Chapter 966

A gentle smile appeared on the corner of the silver-haired middle-aged man's mouth, but the next moment, the temperature of this smile changed.

"If that's the case, then die. I'll extract your true essence, and I can fuse it into a weather pill!"

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast felt an unprecedented threat to its life, and the icy temperature came from the invisible big hand on its neck, which made it palpitate after experiencing all kinds of situations in the world.


The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast suddenly let out a low cry, and a hint of mockery flashed in the eyes of the silver-haired middle-aged man.He didn't think that the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast would be so tough. Under the pressure of death, few people or spirit beasts would be tough to the end.

"What? Changed your mind?"

The silver-haired middle-aged man looked at the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast with a little playfulness, and relaxed the strength in his hands.

"I agree to be your mount!"

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast didn't show any resistance in its eyes, and said simply.

"Oh? Haha!" The silver-haired middle-aged man laughed arrogantly, "Your choice is very correct. If you said that earlier, things would be easier?"

The silver-haired middle-aged man seemed to have lost his strength, and the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast felt the pressure on his body drop suddenly, and the breath of death was much weaker.

As soon as it turned its gaze, its body suddenly shrank in a circle, and thick white smoke was released from all around at the same time, as if a stream of steam released a powerful momentum, and it burst out directly with this force.

Its eyes were not on the silver-haired middle-aged man. It knew that it would never be the opponent of the silver-haired middle-aged man, so it pretended to surrender before and let the middle-aged man give up its control. It just took this opportunity to escape .

Its goal was to escape, and it did not hesitate to pay the price of releasing the essence of its body.

The shrinkage of its body shows that its physical strength has been rapidly weakened after countless years of hard work. The price is indeed a bit high, but even so, it is not willing to be reduced to a human mount. This is the unique arrogance in its heart.

It is a fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast, and no one can control it, even if this person is terrifyingly strong.

The movement of the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast made the silver-haired middle-aged man narrow his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed coldly, and he murmured in a low voice: "I didn't expect to play tricks on me, I really don't know how to live or die."

He was surrounded by the white smoke released from the body of the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast, and he never moved. However, the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast broke through the hard rocks at an unprecedented speed, trying to break through the ground.

"If you want this deity to be your mount, go ahead and dream about it!"

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast was raging with anger, but it was still out of the control of the middle-aged man, and it was thinking about the other side of freedom, which made it heave a sigh of relief.

At the next moment, it suddenly opened its six eyes wide, filled with disbelief.


In an instant, its three heads all broke off, and hot blood spurted out, burning the surrounding rocks into nothingness, and spreading to the surroundings.

Its body that was running away quickly also gradually slowed down, and finally stopped completely, and got stuck in the crack of the rock.

The three heads fell into the pitch-black abyss and fell straight into the magma. Without the protection of divine power, the hot lava burned them up instantly.

A generation of ancient beasts died tragically on the spot, and it didn't even know how it died.

"It's just a peak of the super god realm, and I still want to escape in the hands of this deity, what a fool's dream!"

The figure of the silver-haired middle-aged man appeared strangely next to the body of the Fire-Bending Golden-Eyed Beast. When he poked his palm, the still-huge body of the Fire-Bying Golden-Eyed Beast exploded into pieces, and a ray of light rose from it. Then it fell into the hands of middle-aged people.

That is the true essence of the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast, an energy crystal that only spirit beasts that have entered the super god realm can possess.

"It's really not easy to find a spirit beast whose strength has reached the Martial God Realm. This is really an unexpected harvest!"

The silver-haired middle-aged man looked at the thing in his hand that was still emitting residual heat, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

He came to the Shenwu Continent this time to get some magma milk from the center of the earth. Who would have thought that he would encounter the true essence of the divine beast that is a hundred times more precious than the magma milk.

He wanted to fuse the weather pill he needed, and the magma milk could only give him a [-]% chance of success, but with this divine beast true essence, he could have a [-]% chance of success. This is definitely a big surprise.

"Hey, as long as I successfully fuse the weather pill, I can go a step further, and those three old guys can no longer ride on my head."

The silver-haired middle-aged man secretly laughed in his heart, wishing he could return to the sect right now, and immediately start the fusion of pills.

His body disappeared suddenly, and appeared on the surface in an instant, without even a ripple in space.

He was about to leave, when suddenly his eyes focused, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"How will you be here?"

The silver-haired middle-aged man frowned slightly and asked.

"This has nothing to do with you, the old man came here to find someone!"

The person who came was an old man with black hair and black beard. His eyes changed from vicissitudes, and seemed to contain all the changes in the world. His voice seemed to come from nine heavens, and it seemed to be very close at hand.

"Looking for someone? Is there anyone in this humble continent that you need to find yourself?"

From the eyes of the silver-haired middle-aged man, it can be seen that he is very afraid of this old man.

"As I said, it has nothing to do with you. The suzerain asked me to tell you to return to the sect quickly."

After the old man finished speaking, his body turned into a wisp of green smoke, which drifted away with the wind and disappeared.

The silver-haired middle-aged man's eyes paused for a moment before he said bitterly: "You guy who relies on the old to sell the old!"

Although he secretly hated him, when he mentioned the suzerain, he felt awe in all kinds of ways in his heart. He didn't dare to be negligent at the moment, and immediately left this place and headed towards the unknown area.

Tens of thousands of miles away in the sky, the figure of the old man who appeared just now slowly appeared. He stroked his beard lightly, and there was a slight ripple in his chilling eyes.

"I never expected that the eternal Qinglian Jingdi body would appear in this dilapidated Shenwu Continent. It is really surprising. We must bring her back this time. She will be the key to the rise of my Taishangzong."

The old man murmured softly, and his figure disappeared again.

At the same time, Xiao Yu, who was far away in the Heavenly Palace of the Sanctuary, frowned suddenly, and his breath was messed up for a moment.

Everyone felt the change in Xiao Yu, and all eyes were on him.

"Brother Xiao, what's the matter?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian's expression was a little dignified, Xiao Yu has always been calm and composed, if not for a huge change, he would never have such a big fluctuation.

"I don't know!" Xiao Yu frowned and shook his head slightly.

For a moment just now, he felt a strong sense of crisis, but he didn't know where this sense of crisis came from.

(End of this chapter)

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