Chapter 964 comes to an end
The blue-clothed saint son has been cultivated by the ten great saints since he was a child, especially the Tianyan saint, who he admires even more. He has never disobeyed the words of the Tianyan saint.

The Heavenly Flame Saint took a step forward and traveled directly to the Saint Son in blue. He pressed his palm on the latter's shoulder, and the boundless and violent power dissipated in an instant.

"Xiao Xu, stop, you have tried your best!"

The holy son in blue was shocked. He had never seen such a gentle look on the face of the holy man of Tianyan, nor had he heard such a kind tone.

"Master Tianyan, I."

Although the blue-clothed saint son was puzzled by the attitude of the Tianyan saint, he was even more surprised why the Tianyan saint appeared at this time. In his opinion, he only needs to go one step further, and he can completely defeat Xiaoyao Yuntian. Pay the price in blood.

"Xiao Xu, you have tried your best, it is enough to get here, there is no need to go to the last step."

The Heavenly Flame Saint shook his head lightly at the Blue Clothed Saint Son, with relief in his eyes.

He is well aware of Xiaoyao Yuntian's strength, and it is really useless for the blue-clothed saint son to win against each other. He already understood this before the battle even started.However, the performance of the Holy Son in blue is enough to prove his strong sense of belonging to the Heaven and Earth Palace.

Even if he fought for his life, he still wanted to keep the title of No. [-] in the Temple of Heaven and Earth. Although this seemed stupid, it just proved that the vision of the ten of them was correct.

The blue-clothed saint son and the red-clothed saint son were selected by ten of them since they were young, and they imparted their unique knowledge to each other for the sake of two young masters who could compete with the young masters of the other two domains. Masters, they are indeed half successful, but unfortunately, they have come out with a happy sky that makes them feel unpredictable.

If there is no Xiaoyao Yuntian in the sanctuary, the blue-clothed saint son and the red-clothed saint son are definitely enough to rule the roost. Even Zhang Qiulie and Lei Zhengyang cannot stop it, but if there is no if in everything, the existence of Xiaoyao Yuntian is precisely an insurmountable obstacle for them to dominate. of mountains.

Although I feel a little regretful that the disciples I have personally taught for more than 20 years cannot win the championship of the largest competition in the Sanctuary, but thinking that there is a powerful genius like Xiaoyao Yuntian who can compete with the top geniuses of the other two domains, the Tianyan Saint is also a little I breathed a sigh of relief.

There are good and bad sides to everything, it is true.

"Master Tianyan, this disciple can take the first place, just a little short of it!"

The blue-clothed saint's eyes were still stubborn, and he felt that winning the martial arts conference was the greatest reward for the top ten saints.

"Xiao Xu, I heard from my teacher that even if you use that ultimate ultimate move to detonate this battlefield, you still cannot win against Xiaoyao Yuntian."

Sage Tianyan sighed, and finally told the shocking news.

"Impossible, I don't believe it. When the battlefield detonates, even the place where we stand will be turned into nothingness, and the space will be turned into dust. How can he escape?"

The holy son in blue has always been convinced of the holy man of Tianyan, but at this moment he can't help wondering whether the holy man of Tianyan is on the side of Xiaoyao Yuntian.Although Xiaoyao Yuntian is strong, can he still avoid the detonation of the entire area?

"Your master is right, this trick is useless to me!" Before the sage of Tianyan explained, Xiaoyao Yuntian stepped forward and said coldly, "If I want, I can even prevent you from detonating the space. Block it, that's because you can't hurt me at all!"

As soon as the words fell, a colorful light flashed on Xiaoyao Yuntian's palm, and in just a moment, the saint in blue felt that he had lost control of this battlefield, and he couldn't even establish a trace of contact.


At this moment, although the blue-clothed saint was very unwilling, he had to admit that what Xiaoyao Yuntian said was indeed true. With his ability, the appearance of the Tianyan saint was also for him.

Using this kind of destructive trick will not only fail to cause harm to Xiaoyao Yuntian, but will take his own life on the contrary. This is undoubtedly courting death.

"Master Tianyan, I'm sorry!"

The holy son in blue lowered his always proud head. He had tried his best, but he still couldn't regain the victory. The gap between Xiaoyao Yuntian and him was too big.

The Tianyan saint patted the blue-clothed saint's shoulder lightly, his eyes were very gentle, and he didn't blame him at all. He knew that it wasn't that the blue-clothed saint was too weak, but that Xiaoyao Yuntian was too strong.

At this moment, Xiao Yu came over, his eyes swept over the blue-clothed Saint Son with a dejected face, and finally fixed on the Heavenly Flame Saint.

"Senior Tianyan, it's time for the martial arts conference to come to an end, right? There are still some things waiting for me to finish."

Xiao Yu's tone was filled with cold murderous intent, Xiaoyao Yuntian knew that the "thing" he was referring to was naturally Xiao Yun.

"En!" The face of the Tianyan Saint became serious, "This matter is not trivial, and it has a lot to do with you. I am afraid that only you can handle it."

The existence of Xiao Yun was unknown to the Heavenly Flame Sage at first, and he only learned about it from Xiao Yu later.

Xiao Yun ran amok in the battlefield, killing many young masters in the Sanctuary, and even Zhang Qiulie fell under his hands. The most terrifying thing is that he was able to escape the attack of their ten great saints. Probe, this side is the most tricky.

Perhaps Xiao Yun's strength has not yet reached the realm of the Wind Chaser, but the degree of danger he exhibits is obviously far superior to that of the Wind Chaser, and his level of cultivation of "Three Changes of the Demon" is no less than that of hundreds of years ago. Xue, to some extent he is more threatening than Wuxue, because he is more cunning than Wuxue and knows how to hide himself better.He is like a ruthless hunter in the dark night, quietly waiting for the moment when the prey appears with a fatal blow, turning the energy of the prey into his own power.

"He must die!"

There are no extra words, just this sentence represents Xiao Yu's determination to kill Xiao Yun.No one would think that Xiao Yu was joking, no matter his strength or courage was enough for him to be qualified to say this sentence.

"Let's go, this martial arts conference is over!"

The Tianyan Saint waved his sleeve robe, and Xiao Yu, Xiaoyao Yuntian, and the blue-clothed Saint Son had already appeared in the heavenly palace.

"Xiao Yu, Xiaoyao Yuntian, which of the two of you will be the winner?"

The Tianyan Saint was in the middle, and asked Xiao Yu and the two of them.

The other nine saints also looked at the two with great interest. These two are the pinnacle figures of the younger generation. Although they come from different backgrounds, their strengths are extremely terrifying. What is the result.

Hearing this, Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian said in unison: "Give it to him!"

The humility of the two gave everyone present a headache. It was the first time they had seen a young man who was not a rare champion of the Martial Arts Conference. Even the Xiaoyaohuang and Donghuang Wuying decades ago were all for this position. There was a shocking battle, and it ended in a tie.

The final negotiations are still going on for the winner here, but they don't know that Shenwu Continent has welcomed an unexpected visitor.

(End of this chapter)

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