Chapter 986 Patterns
The corpse dodged sideways to avoid the Griffon King's attack, and then punched the Griffin King suddenly.

The Griffon King was startled, and he punched hard.


When the two met, the Griffin King thought he would be repelled, but there was no too strong force from the corpse puppet, so that his blow seemed to miss, light and weak.

The corpse puppet jumped out suddenly with the power of the Griffin King's blow, and its eyes were on the fleeing Sky Eagle King.


Everyone was shocked, they obviously didn't expect this corpse puppet to be so scheming, everyone just felt their scalps go numb.

Corpse dolls are fighting machines, and their sense of smell and judgment on the battlefield are terrifying.Although his strength was stronger than every spirit beast present, but more than 20 people at the top of the Yuanshen realm were fighting with him, and it was really unrealistic to eliminate them in a short time.And the Sky Eagle King was wounded by him, and his arm was broken. Obviously, it was the best solution among these spirit beasts.


Seeing the panicked look in the eyes of his companion in front of him, the Sky Eagle King was shocked, and at the same time there was a cold breath coming from behind him.

He almost didn't need to think about it, he knew that it was the corpse puppet's pursuit, and for a moment he felt cold hands and feet.

"help me!"

Sky Eagle King shouted to his companions in front, his voice was full of desolation and despair.

At this moment, he regretted so much why he entered this terrifying underground palace because of greed. Not only did he lose his arm, but even his life might be given here.

Facing the Skyhawk King's call, the four spirit beasts at the peak of the Primordial Spirit Realm were able to rescue them in time, but seeing the fierce-faced corpse puppet covered in violence, they instantly lost the courage to act.

The four spirit beasts spread out in unison, away from the Sky Eagle King as if avoiding the plague god.Seeing this scene, the Eagle King felt completely hopeless.

The cold and chilling force behind him was approaching.

"No, I don't want to die!"

One cold palm grabbed the Sky Eagle King's neck, while the other grabbed the Sky Eagle King's thigh.


The Eagle King howled mournfully, and was lifted directly above his head by the corpse puppet.When he was in despair, he also burst out the last strength. With his only left arm, he scratched and tore the back of the corpse doll's clothes, exposing the gold and iron-like skin of the corpse doll.


There was a terrifying roar from the mouth of the corpse puppet, like the roar of a wild beast, his physical strength exploded, and with a pull of his hands, the eyes of the Eagle King protruded and were torn into two pieces.

Powerful divine power erupted from the body of the corpse puppet, enveloping the two parts of the Eagle King's body.


With a muffled sound, the two parts of the body exploded into a cloud of blood mist at the same time, and the primordial spirit of the Sky Eagle King was completely destroyed in the process.

A generation of spirit beast kings died so miserably.

The rest of the spirit beasts stared blankly, and the fear in their hearts overshadowed their anger.

An incomparable chill rose in the hearts of every spirit beast, they just wanted to get away from this place as soon as possible, and they didn't want to stay here anymore.

They don't want to take that so-called opportunity anymore.

Next to Xiao Yu's cold eyes in the distance of the battlefield, he could have sobered up the Sky Eagle King, but he didn't want to.

The Sky Eagle King has nothing to do with him, and he showed strong hostility towards Mu Xiaoke and others. For such a character, he would be happy and peaceful after death.

After killing the Sky Eagle King, the corpse puppet didn't stop, and there seemed to be a strange smile on its indifferent face as it looked at the other spirit beasts.

The Griffon Emperor and the others felt a chill in their hearts, and the already germinated desire to retreat became even stronger.Although the opportunity is good, they don't say they got it, and now the chance of finding the opportunity is extremely slim.

Although Skyhawk King's strength is not top among their group of spirit beasts, it is definitely enough to rank in the top five. However, under this corpse puppet, he was bloody beheaded without much resistance. How could they? escaped?
"Everyone, let's get out of here now, there are some things we can't touch!"

The Griffon King roared at the other spirit beasts like a leader.

Although extremely unwilling, these spirit beasts are more aware of the importance of life. If they don't leave here, they may become the next Sky Eagle King.

The corpse puppet felt the retreat of the spirit beasts, but the murderous aura on its body rose even more. It obviously didn't intend to let any of them go.

"Those who break into the Langya Underground Palace will be killed without mercy!"

The cold and blunt words came from the mouth of the corpse puppet, but to the ears of all the spirit beasts, it was like the sound of hell.

"I'll stop him, you go first!"

The Griffin Emperor suddenly let out a loud cry, his body suddenly swelled, and he turned into a huge golden griffin, roaring and roaring, shaking the hall.

All the spirit beasts were stunned, they obviously didn't expect that the Griffin King would come forward at this moment, Xiao Yu was also very surprised, he thought that the Griffin King was also a greedy guy, who would have thought that he had such a side.

"Big brother!"

The middle-aged man who was knocked into the mountains by Xiao Yu before flashed over, his eyes were full of worry, the others were ready to flee, but he was unwilling to abandon his elder brother and escape alone.

"Go away, leave me alone!"

A few words came out of the Griffon Emperor's huge mouth, and then his figure turned into a gust of wind, rushing towards the corpse puppet.

The corpse puppet didn't show any expression, and it also rushed towards it at a very fast speed.


The huge griffin flapped its wings, and instantly spit out an extremely red fireball from its mouth.The fireball spun rapidly, pressing down on the corpse puppet with extremely hot temperature.

The corpse puppet does not dodge, clenches its right fist tightly, and looks like an arrow.In an instant, he penetrated the fireball and shattered the fireball, and his fierce fist had already hit the chest of the giant griffin.


With a howl, the griffin transformed directly from a beast into a human form, spurting out blood.

The younger brother of the Griffin King hurriedly flew to take the Griffin King, and the Griffin King himself had already suffered serious injuries.

This time the faces of the spirit beasts changed drastically. They also expected the Griffin King to stop the corpse for a while, so that they would have a chance to escape from here, but they didn't expect the Griffin King to fall down in just an instant.


The Griffin Emperor spat out another mouthful of blood. The fist of this corpse was unmatched. He was punched solidly, the internal organs in his body were completely displaced, and his chest collapsed.

If it wasn't for the physical strength of his spirit beast, he would have been out of his wits after this punch.


The corpse puppet let out a low growl, and charged forward again. He wanted to finish off the most injured Griffon Emperor.

At this moment, his back was facing Xiao Yu's direction, and Xiao Yu saw the strange pattern on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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