Chapter 98 Hope is shattered
"Brother Xiao Yu, I have never seen the arrogance that emanates from you unconsciously in so many years. Even the elders in our academy, or the top experts in our royal family, they don't have such arrogance. Not to mention the shocking fighting spirit you unleashed when you were dealing with the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor, it was even more terrifying, at that time all I could think about was surrender."

Ao Zixuan caressed Xiao Yu's naked chest, quietly speaking.

"I don't know why I own these things, but since they are my own, I absolutely believe in them!"

Xiao Yu smiled, the things he was carrying were mysterious and unusual, not to mention anything else, but the hero's skills were extremely heaven-defying things, and other things were nothing compared to them.

"Yes, our hero Xiao is the most powerful!"

Ao Zixuan pouted and said with a smile, how could she think of the proud Phoenix at this moment, she was clearly the cute little girl next door, Xiao Yu knew that Ao Zixuan would only bloom to him with such an expression.

"Why do you call me Xiao Daxia?"

Xiao Yu was confused by the word "Xia", what is a Xia?Is he a hero?

"Of course, you hate evil and are extremely powerful, even if you are not a hero, you are definitely a young hero!"

Ao Zixuan laughed.

"Humph! You are slick!"

Xiao Yu showed an extremely warm smile on his face, and scratched Ao Zixuan's little Qiong's nose.But she found that Ao Zixuan was staring at him blankly, like a nympho.

"Brother Xiao Yu, do you know how handsome you are when you smile? You should smile more. People were dumbfounded just now."

Ao Zixuan touched Xiao Yu's handsome face, her face flushed red.

"Am I usually ugly?"

Xiao Yu jokingly smiled.

"Of course not!" Ao Zixuan waved her little hand, "Usually you look extremely cold, and you have a different kind of charm, which makes people think you are a person with a story, and you can't help but want to go Know you. But I prefer you laugh."

Xiao Yu sighed, and said: "Xuanxuan, it's not that I don't want to laugh, but that I can't laugh. When I think of such things, my heart rises with anger and murderous intent. How do you want me to laugh? Maybe after taking revenge, I can truly be a person who always wears a cheerful smile."

Ao Zixuan sat up suddenly and looked at Xiao Yu seriously: "Brother Xiao Yu, I believe that day will come."

Xiao Yu smiled, noncommittal, he smiled much more today when he was with Ao Zixuan than in the past three years.

"By the way, Brother Xiao Yu, Brother Xiao Yun has been looking for you for a long time, ever since you disappeared in the imperial capital!"

"Xiao Yun?"

Xiao Yu frowned, Xiao Yun is his half-brother, Xiao Yun has loved him very much since he was a child, Xiao Yun always stands in front of him in case of any danger, many people don't like him when he calls him a dandy He dared to provoke him, and he gave him face because of Xiao Yun. As long as anyone hurt Xiao Yu in the slightest, Xiao Yun would go to war, and he would never stop until he was severely injured. Xiao Yu always regarded Xiao Yu as the best in his heart. Xiao Yu's eldest brother, but after knowing that the person who harmed him was most likely Xiao Yun's mother, Sima Yu, Xiao Yu's view of Xiao Yun also changed.

"He came to me, probably at the instigation of Sima Yu!"

Xiao Yu sneered.

Ao Zixuan shook her head: "Brother Xiao Yu, I can feel the concern that Brother Xiao Yun cares for you. It really comes from the heart. You don't know how anxious he was after you disappeared in the imperial capital. Almost turned over all the places you have been to in the imperial capital. At that time, he was asked to serve in the army. Brother Xiao Yun has always been the most obedient to orders, but that time he was late for seven days, just to find you. It can be seen that you are here the importance in his heart."

Xiao Yu's heart skipped a beat, thinking of Xiao Yun's care for him, and what Uncle Yang said in his letter, he felt extremely disturbed.

"Xuanxuan, we will know about this in the future, don't tell him about me yet! Let's go, the time is almost up! I have to fulfill a promise."

Xiao Yu shook his head and said.


Ao Zixuan got up very understandingly, and walked towards the exit of Death Canyon hand in hand with Xiao Yu.

After getting out of Death Canyon, Ao Zixuan turned to look at Xiao Yu with an extremely reluctance on her face.

"Brother Xiao Yu, remember, Xuanxuan is always waiting for you no matter what time it is."

Xiao Yu nodded, kept Ao Zixuan and kissed again, but this time Ao Zixuan was extremely fierce, the lilac tongue raged in Xiao Yu's mouth, after a long time, the lips parted, silver lines flowed out of Ao Zixuan's eye sockets, she turned around and floated And go, she knew very well that she couldn't go with Xiao Yu now, otherwise if people saw her, she would cause trouble for Xiao Yu.

Looking at the background where Ao Zixuan was gradually disappearing, Xiao Yu felt pain in his heart, but he didn't catch up, and resolutely turned his head and walked in another direction.

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that half a day ago, a terrible thing happened in one of the Duanyun Sect's Tianwu City Branch Hall and Tianyun Academy.

Li Guoxiong, the law enforcement elder of the branch hall of Tianwu City of Duanyun Sect, suddenly went berserk, killed more than ten elders in a row, and drained their blood. He broke through and fled.

The same is true for Su Xun, an elder who taught skills in Tianyun Academy, and disappeared without a trace. The two of them seemed to have made an appointment, and at the same time they attacked their respective places.Now the two have been wanted by Duanyun Sect and Tianyun Academy.

Xiao Yu went to a small town and changed his clothes. He looked very heroic, but the cold expression on his face faded a lot. Whenever he thought of Ao Zixuan, a soft look would appear on his face .

Xiao Yu found a random room and began to study the Changchun Xinxin Dafa that he had just obtained.I had already read some in the field of the Emperor of War before, and now I read it a few more times, and Xiao Yu has read all of the Changchun Xinxin Dafa, but Xiao Yu showed an extremely disappointed expression on his face.

"This Changchun Xinxin Dafa only repairs ordinary meridians, but it doesn't record how to restore the holy meridians."

Xiao Yu's heart was extremely heavy. If he didn't have a way to repair his meridians, he would not be able to break through to the Yuan Yuan Realm. If he wanted to fight against the Xiao family, he must at least have the strength of the Yuan Yuan Realm.The peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm may seem very strong to many people, but the power of the five major families is not at all attractive, and the peak of the Broken Yuan Realm can only be regarded as the backbone of the family at best.


Xiao Yu roared angrily in his heart, and tore the two books in his hand into pieces.

"What should I do now?"

Xiao Yu walked out of the room, looking at the night sky above his head, feeling very confused.Originally, he came out of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range to find a way to repair the divine veins of the Holy Lord, but in the end it was all in vain. The Changchun Xinxin Dafa of the Bloodthirsty Sect had no effect on him at all.

The hope of repairing the sacred veins of the saint was instantly shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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