Chapter 97 short-term warmth

"Did you know that if it had been a little later, we'd probably both have been buried in it together?"

Xiao Yu pointed at the ruins of the Warlord's Domain, and said coldly, but there was no sense of blame in his tone.He wanted to put Ao Zixuan down, but who knew that Ao Zixuan hugged his neck tightly, unwilling to come down no matter what, but he had no choice but to hug Ao Zixuan.

"I'm not afraid. Didn't you say that there is nothing you Xiao Yu can't do?"

Ao Zixuan looked extremely charming at the moment, other men might not be able to hold it at this moment, but Xiao Yu was not among them.

A rare smile appeared on Xiao Yu's face, and he asked, "How long are you going to let me hug you?"

There was a blush on Ao Zixuan's face, she said with a delicate smile: "If possible, I really hope you can hug me like this for the rest of your life."

Xiao Yu's expression froze instantly, and his expression became extremely unnatural. He said in a deep voice, "Xuanxuan, I have something I must do. I can't give you what you want, at least not now."

Ao Zixuan was shocked when she heard the word "Xuanxuan", her beautiful eyes that were originally smiling suddenly turned red.She suddenly raised her head and kissed Xiao Yu fiercely.

Xiao Yu was dumbfounded. Although he was decisive, cold-blooded and cruel, this kiss was really the first time.What's more, is it the sweet kiss given by Ao Zixuan who is so beautiful?

Ao Zixuan kissed Xiao Yu's lips jerky for a moment, and then she parted. She looked at Xiao Yu affectionately, and said softly: "Hearing the long-lost name 'Xuanxuan', everything is worth it to me." , what do you want to do, I will not stop you, as long as you remember, Xuanxuan is always waiting for you, no matter when."

Xiao Yu's heart trembled fiercely, and he hugged Ao Zixuan again and kissed. This kiss was doomed to an inseparable fate between the two. The fragrance of flowers and the singing of birds seemed to be silently blessing.

"Okay! It's still a day to get out of the Death Canyon. On this day, I will accompany you well!"

Xiao Yu stroked Ao Zixuan's beautiful hair tenderly, changed from his previous cold expression, now his face was full of tenderness.

"Then I'll be our hero Xiao's little girl!"

Ao Zixuan smiled mischievously, Xiao Yu seemed to see that weird little girl again.

On this day, all the dangerous places in the Death Canyon became Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan's playground, as long as the scenery was beautiful, it was their goal.The footprints of the two of them were left everywhere, Ao Zixuan was as happy as an elf along the way, even fluttering and dancing with the breeze, a pair of bewitching and beautiful eyes swept towards Xiao Yu from time to time.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I will only dance for you in my life!"

Ao Zixuan also changed her address at this moment, this is what she called Xiao Yu when she was a child.Xiao Yu sat on a piece of bluestone, admiring the peerless dance of the proud princess of the Fire Cloud Empire.

"No matter what I look like, he will never leave me. How can I betray such a woman?"

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of staying together with Ao Zixuan and not caring about any hatred.

"No, how could I have such an idea, Uncle Yang's hatred, my own hatred, must be paid by the Xiao family with blood, otherwise there will be many obstacles for me and Xuanxuan to be together."

Xiao Yu shook his head, forcibly suppressing the impulse in his heart.

"Brother Xiao Yu, do I look good?"

Ao Zixuan gave up dancing, sat beside Xiao Yu, and asked sweetly.


Xiao Yu nodded with a smile, and hugged Ao Zixuan into his arms, Ao Zixuan fell into Xiao Yu's arms extremely docilely, both of them enjoyed the tenderness of this moment.They all know that once they get out of here, they probably won't have such an opportunity.

As a royal princess, Ao Zixuan has a high status, Xiao Yu has lost the halo of the Xiao family, and now she is just a commoner, how can she be with Ao Zixuan?Furthermore, if Xiao Yu is with Ao Zixuan, it will definitely attract the attention of the Xiao family. His current strength is not enough to compete with the Xiao family. Besides, he killed Li Qingfeng and offended the Li family. To deal with him, he can only choose to retreat.Once out of Death Canyon, he had no choice but to leave Ao Zixuan.That's what Ao Zixuan said about waiting for him. Only when Xiao Yu has the power to look down upon the five great families can he walk with her in a fair and honest manner.

"Brother Xiao Yu, tell me where you have been and what happened all these years, can you?"

Ao Zixuan opened her curious eyes and asked.

"If you want to hear it, of course I'd like to say it."

Xiao Yu then told Ao Zixuan about his experience in the past few years, and when he was hunted down by the Xiao family, Ao Zixuan exclaimed: "What? You are also from the Xiao family, why did they kill you? Uncle Xiao Haoyun loves you the most, why is it like this now?"

Xiao Yu sneered, "Because my father died, some people became unscrupulous."

"Who is it?"

Ao Zixuan frowned slightly, and asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but my father thinks it's my aunt Sima Yu."

Xiao Yu's voice seemed a little low, and now he didn't know why the aunt Sima Yu would target him, and he didn't even believe that Sima Yu was the man in black who destroyed his sacred veins when he was a child.

"Aunt Sima? She is your aunt, and she loves you very much. How could she do such a thing? Is there a mistake?"

Ao Zixuan was stunned.She still remembers going to play with Xiao Yu when she was a child, and Sima Yu was the kindest and most amiable person to both of them.

"Who knows?" Xiao Yu sighed, "A lot of things can't just be seen on the surface, just like Li Qingfeng, who is a despicable villain, but he usually doesn't look like a humble gentleman in front of people. I will Go check it out."

Xiao Yu went on talking, telling all of the three years of hard work in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, but he didn't say anything about him being able to kill monsters and refining Qi, or possessing the divine veins of the Holy Venerable.

"That Yang Xiruo is Uncle Yang's daughter, you promised Uncle Yang to take care of her!"

When Ao Zixuan said this, there was no jealousy on her face, Yang Shucheng died saving Xiao Yu, which made her grateful from the bottom of her heart, and Xiao Yu, Yang Shucheng's orphan, was naturally obliged to take care of her.

"That's right, Uncle Yang's deathbed entrustment, I vow to fulfill it even if I die."

Xiao Yu nodded, showing firm determination in his tone.Anyone who dares to have evil intentions towards Yang Xi will be killed.

"My brother Xiao Yu has shouldered so many things alone, but Xuanxuan can't bear it for you. It's really hateful. Why am I the princess of the empire? Why am I not an ordinary cultivator? Then I can go to revenge with you , deal with them together."

Ao Zixuan showed a very remorseful look on her face, Xiao Yu was actually amused by her appearance.

"What are you doing? If I, Xiao Yu, need a woman's help for revenge, am I still a man?" Xiao Yu said with a smile, "One day, they will all be trampled under my feet. too far."

(End of this chapter)

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