Chapter 957
"Cousin, I lost!"

Donghuang Xieyi lowered his head slightly towards Xiao Yu, completely letting go of the stubbornness in his eyes, and the last touch of unwillingness was also completely dissipated by Xiao Yu's move.

When Xiao Yu first arrived at the Donghuang family, he was not optimistic about Xiao Yu, he felt that such a person should not have a relationship with the Donghuang family.There is no other reason, only because of Xiao Yu's strength in entering the Yuanshen Realm for the first time.

The first level of Yuanshen Realm may be regarded as a countertop for other forces, but it is too ordinary for the masters of the Eastern Royal Family, especially Xiao Yu is the son of his so-called aunt, so A cousin with "low" strength is really hard for him to accept.

But after one incident after another, he found that this cousin he looked down on was not as mediocre as he thought, but was shockingly powerful.

Under that ordinary realm of strength, there is hidden domineering power that can tear everything apart, far exceeding his own realm level, and even his so-called Eastern Royal Family has been deflated several times.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, Xiao Yu was indeed a frustrating existence, and every time he was compared with him, even the top genius would be overshadowed.

In today's battle, he was trying to persuade himself to let go of his last arrogance.

The strength shown by Xiao Yu convinced him, and the phrase "cousin" also meant that he completely let go of his opinions on Xiao Yu.

Donghuang Youruo sighed, but his heart was more gratified. Donghuang Xieyi has always been like a child who has not grown up, thinking that the world is soaring and raging, but after experiencing Zhang Qiulie and Xiao Yu's experience After the previous setback, he grew a lot in an instant.

This cousin also surprised Shi Lei, Donghuang Xieyi has always been unfriendly to him, sometimes even tit for tat.The current change of attitude really made him a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Yu looked at Donghuang Xieyi with a smile on his face: "Cousin, success or failure is only temporary, you still have a long way to go in the future, I will wait for you ahead."

This sentence seems to be a kind of self-improvement, but everyone knows that it is an encouragement to the evil wing of the Eastern Emperor.

Only by constantly pursuing higher goals can we improve ourselves, make ourselves more adaptable to the world, and allow ourselves to stand above others.

Donghuang Xieyi showed gratitude on his face: "Cousin, I will definitely surpass you in the future."

Xiao Yu nodded, without saying anything, and directly lowered his figure.Donghuang Xieyi showed a completely different attitude from Lei Zhengyang at this moment. Lei Zhengyang lost twice, but his self-confidence suffered a huge blow, but Donghuang Xieyi was different. Although he also suffered two defeats , but it did not extinguish the flame in his heart, but made him move forward even more.

Xiaoyao Yuntian looked at Xiao Yu with a playful smile on his face. He was very impressed that Xiao Yu was able to reverse Donghuang Xieyi's attitude.

Li Yunlong, Muscle Monk, and Liao Baihe took off the martial arts points on their shoulders at the same time, and handed them to Xiao Yu.

"Thank you for saving your life twice. There is no way to repay your kindness. From then on, as long as you need it, we will definitely do things for you even if we go through fire and water."

The muscular monk had a straightforward temper and said.

"Don't thank me for your kindness. If there is something useful, as long as you let me know, I, Li Yunlong, will never refuse!"

Li Yunlong also echoed.

Liao Baihe's eyes drooped slightly, and there was a trace of charm in the movement of her eyes. She walked up to Xiao Yu and smiled sweetly.

"Master Xiao, if I can, I really want to watch your battle again. Unfortunately, we have to leave now. We are already friends, right?"

Liao Baihe's apricot eyes flickered slightly, but with stubbornness, she seemed to be very concerned about the answer to this question. If Xiao Yu didn't answer, she would definitely ask again.

"Yes, we are already friends!"

Xiao Yu smiled sarcasticly, one more friend in this world is better than one more enemy.

"So I'm relieved!"

Liao Baihe's smiling face bloomed like a hundred flowers blooming, and everyone's eyesight became much brighter.

The badges for the three martial arts were handed over to Xiao Yu, and he nodded his thanks to the three. Soon, the figures of the three had disappeared.

"Xiao Yu, my eldest brother and I are leaving first, you... you must come and see me!"

Xie Qinxue thought of being separated from Xiao Yu again soon, a kind of unspeakable reluctance welled up in her heart, her eyes were covered with mist.

"Don't worry, I will, Qinxue!"

Xiao Yu's voice was soft. This woman who dared to love and hate had already left a mark in his heart. He didn't know if it was love between a man and a woman, but he was sure that he never wanted to see her in any danger, even the slightest. Never allow it.

It was the first time that Xiao Yu called her name so intimately, Xie Qinxue was delighted, stepped forward a few steps, and hugged Xiao Yu tightly.

Xiao Yu didn't move, and let Xie Qinxue hold him.Feeling the warmth and generosity of Xiao Yu, Xie Qinxue blushed slightly, but her heart was overjoyed.

A moment later, she separated from Xiao Yu, and the two martial arts badges had already fallen into Xiao Yu's hands.

"Be sure to remember to come and see me!"

Xie Qinxue's voice was still echoing, but the figure was no longer clear.

"Brother Xiao, you must come to my Xie's house as a guest!"

Xie Bing bowed his hands to Xiao Yu, and walked away slowly.

Xiao Yu looked at the five delicate badges in his hand and sighed slightly.With the martial arts conference at this point, he really couldn't do anything for their benefit.

On one side, Donghuang Youruo, Donghuang Xieyi, and Lei Zhengyang had already handed their badges to Xiaoyao Yuntian, and they also disappeared under the reluctant eyes.

Jin Shenshi looked at Xiaoyao Yuntian and Xiao Yu with complicated eyes, bitterness welled up in his heart. Although he never felt that he was the number one among the younger generation in the sanctuary, he would never think that he was weaker than others, but today he Really shocked.Not to mention the two perverts Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian, the weird and unpredictable Xiao Yun and Zhang Qiulie are far from his opponent.

"Perhaps only the two of them can control those two guys!"

There was sadness in Jin Shenshi's eyes. In this martial arts conference, his brothers were lost and he himself suffered heavy injuries. Obviously, this road has come to an end.

"You two, I hope you can get rid of Zhang Qiulie and Xiao Yun."

After Jin Shenshi finished speaking, he put the badge on the ground, and his lonely figure slowly dissipated, and he also left the battlefield that he had fought for for about half a month.

It was originally a crowded place, but for a moment only Xiaoyao Yuntian and Xiao Yu were left, and the wind was rustling, feeling a little lonely.

"Brother Xiao, I didn't expect that there would be only the two of us left in the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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