Chapter 96
"I won't let you leave again, I will keep an eye on you, no matter where you go! Otherwise, I won't be able to find you again."

Xiao Yu originally wanted to curse a few more words, but Lin Qingbing also came over and stood on the other side of Xiao Yu.Forget about these two, what surprised Xiao Yu even more was that Liu Piaoxu also came over.She didn't say anything, but stood silently behind Xiao Yu.Yang Xiruo looked at the three women, naturally unwilling to be left behind, and also walked to Xiao Yu's side.

"Are you all crazy? Do you want to die?"

Xiao Yu's voice turned cold, and he glared at everyone.

"No matter what you say, I won't leave anyway!"

Ao Zixuan smiled, and returned to the mischievous appearance she had when she was a child, which made Xiao Yu lose his mind in an instant.

"Me too!"

Lin Qingbing, Liu Piaoxu, and Yang Xiruo gathered around Xiao Yu, saying in unison.

Panlong Zhanhuang looked at this scene and laughed loudly: "Haha, I never thought that you, Xiao Yu, have so many beauties who are willing to live and die with you. Yes, yes, life should be like this."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the emotions in his heart, and suddenly shot like lightning, attacking the four girls beside him. Although Xiao Yu had lent most of his strength to Panlong Zhanhuang at this moment, he was still easily subdued Among them, three women, except Ao Zixuan.

Ao Zixuan was quick-witted, she had already guessed what Xiao Yu was thinking, so she was on guard secretly, so Xiao Yu didn't succeed, but the other three girls suddenly blacked out and passed out.

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feiyun, Guo Li, and Wang Xiu who were not far away, and said, "Please help me take them out."

The three of Lin Feiyun bowed to the ground towards Xiao Yu, and said loudly: "Brother Xiao is righteous, he has saved us from death several times, and his kindness and virtue will never be forgotten in this life, we will definitely take care of this small matter for you. "

Xiao Yu nodded, and the three got up, carrying a woman on their backs and walking towards the space passage.The rest of the Duanyun Sect saluted Xiao Yu one after another, and finally disappeared into the space channel. ,

At this moment, there are only Xiao Yu, Ao Zixuan, and Panlong Zhanhuang in the entire space.

Xiao Yu turned to look at Ao Zixuan, and said coldly: "Are you going out by yourself, or shall I knock you out and throw you out?"

While using Xiao Yu's power to maintain the space, Panlong Zhanhuang looked at the two with great interest.

"You care about me, don't you?"

The smile on Ao Zixuan's face became stronger, the dissatisfaction caused by Xiao Yu's indifference towards her had long since dissipated, and now she just wanted to be by Xiao Yu's side like this.

"care about you?"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, as if extremely disdainful.

Ao Zixuan was not annoyed at all, she took a step into Xiao Yu, stared at Xiao Yu's cold eyes, and said softly: "You care about me in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't care about me Life and death, I was attacked by blood men before, if you don't care about me

And why did you help me block the attack in the first place? "

"I said a long time ago that we are not from the same world. There is no need to worry about so many things. Saving you is purely on my whim, so you don't have to think about it."

Xiao Yu shook his head, but only he knew what was going on in his heart.

"Even if that's the case, can't I die here now? Don't you want me to kill you?"

Ao Zixuan smiled slyly and said.

Xiao Yu stared at Ao Zixuan for a while, and realized that there was really nothing he could do about her. Even if he really knocked her out and threw her out, she might be in danger if she went out of the space.But he also knew that Panlong Zhanhuang could not maintain the Zhanhuang domain for too long, once the power that Xiao Yu lent him was exhausted, it would be the time when Zhanhuang domain collapsed.

"Women are such trouble!"

Xiao Yu cursed secretly in his heart, and began to think of countermeasures.If he was alone, he would be [-]% sure that he would be able to escape through the collapsed gap of the Warlord's Domain, but now that there is an extra Ao Zixuan, it is absolutely impossible for him to ignore Ao Zixuan.

"Huh!" Xiao Yu took a deep breath and said, "I beg you, can you go out first? Your staying here is a drag on me. I can escape without you. You stay It will probably cause me to die with you."

"No!" Ao Zixuan refused without thinking, she stepped forward and took Xiao Yu's hand, and said firmly, "I said I will not let you escape again."

Xiao Yu felt Ao Zixuan's firm determination, and did not shake off her hand.

"Is it worth it?"

Xiao Yu asked.

Ao Zixuan nodded, and replied without hesitation: "It's worth it, it's always been worth it. From the moment you saved me when I was five years old, I have thought that I must marry you in the future. I have never thought of this." Shaken, even if your temperament changed drastically and you became a playboy, I never gave up on you."

Ao Zixuan's words hit Xiao Yu's heart heavily, and his confinement heart was slowly opening.

Xiao Yu looked up at Ao Zixuan, felt the strong love from Ao Zixuan's hand, couldn't help holding Ao Zixuan's hand back, he didn't even know what he was thinking at this moment.

Feeling the strength in Xiao Yu's hand, Ao Zixuan blushed slightly, but the smile on her face was like a hundred flowers blooming, and everything in the world was eclipsed.

"Okay, I'll take you through today, so what if the Warlord's Domain collapses? Where in the world can I stop Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Yu's heart was filled with arrogance, and he shouted loudly. At this time, the power that Xiao Yu lent to Panlong Zhanhuang was about to be exhausted.

"Xiao Yu, leave quickly! Don't forget the agreement between you and me."

As soon as Panlong Zhanhuang finished saying these words, his figure disappeared between the sky and the earth, and the heroes around him disappeared in thin air.

"let's go!"

Xiao Yu put Ao Zixuan into his arms, picked her up and jumped up.The two of them had just left when a huge rock fell from where they were, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Ao Zixuan wraps her arms around Xiao Yu's neck, she feels that this is the happiest moment in her 18 years, her sweetheart has become an unrivaled hero, shielding her from wind and rain, and now she has even accepted her.

"Xiao Yu, the man I fancy!"

Ao Zixuan shrank into Xiao Yu's arms, feeling more comfortable, and didn't care at all that it was a matter of life and death.

Xiao Yu shuttled back and forth among the boulders that fell from his head, stepping on his footsteps continuously, he was like a swift spirit monkey, leaping recklessly among countless falling stones, unexpectedly none of the boulders could stop his footsteps.

The beauty is in the arms, unrestrained in the world.

Xiao Yu couldn't help thinking of these eight words, but just for a moment he suppressed the thoughts in his heart, this kind of life is not what he wants to live, at least not now, he still has blood revenge to avenge.

The Warlord's Realm was at its peak, but it never expected that it would end up like this after a thousand years. In the faint world, what can last forever?

Xiao Yu was already standing outside the domain of the Emperor of War, looking at the ruins in front of him, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Ao Zixuan moved her little head in Xiao Yu's arms, looked around, her beautiful eyes completed the crescent moon.

"I knew it, you won't let me have trouble, we came out! Hehe!"

(End of this chapter)

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