Chapter 969: The Shadowless Memories of the Eastern Emperor

Zhang Qifeng's eyes dimmed completely, and his whole body collapsed like an empty shell.

"Hmph, compared to the three brothers of the Zhong family, this is really a piece of trash!"

Xiao Yun sneered, the space split open, and he had already disappeared while grabbing Zhang Qifeng's body.

Appearing again, Xiao Yun had already come to a remote area, his fingertips exuded a little cold light, and quickly swipe towards Zhang Qifeng's face.

In just a moment, Zhang Qifeng's face was perfectly peeled off by him, and then covered his own face.

"Lend me your face, as for your body, it is worthless!"

Xiao Yun stripped off Zhang Qifeng's clothes, put them on neatly, then threw and squeezed Zhang Qifeng's body with one hand, and Zhang Qifeng's body exploded in the air, and exploded into fragments that scattered in the wind, never to be seen again.

The memory belonging to Zhang Qifeng completely flowed into his mind, Xiao Yun sneered and disappeared again.

In the restaurant, Feng Xi, who had already dressed up and returned, was very puzzled. Zhang Qifeng said to go first, but now he was nowhere to be seen. She asked several juniors, and they all said that Zhang Qifeng had not come back.

"Brothers of all kinds, it's time for us to return to the sect!"

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the sound, "Zhang Qifeng" had already arrived at the door of the restaurant.


Feng Xi went forward pretending to be pleasantly surprised, she was always trying to curry favor with this man who could decide her fate.

"Well, let's go!"

"Zhang Qifeng" nodded slightly to her, turned his head and walked away, Feng Xi was taken aback, feeling very strange.Normally, Zhang Qifeng would secretly touch her buttocks or waist, but he didn't do that at this moment.

Not only that, Fengxi also felt that "Zhang Qifeng" had some inexplicable aura, as if something had changed.The sound is also slightly different.

She shook her head, as if she had hallucinated from her dissatisfaction with desire.A disciple next to him suddenly said, "Huh? Why do you feel that Senior Brother Zhang's voice has changed?"

She was taken aback again, she realized that this was not her hallucination, it seemed that other people had the same discovery.

After thinking about it, she caught up with "Zhang Qifeng" and leaned over.

"Qifeng, why are you walking so fast without waiting for me!"

The crunchy and soft voice made men have the urge to commit crimes.

"What? I don't touch you, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Zhang Qifeng" suddenly smiled evilly, and lightly grabbed her firm body.

She looked at Zhang Qifeng with a bit of resentment, she was charming and boundless, and now she was relieved, Zhang Qifeng was still Zhang Qifeng, or the lustful Zhang Qifeng who was obsessed with her body, as long as she knew this, it was enough.

But he didn't know that this was only done on purpose by "Zhang Qifeng", the real Zhang Qifeng had already been blown away in the wind.

Seeing the approaching Blizzard Gate, "Zhang Qifeng" showed a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Blizzard Gate? Here I come!"

Inside the Blizzard Gate, this fake Zhang Qifeng will eventually stir up the situation, and no one knows exactly what Xiao Yun's plan is.

Donghuang's family, Xiao Yu, Xiaoyao Yuntian, Donghuang Xieyi, and Donghuang Youruo all gathered in the small courtyard.

The Martial Arts Conference ended, Xiaoyao Yuntian's achievements made the entire Xiaoyao family immersed in joy and excitement, and countless forces came to congratulate, which is why Xiaoyao Yuntian came to Donghuang's family from Xiaoyao's family.

The current Xiaoyao family is really too noisy, especially those sect masters who want their daughters to get close to Xiaoyao Yuntian are the most terrifying, making it difficult for him to fight.

"Yun Tian, ​​this time you have won the Martial Arts Conference, the younger generation in Sanctuary, your status will be unshakable, do you know what this means?"

Donghuang Wuying seemed very happy, the matter between Xiaoyao Yuntian and Donghuang Youruo had been settled, Xiaoyao Yuntian was his genuine son-in-law of the Eastern Royal family, how could he not be excited to have such an excellent son-in-law?
Xiaoyao Yuntian nodded lightly. He has already achieved such an achievement at such an age. He has become the undisputed number one master of the younger generation in Sanctuary. His future is naturally limitless. In the eyes of countless people, his future achievements will definitely be Wen surpassed the top ten saints, and even made Xiaoyao's family surpass the Heaven and Earth Palace. Anyone who understands this kind of weight will come to curry favor.

Fortunately, the ten great saints are all broad-minded people. Even if they knew that Xiaoyao Yuntian's future achievements would threaten the Heaven and Earth Palace, they would not have the slightest idea, otherwise Xiaoyao's family may cause disaster now.

"Uncle, there is something we want to ask!"

Xiao Yu suddenly spoke.

"You want to know about the battle of the three great realms, right?" Before Xiao Yu could speak, Donghuang Wuying said, "You are all the best in this martial arts conference, and the ten great saints will naturally tell you the truth."

After finishing speaking, Donghuang Wuying's eyes were fixed, as if immersed in some kind of sad memory.

Xiaoyao Yuntian and the others waited quietly for the next sentence. Only Xiao Yu knew why Donghuang Wuying showed such an expression.

For him, the struggle between the younger generations in those three domains was indeed a sad memory.

"I don't know much about the battle between the three domains, and I only participated in the battle of young geniuses in the three domains once, on the island named 'Despair'."

Donghuang Wuying said in a deep voice: "The so-called Island of Despair made me realize for the first time what despair is."

Xiaoyao Yuntian and the others all changed their expressions.

Donghuang Wuying is a well-known top expert in the sanctuary, and he is proud and arrogant. To be able to make him say these words, he must have experienced things unimaginable by ordinary people on the island of despair.

"Twenty years ago, Yun Tian's father and I participated in that martial arts tournament at the same time. The two of us became the final fighters. At the end of the battle, we were both exhausted and ended in a tie."

"That's why we were all winners of the Martial Arts Competition that time, and we were qualified to comprehend the Kaiyuan Broken Demon Hand. It's a pity that neither of us was able to practice successfully."

No one spoke, everyone listened quietly.

Donghuang Wuying continued: "Half a month after the end of the Martial Arts Conference, the twenty top young masters from the sanctuary gathered together and went to the island of despair under the leadership of the ten saints. I heard that they were with young masters from the other two regions. To be honest, when we were young, we were very excited. We all hoped to win glory for the Sanctuary in this battle and make the future of the Sanctuary brighter. And Yuntian's father and I are the leaders of the team. "

"Unfortunately, we were all wrong. No one thought that the battle would be so fierce. Those geniuses from the other two regions are not at the same level as us. Even Yuntian's father and I, And they can only reach the middle level of their team."

A look of pain appeared on Donghuang Wuying's face: "The result can be imagined. In that battle, only Yuntian's father and I survived, and the others...all stayed on Despair Island forever."

(End of this chapter)

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