Chapter 942 Rolling
The huge fireball contained terrifying high temperatures, burning all the air around the world, and a wave of fire descended from the sky, as if to cover the entire land.

In the fireball, the saint son in red radiated fiery red brilliance. At that moment, a pair of huge wings suddenly stretched out from behind him, like a phoenix descending.

Feeling the huge oppression, Xiaoyao Yuntian's clothes slammed violently and was blown agitated by the wind and waves. The bangs on his forehead were also blown to the sides by the strong wind, revealing those slightly surprised eyes.

But it was just slightly surprised, there was no trace of fear and solemnity in his eyes.


Xiaoyao Yuntian snorted coldly, and the palm wrapped in the golden light suddenly pulled back, the palm had already turned into an iron fist.

Around his fist, there seemed to be a vacuum zone, all the surrounding air flow was sucked into his fist, and even the stones on the ground were attracted by the gravitational force and flew towards the sky.

"Batian Fights Killing Fist!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian let out a low snort, the muscles in his right arm swelled slightly, and a terrifying force erupted from his body along his arm.

I saw him blasting out with a fist, but there was no trace of powerful power, but the huge fireball stopped abruptly at this moment, and its shape began to sag inward, as if an invisible huge palm ruthlessly slammed it from one side. extrusion.


The Holy Son in blue knows how terrifying and powerful the moves performed by the Holy Son in red are, at least he himself is not sure about taking them. Under the destructive power, he can barely save his life. If you touch it, you must be seriously injured, but Xiaoyao Yuntian is hard on the front, but he doesn't seem to be struggling at all, and he squeezed the huge fireball until it changed its shape.

"He has reached such a point?"

The holy son in blue was horrified, at this moment he understood the horror of Xiaoyao Yuntian, no wonder countless young people in Sanctuary recommend Xiaoyao Yuntian first.

The saint son in red felt a trance. This move was the ultimate ultimate move he had comprehended from the true meaning of flame taught by the sage of Tianyan. When performing it, even he himself could not control it. It will be greatly damaged, and even life-threatening in severe cases.

This move is really the last trick that will be used when the opponent must be killed, but Xiaoyao Yuntian followed it, and it took it without any damage.

"I'm not his opponent, why? We people in the Temple of Heaven and Earth will lose to people from other forces?"

The saint son in red felt bitter in his heart, it was the first time he felt a penetrating sense of powerlessness in front of a person of his generation.

"Since you want to kill me, then you have to be prepared to be killed by me!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian's eyes were cold at this moment, the undisguised murderous intent of the saint son in red had aroused the anger in his heart.He is not a saint. Although he treats people gently on weekdays, he will never show mercy to enemies who intend to put him to death.

"Batian Fights Killing Fist, Killing Intent Pierces!"

Accompanied by Xiaoyao Yuntian's explosive shout, the power between heaven and earth suddenly rioted, a pure golden aura gushed out of his body, and a dark red energy beam shot out from his fist, directly piercing through the huge fireball and hitting the center The red saint son.


The Holy Son in blue exclaimed, and wanted to stop him, but the distance was too far, and there was Lei Zhengyang firmly restraining him, so he couldn't escape at all.He could only watch helplessly as the dark red beam pierced through the huge fireball and was about to shoot through the red-clothed Son.

The saint son in red was already exhausted when he used this destructive move, and the power in his body was also in chaos. He couldn't dodge Xiaoyao Yuntian's fast and powerful killing move at all.

The fear of death enveloped his whole body. He already felt that his life span was coming to an end. After more than [-] years of penance, the mission on his shoulders seemed to be about to be shattered.

In a daze, he felt his arm being pulled, and she saw a piece of white.


With a soft sound, he didn't feel the slightest pain. He only felt that there was a huge force in front of him colliding with each other, and then he returned to calm.

He looked curiously at his arm, a white and slender palm was clasped on his wrist, and there was already a very strange figure standing in front of him.

"Who is he? He saved me?"

The Red-clothed Saint Son was very puzzled, Xiaoyao Yuntian was extremely powerful, and under such circumstances, unless the ten great saints came in person, even Lei Zhengyang and the blue-clothed Saint Son might not be able to rescue them, but standing beside him The person in front of him was obviously not one of the ten great saints, he was very sure.

Xiaoyao Yuntian looked at the young man in white who blocked his attack, his face was slightly surprised, but only for a moment, he recovered his smile, and put away all the killing intent on his body.

"Brother Xiao, I really didn't expect you to make a sudden move!"

The young man in white who saved the saint son in red was Xiao Yu.

"Brother Yun, don't blame me, I will explain the reason to you later!"

Xiao Yu let go of the Red-clothed Son's hand, still feeling a little strange in his heart. He felt that the red-clothed Son's bones seemed to be smaller and different from the man's bone structure.

Xiaoyao Yuntian nodded with a smile, and fell directly to the ground without asking any questions. He trusted Xiao Yu unconditionally. Xiao Yu knew that he must have his own reasons for doing so.

Xiao Yu's sudden attack stunned the blue-clothed Saint Son who was far away. He couldn't believe his eyes. Under such circumstances, he thought that no matter how close he was, he couldn't stop Xiaoyao in time. Yuntian's killing move, besides Xiaoyao Yuntian's attack, whether he can withstand it is still unknown.

But Xiao Yu directly pierced the fast and powerful energy beam with just one finger.

In his perception, only Lei Zhengyang, Xiaoyao Yuntian, and Zhang Qiulie, the number one master of casual cultivators, can stand on an equal footing with them among the younger generation in Sanctuary, but this young man in white who suddenly appeared , the strength is absolutely unfathomable.

What surprised him even more was that after the white-clothed youth appeared, Xiaoyao Yuntian voluntarily gave up the pursuit without saying a word, which in itself is a huge status symbol.

"Who are you? Why do you want to save me?"

The Holy Son in Red asked Xiao Yu with a hoarse voice.

"This is my business. As for the reason, I don't need to tell you."

Xiao Yu's tone was indifferent, and he appeared next to Xiaoyao Yuntian in a flash, his ability to cross space without leaving a trace moved everyone again.

In the Heavenly Palace, the ten great saints finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the Tianyan saint sighed. If he hadn't sent a voice transmission to Xiao Yu before, asking him to save the saint son in red, I'm afraid Xiao Yu would still be indifferent now. , will only watch the saint son in red be killed by Xiaoyao Yuntian.

(End of this chapter)

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