Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 956 The Power of Time

Chapter 956 The Power of Time

"Ziyou Arrow, Kunpeng Fan!"

Donghuang Xieyi roared loudly, and the wings on the back flickered suddenly. A purple-black whirlwind tore through the space, descended from the sky, and slammed into the place where Xiao Yu was, destroying everything it passed, and the world fell into darkness.

"Lei Fa, Thunder World Destroyer Axe!"

Lei Zhengyang muttered in his mouth, and as soon as his handprints changed, a sea of ​​thunder boiled all over his body, thick thunderbolts twisted and twisted, and the roar trembled in all directions.

The thunder continued to twist and twist, and quickly formed a lightning giant ax above Lei Zhengyang's head. A gap split in the sky instantly, as if even the heaven and the earth couldn't bear the destructive breath from the ax.

Thunderbolts are the most violent things. The tens of thousands of thunderbolts gather in one place, and the power they generate is simply unimaginable.

This is Lei Zhengyang's biggest trump card. When he faced Zhang Qiulie, because his mind was disturbed, he didn't use it in the end. Otherwise, it was not yet known who would win the battle.

The giant thunder ax and the purple whirlwind slammed down on Xiao Yu. The earth could no longer bear the violent force, and split in two. Only the place where Xiao Yu was was safe and sound. Not even a single stone was under his feet. For there has never been the slightest wavering.

Xie Qinxue stood behind Xiao Yu, the overwhelming terrifying attack made her heart tremble, but when her eyes fell on the solid figure like Mount Tai in front of her, all worries disappeared.

When the wind and rain are coming, he will block it for you. There is nothing impossible in the world.

Feeling the strong confidence conveyed by the man in front of her, she only felt that her heart was soft. At this moment, she finally understood why she fell in love with this man who had only been with him for a few days.

There is no other reason, just because he is Xiao Yu, he is the only Xiao Yu in the world.

The two attacks fell together, and there was only one person in the younger generation of the Sanctuary who could resist, and that was Xiaoyao Yuntian, but now Xiao Yu from the Shenwu Continent appeared.

Xiao Yu's gaze was calm, those two attacks that represented destruction in the eyes of others were not threatening to him.

He stretched out one palm, and slowly clenched his five fingers. There was a fist ripple on his fist, which was his unique divine power fluctuation.

"Time curler!"

He muttered silently, and a ray of light flew out in front of him, forming a huge flywheel, which continuously rotated to meet the two attacks.


There was a crisp sound of breaking, and everyone was horrified to see that round flywheel stuck in the center of the two attacks, tearing and destroying them.

"Time intersects!"

At the moment when Lei Zhengyang and Donghuang Xieyi were shocked, a huge circle of light appeared under their feet. The two of them secretly thought that something was wrong, but the next moment, Xiao Yu had already appeared in the circle.


They felt a palpitation at the same time, and their bodies were imprisoned by some unknown force for an instant, unable to move. At this moment, they even stopped thinking, as if time stood still at this moment.

"very useful!"

Xiao Yu smiled when he saw the two people who had been completely imprisoned.

It was the first time for him to use Time Assassin Ike's skill. This kind of powerful skill that can distort time and space and turn back time, he had never dared to use it before, for fear that something might go wrong and he would not be able to control it.

But with the growth of his strength and the recovery of the sacred veins in his body, he had a very wonderful perception of time, and he naturally displayed it.


With a wave of Xiao Yu's hand, the shackles of time were automatically released, and the expressions on the faces of Lei Zhengyang and Donghuang Xieyi were still frozen.

This hand that Xiao Yu used gave them a strong shock, not only them, even Xiaoyao Yuntian, who was extremely powerful and unfathomable, was full of dignity.

He clearly felt the rupture of time and space just now, which is something he can't do at present, and something inexplicable must have happened in that aperture field.


Xiaoyao Yuntian murmured softly, the control of the law, this is the realm he dreams of.For the law, his understanding is deep enough, he is convinced that as long as he takes a step beyond the super god realm, he can truly control the law, but Xiao Yu is walking in front of him.

Moreover, the law controlled by Xiao Yu is still the most powerful and domineering one, the law of time.

What kind of power can match the law that can distort even time?
The ten great saints are in the heavenly palace, but what happened here has never escaped their eyes.When Xiao Yu displayed the two time skills, they all gasped, and there was a look of fear in everyone's eyes.

Laws, this is something that countless powerful people dream of. Even though ten of them have entered the super god realm, none of them still has full control over the laws. They have been playing around the edges all the time.

Xiao Yu's move made them feel extremely ashamed. These hundreds of years of cultivation are not as good as a young man's 20 years.

Is this a gap?It's not a gap anymore, it's a chasm.

"How did he do that……"

The palms of the Human Sovereign Saint trembled slightly, and what he dreamed of was displayed on Xiao Yu.

"This time the battle of the three major domains is really quite sure!"

The Tianyan Saint couldn't help but feel that Xiao Yu's existence seemed to be for the Sanctuary, and he saw hope.

"You lose!"

Standing behind the two, Xiao Yu said softly, without any joy of victory in his tone, let alone a trace of sarcasm or ridicule.

"Yes, we... lost!"

Lei Zhengyang and Donghuang Xieyi frankly admitted that they really lost completely to Xiao Yu.Even though they were already aware of Xiao Yu's strength, losing in this way was absolutely unexpected to them.

"Can you tell me, what did you use just now? That power makes me very strange."

Lei Zhengyang asked Xiao Yu.

"The power of time is also the first time I have used it!"

Xiao Yu answered very simply.


Donghuang Xieyi and Lei Zhengyang were both stunned in place. The power of time, even Xiao Yu could control it. Is this still human?It's an out-and-out monster.

Xie Qinxue's eyes were fixed on Xiao Yu, her face was full of sweetness, the man she was looking at was so domineering, so different, facing the combined attack of the strongest forces of the younger generation in the two sanctuaries, it was only an instant. A landslide victory was achieved.

Li Yunlong, Liao Baihe, and Muscle Monk were not too surprised. Xiao Yu's victory was definitely expected. His strength has always been so domineering.

Donghuang Xieyi's clenched fist gradually loosened, he turned around, walked up to Xiao Yu, and lowered his head slightly towards Xiao Yu in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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