Chapter 970 Change Your Mind
"All the others stayed on Desperate Island forever."

Hearing Donghuang Wuying's words, Donghuang Youruo and Donghuang Xieyi were startled and shuddered.

The twenty top talents in Sanctuary at that time, what a terrifying lineup, but such a team, only two survived on Despair Island?
"Although we belong to different forces in the Sanctuary, these are our teammates when we entered Despair Island. We saw our teammates fall one by one, but we were helpless. At that time, I was really heartbroken. If you haven't experienced it yourself, you won't understand it!"

The sadness in Donghuang Wuying's eyes made Xiaoyao Yuntian and others slightly shocked, as if he could see the scene where his teammates from back then were still by his side.

At this moment, Xiaoyao Yuntian finally understood why Emperor Xiaoyao never mentioned anything about the Martial Arts Conference.

Who would have thought that Xiaoyaohuang and Donghuang Wuying, who were famous in the sanctuary, had such a tragic past?If it is said that the two teamed up to lead the team and were completely wiped out, who would believe it?
"That disastrous defeat made the two of us decadent for a long time. I have to say that it was an unprecedented blow."

After Donghuang Wuying finished speaking, he changed the subject: "Fortunately, our sanctuary will never perish, and now there are a group of young people who are worthy of great responsibility in the sanctuary. I believe that your existence will make the sanctuary grow again. Add luster."

Xiaoyao Yuntian grinned: "According to uncle's description, the young masters of the other two domains seem to be very unusual, I really want to see them right away."

"Brother Xiao, what do you think?"

The eyes of the three were all focused on Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu seemed a little absent-minded.

"Brother Xiao?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian yelled again, and Xiao Yu came back to his senses.

"En? Brother Yun, what did you say?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian obviously rarely saw Xiao Yu like this.

"Are you thinking about Xiao Yun's matter?"

"That's right!" Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Xiao Yun can't be found for a day, and we still have worries about participating in the battle of the three major domains."

None of the three members of the Eastern Royal Family knew about Xiao Yun's matter, only Xiaoyao Yuntian knew about it, he pondered for a while, and said: "Brother Xiao, to be honest, this matter is not easy to handle. Xiao Yun has practiced the Three Transformations of the Heavenly Demon, and his strength is no longer strong. Lost to the other top power controllers outside the Heaven and Earth Palace, and even stronger than them, if he wants to hide, it will be as difficult to find him as in the sky."

Xiao Yu naturally knew this, and it was because of this that the other party was worried.

"Who is Xiao Yun?"

Donghuang Wuying asked.

Xiao Yu didn't hide anything, and told the story of Xiao Yun back and forth.

After listening, Donghuang Xieyi said angrily: "There is such a beast that even betrays my uncle."

Donghuang Wuying frowned. Through Xiao Yu's description, he already knew that Xiao Yun was definitely a disaster for the sanctuary.

"It's a pity that he couldn't be found, otherwise I would have dealt with him on the spot!"

Xiao Yu's tone was serious, no one doubted what he said.

"Brother Xiao, we still have 20 days. In these 20 days, we will work together to find Xiao Yun's trace. If we can't find it after [-] days, then I will go to Despair Island alone. You stay in the sanctuary and continue searching. You see how?"

Xiao Yu put down his teacup, smiled lightly, and said, "Brother Yun, the two of us made an appointment to go to Despair Island together, and I will naturally not break my promise. After twenty days, even if Xiao Yun cannot be found, we will go to Despair Island together. The battle in the Great Territory must not be delayed."

When Xiaoyao Yuntian heard the words, he patted Xiao Yu on the shoulder heavily, and said with a smile, "Brother Xiao, if the two of us are going together, what are those geniuses from the three domains?"

"Haha, that's natural!"

The two peak masters of the younger generation met and laughed, while the three on the side could only watch silently.

"Yu'er, Yuntian!" Donghuang Wuying said to the two of them, "You two must not be careless. Originally, in this battle of the three major domains, my sanctuary is full of talents, but because of Zhang Qiulie and Xiao Yun's cruelty, let me The top geniuses in the other two domains will not let go of this opportunity."

"The so-called battle of the three domains, in a sense, needs to rely on the team. There are also scenes of fighting alone, but the overall strength is very important. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be reduced to the point of being besieged."

The loss of combat power of Donghuang Wuyingzhi is the four King Kongs of the Raging Flame Sect killed by Zhang Qiulie, the three brothers of the Zhong family of the Blizzard Sect killed by Xiao Yun, and the two silver and bronze gods of the Shentu Sect.

Losing these five people, plus Zhang Qiulie who was killed by Xiao Yun, the participating teams in the sanctuary lost most of their strength. In order to fill the vacancy, the top ten saints will definitely choose from among these top forces Others, but there is no doubt that these people are not as good as the above nine people.

Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian's single-handed combat power is indeed strong, but the top geniuses of the other two domains also don't know how far they have reached. If other people in the team lose consecutively, and the two of them are besieged in the end, the result may be the same. extremely bad.

This is exactly what Donghuang Wuying was worried about.

"Don't worry uncle, we will proceed carefully!"

Xiao Yu nodded.

Xiao Yun entered Blizzard Gate as he wished, wearing Zhang Qifeng's human skin mask, no one doubted his identity.

He came to Zhang Qifeng's residence and began to sort out his plans.

"The old ghosts of Blizzard Sect are quite strong. If I can absorb all their power, then my strength will be improved and I will be one step closer to Xiao Yu. But these old ghosts usually stay in the It is not easy to solve them at the same time in one place."

Xiao Yun has always planned before acting, he has not yet grown to the point where he can ignore everything, so he has to be careful.If his whereabouts were revealed, no matter if it was Xiao Yu, Xiaoyao Yuntian, or the Ten Great Saints, they would all come one after another and encircle him.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he still had to accept this reality. Now he couldn't compete with any of these twelve people.

Xiao Yun was planning how to separate the elders of Blizzard Sect and defeat them one by one, but a piece of news made him stop this idea for life.

He was summoned by the head of the Blizzard Gate, hesitated a little, and went to the Blizzard Hall.


As soon as he entered the door, he imitated Zhang Qifeng's previous appearance and bowed down to the head of Blizzard Sect.

Shen Wen, the master of the Blizzard Gate, is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, and no one will notice him on the street, but his strength is not ordinary at all, enough to rank among the top twenty in the Sanctuary.

Shen Wen looked at the disciple who had never been placed first in front of him, and felt a little sad in his heart. Those three disciples who had invested countless efforts in him would never come back, and it was precisely because of this that he would List Zhang Qifeng as the highest level disciple.

"Qifeng!" Shen Wen said to "Zhang Qifeng", "I just received a secret letter from the Heavenly Flame Saint. The secret letter mentioned a decisive battle. I hope you represent Blizzard Gate to fight."

(End of this chapter)

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