The twin sons of the Heaven and Earth Palace, it seems that they are not as tyrannical as I imagined!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian's tone was flat, but his arrogance went straight to the sky.

The red-clothed saint's eyes were gloomy. He had already shown some fatigue after fighting Xiaoyao Yuntian, but Xiaoyao Yuntian seemed to have endless energy. The power in his body was still as vast as the sea, full of vigorous vitality, that kind of divine power Even he has to say "admiration" to the level of majesty.

If he confronted with divine power, he would have been completely at a disadvantage.

"Xiaoyao Yuntian, you are too arrogant, our battle is not over yet!"

The saint son in red said coldly, the space around him suddenly distorted, and his fingers were also changing rapidly, forming mysterious and obscure seals one after another.

Dangerous fluctuations are approaching step by step, and Xiaoyao Yuntian also looks more solemn. He stands a thousand feet below the saint son in red, and slowly protrudes a hand from behind. The golden light has enveloped his palm, and a low-pitched dragon chant is issuing from the palm of his hand.

"Xiaoyao Yuntian, this is my unique skill in the Heaven and Earth Palace, I will let you experience it today."

The killing intent in the eyes of the saint son in red was fleeting, and Xiaoyao Yuntian felt something was wrong. Although the saint son in red fought with him before, although he did not show any mercy, he did not show any murderous intent, but now the saint son in red has It seems that he wants to kill him. He is not afraid of this extreme transformation, but he does not understand it very much.

In this battlefield, Zhang Qiulie is the only one who can kill people. The rest of the people would never act like this if they didn't have some deep hatred. Purpose of the game.

"Oops, how could Xiao Ke use that trick?"

In the Temple of Heaven, the Human Sovereign Saint had a shocked expression on his face, and the rest of the Saints were not much different, each with a look of astonishment and worry on their faces.

"He knows that Xiaoyao Yuntian is a formidable enemy, and he has always had the reputation of the Temple of Heaven and Earth as the greatest. Obviously, he wants to do his best to use that extremely dangerous move and try to defeat the enemy."

The Heavenly Flame Saint had complex eyes. They were all filled with guilt for the Red-clothed Saint Son. They were supposed to have happy times since they were young, but because of the crisis in the Sanctuary, the ten old fellows had no choice but to make strict demands on him. He lost his childhood and became a fighting machine in the Temple of Heaven and Earth.

"Brother, if you don't stop it, once the move is formed, it will be out of control. Xiaoyao Yuntian may not be able to catch it. If you are not careful, you may be completely destroyed by the terrifying power of that move."

The Water Moon Saint said in a deep voice.

"A game is a game, let's watch!"

Saint Tianyan waved his hand lightly and closed his eyes again.

The dangerous aura in the sky became more and more intense, Xiaoyao Yuntian held one hand behind his back, and one palm was far away from the red-clothed saint son, right in the center of the cyclone.

The aura of the saint son in red suddenly became very violent, and traces of fiery red divine power surged out from his body, limbs and bones, instantly forming a small sun in the sky, the temperature was extremely hot.

"Xiao Ke, no!"

The holy son in blue who was fighting with Lei Zhengyang hit Lei Zhengyang with a palm with all his strength.When he felt the familiar violent force, the blue-clothed saint son immediately shouted at the red-clothed saint son, and at the same time his figure flashed, wanting to rush towards the red-clothed saint son.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of him, it was Lei Zhengyang who was fighting fiercely with him.

"This is our battlefield. Before it's over, you want to disrupt the situation over there?"

Although Lei Zhengyang also felt the violent force that made his heart palpitate, it was Xiaoyao Yuntian who was fighting the saint son in red at the moment, and he would not let the saint son in blue disturb their battle. The dignity of the pinnacle of the younger generation lies.

"Lei Zhengyang, our battle can continue later, but I have to go over now. If I slow down a bit, Xiaoyao Yuntian may not be able to see the sun tomorrow."

The voice of the blue-clothed saint son was very anxious, and there was also a kind of suppressed anger. Lei Zhengyang, who was standing in the way, made him really angry.


Lei Zhengyang scoffed at the words of the blue-clothed saint son, and wanted to kill Xiaoyao Yuntian, it was undoubtedly a dream, at least he himself couldn't do it, he didn't believe that the red-clothed saint son who was comparable in strength to him could do it .

"Lei Zhengyang..."

Seeing Lei Zhengyang's refusal to let him go, the blue-clothed saint son dashed from left to right, but Lei Zhengyang stood in front of him time and time again, making him want to do more than he could.

The small "sun" in the sky condensed by the divine power of the saint son in red was extremely powerful, and it only dyed the sky red in an instant, and even the earth was coated with a layer of blood red.

Xie Qinxue, Liao Baihe and the others felt the extreme pressure. If the small "sun" falls, they will probably be swallowed up by that force.

"Brother Xiao, will something happen?"

Li Yunlong was very worried. The power displayed by the saint son in red was more than ten times stronger than what they encountered before.

"Brother Xiaoyao is now the main force, we should trust him."

Xiao Yu smiled and said, he has unlimited confidence in Xiaoyao Yuntian.Although the two holy sons of the Heaven and Earth Palace are strong, in his opinion, there is still a gap between them and Xiaoyao Yuntian.

"Xiaoyao Yuntian, you have to pay the price for what you said just now, Heaven and Earth Palace, no one will allow others to underestimate you!"

The saint son in red locked his eyes on Xiaoyao Yuntian, and the anger in his eyes was burning.The Temple of Heaven and Earth is the belief in his heart, and he will never allow others to underestimate him. He will dedicate himself to the reputation of Temple of Heaven and Earth, including his own life.

The fiery red "sun" has turned into a huge fireball, rushing towards Xiaoyao Yuntian.

(End of this chapter)

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