Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 965 The silver-haired man

Chapter 965 The silver-haired man
Shenwu Continent, a fiery red magma world.

Everywhere here is filled with suffocating high temperature, burning the underground space that is almost about to be occupied by blazing heat.

The huge water bubbles on the surface of the magma are bursting one after another, and the increasing speed shows that there is an unimaginable existence hidden in the magma.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from the underground passage. This is a middle-aged man with silver hair, his handsome appearance hides a disregard for life.A pair of eyes seemed to have gone through endless cycles, as if they could see through everything.

He glanced at the hot and surging magma, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

"I didn't expect to meet the ancient alien species here. I really live up to this trip."

The silver-haired middle-aged man murmured softly, one hand was already clenched towards the hot and destructive magma,

The next moment, a shocking and inexplicable scene appeared. These extremely stubborn crimson magma, which could swallow up a master of the god-breaking realm in an instant, disappeared completely in an instant, as if they were forcibly moved away generally.

This kind of technique, even Xiao Yu here, would be very surprised, this is definitely not something that can be done by relying on strength alone.


The magma disappeared, leaving only the dark abyss. A low roar full of anger came from the abyss, and the strong wind blew up. The terrifying existence hidden in it was rapidly rising from the bottom of the abyss.


A huge figure passed in front of the silver-haired middle-aged man, and the tyrannical wind tore all the surrounding rocks into pieces, fearful coercion came one after another.

This is a huge three-headed monster, and its name is the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast.

Ever since the battle with Xiao Yu, Juetian, and Mu Baifeng, or to be precise, after it received the shocking blow of Xiao Yu's fusion of the Holy Veins, he has been hiding here, constantly absorbing The power of magma to restore itself.

After nearly a month of recovery, its strength has already fully recovered, and it is a bit stronger than before. If it was not because of the agreement with Xiao Yun, it would have been unable to bear it for the sake of safety. wave.

It also never thought that someone would come here to hinder its sweet dream when it was hiding in the magma, and this person was not Xiao Yun.

"Who are you? How dare you prevent me from disturbing the deity's cultivation?"

The three pairs of fierce eyes of the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast locked on the silver-haired man, and the entire underground space trembled under its powerful influence.Its most annoying contempt is in the human eyes in front of it, which makes it have a murderous look all over its body.

"Fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast? The name is good. I will give you a chance to become my mount. I may consider not accepting your real yuan."

The silver-haired man smiled when he heard the words, and turned a blind eye to the fury of the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast. Instead, he wanted to make the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast submit to him.

This is definitely a joke that is unprecedented in space. The ancient fierce beasts that avoid fire and the golden-eyed beasts have never subdued even the God of War. The sudden appearance of the silver-haired man wanted to surrender him as soon as he spoke.

At this moment, even the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast couldn't help wondering whether this human being came from the barbaric era, and the idea was so ridiculous and naive.

"Let this deity be your mount? Just rely on you?"

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast smiled contemptuously, and suddenly opened its mouth wide, a breath that was comparable to a dragon's breath came down towards the silver-haired middle-aged man, which was enough to crush hundreds of Yuanshen realm masters to pieces.


The silver-haired man just shook his head slightly, waved his sleeves, the breath from the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast suddenly reversed midway, and rushed towards itself.

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast was horrified, he had never encountered such a method before, and was about to make a move to resist, but suddenly realized that the silver-haired middle-aged man was standing in his eyes, behind him was the majestic breath .

The whole body of the Bihuo Golden-eyed Beast condensed, and an extremely dangerous feeling came to his heart, which caused the eyes of the middle-aged man to tremble, and the breath behind him returned to nothingness. His whole body was shocked, and his eyes were filled with infinite fear and disbelief.

Its huge body was lifted up into the air for no reason, and hit the rock above its head, causing the surroundings to vibrate again and again.

A silver-haired, middle-aged man stood in front of it, his palms in a virtual clenched position.The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast couldn't move at all, as if an invisible hand had strangled its throat and lifted it upwards.

"How is this possible? What kind of power is this? Where can there be such a powerful human being?"

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast felt a strong and receptive wave on the silver-haired middle-aged man. It was sure that it had seen this kind of wave before, but it couldn't remember it for a moment.Even so, it also clearly knows that the middle-aged man in front of it is definitely not something it can contend with, and even the rebirth of the Batian God of War may not necessarily be an opponent.

"In your heyday, you should also have the strength of the Martial God Realm. In this low-lying area, your cultivation base can be regarded as the peak. Unexpectedly, in this small Divine Martial Continent, there is not only one Batian God of War whose strength reaches the Martial God Realm, There is also a wild beast of the Martial God Realm."

The silver-haired middle-aged man spoke with a hint of pride, but the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast was stunned, and his heart was constantly shaking.The silver-haired middle-aged man actually knew Batian God of War, listening to his tone, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to Batian God of War at all. At this moment, the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast remembered a place.

In this world, apart from that place, it really can't think of any place where people can be so powerful that even Batian War God can take it lightly.

"Are you from 'there'?"

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast spat out a few words with difficulty.

"Maybe the 'there' you mentioned is where I came from, but this is not your concern, I will give you one last chance to be my mount." The silver-haired man paused, his tone became cold, "Or die!"

This choice is undoubtedly an extremely difficult choice for the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast.It has always been fearless. Even when it was defeated by the Batian God of War, it never surrendered in the slightest. That's why it has been sealed up to this day. When facing the offensive of Xiao Yu and the others, it also displayed its unique arrogance. , it is not a beast that can be manipulated by others.

"Hmph, so what if you came from 'that' place? The deity...has always...will not be driven by any human beings, let alone surrender."

This sentence is categorical. If Xiao Yu was here, he would also admire the Fire-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast.When faced with the choice of life and death, many people will give up their dignity, not to mention the spirit beasts who are more familiar with the way of survival.But the choice of the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast is a dead end to preserve dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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