Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 987 The Incomplete Map

Chapter 987 The Incomplete Map
The back of the corpse puppet was facing Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu clearly saw the strange pattern exposed on his back, and his complexion changed slightly.

At this moment, the corpse puppet shot out suddenly, and its fist hit the Griffon Emperor.He wants to kill everyone here one by one, this is the mission he was given the moment he was created.

The terrifying power contained in the corpse puppet's fist made the faces of the Griffin King and his biological brother change drastically. They were unable to receive this punch. The power was too far behind them.


A figure suddenly appeared, blocking in front of the two Griffin Kings. He had no fear in the face of the powerful fist, and also raised his right fist and blasted it out.


The hall trembled, and the fierce wind scatter in all directions, making it impossible for all the spirit beasts to open their eyes, and they were even pushed back continuously by the powerful impact force, which shows how terrifying the strength of the two people fighting is.

The strong wind dissipated, and the Griffon Emperor and the others saw the situation clearly.

"Brother Xiao?"

Seeing the person coming, the Griffin Emperor suddenly cried out in surprise.Xiao Yu's appearance, although they don't know if they can compete with this terrifying corpse doll, but after all, it gave them a glimmer of hope.

When their eyes fell on the corpse puppet, they were shocked to find that the corpse puppet was thousands of feet away from where it was originally, and one of his right arms was hanging limply, as if it had been broken by someone.

At this moment, more than 20 pairs of awed gazes were cast on Xiao Yu. They naturally understood that there was absolutely no one else capable of breaking the arm of this corpse except for Xiao Yu who had just appeared.

Xiao Yu's strength far exceeded their expectations.If they were horrified when Xiao Yu broke through the defense of the underground palace before, then Xiao Yu smashed the arm of the corpse doll with one punch, which made them really fear.

Just this corpse puppet can make all of them suffer and face death. If Xiao Yu, who is more powerful than the corpse puppet, kills them, how can they escape?
The corpse puppet and Xiao Yu punched each other. Although it is powerful, how can it compare with Xiao Yu?Even if the right arm is broken, it can no longer be used.

Even so, there was no pain on his face, this painless killing machine charged again.


Xiao Yu sneered, his figure flashed, and the spirit beasts couldn't see his movements clearly.

Turning their gazes, they were horrified to see that Xiao Yu had already grasped the corpse puppet's left arm, and then spit out his strength, and the scene of the corpse puppet tearing up the Sky Eagle King was repeated.

It's just that the roles have been reversed, the former tearer has now become the torn one.


Xiao Yu tore off the corpse doll's left arm, and then his hands danced like phantoms. The rest of the corpse doll's limbs were torn off one by one, and finally his hands fell on the corpse doll's head.

"Using your way of killing you can be regarded as giving you some value!"

As soon as Xiao Yu's cold words fell, the corpse puppet's head was finally separated from the body, and the death energy in his eyes was also slowly dissipating, and then disappeared.

Although the corpse puppet is a painless killing machine, it still has its brain to control its body. Once its head is crushed, it will completely lose its mobility and become a complete dead thing.

Seeing Xiao Yu so easily dealt with the corpse puppet that killed them, the voices of swallowing saliva among the spirit beasts kept coming and going, and now they didn't even dare to take a breath.

"Thank you for saving your life!"

Before, the Griffon King only took a fancy to Xiao Yu's strength and wanted his help, but at this moment he really regarded Xiao Yu as a strong man he could not offend and his own savior.

As he spoke, he bowed down to Xiao Yu in the air, and the other spirit beasts followed suit one after another, fearing to make Xiao Yu unhappy, they beheaded and killed them in this underground palace that almost no one cared about.

Xiao Yu waved his hand, but ignored them, his eyes completely fell on the back of the corpse puppet.

There are strange lines on the back of the corpse puppet. These lines seem to be carved, gradually forming a pattern.

It was this pattern that made Xiao Yu suddenly want to attack the corpse puppet.

His original intention was not to save the Griffin Emperor, but to destroy the corpse, carefully studying the pattern on its back.

There are marks on the pattern, and there is one mark that Xiao Yu cares most about.

It is a delicate spiral mark with a subtle disk painted on its side.

"This should be the Spirit Gathering Disk!"

Xiao Yu stared at the disc, feeling very confident in his heart.Although he has never seen a spirit gathering disk, he is sure that the disk painted on this pattern is the spirit gathering disk.

"It seems that the owner of this underground palace should have a great connection with the Spirit Gathering Disk, otherwise the whereabouts of the Spirit Gathering Disk would not be engraved on the back of the corpse puppet."

Xiao Yu inspected it carefully, but his gaze was fixed.

These stripes are not continuous, with huge breaks in the middle and on both sides.

"This pattern is not complete!"

After watching for a long time, Xiao Yu finally came to this conclusion.

The pattern engraved on the back of this corpse doll indeed has the location of the gathering disk, but this is not a complete pattern, or it is only a part of a picture. According to Xiao Yu's deduction, this picture should be divided into four parts. parts.

If you want to know exactly where the gathering disk is, I'm afraid you need to find another three pictures, or more.

"It seems that we can only take this picture out first!"

Xiao Yu's palm was like a knife, and he easily cut into the corpse doll's body, which was as firm as gold and iron, perfectly cut off the pattern on its back, and then put it into the space ring.

All the spirit beasts looked at Xiao Yu, all a little confused, but they didn't dare to ask, and could only wait like this.

After doing all this, Xiao Yu just looked at the Griffin King, feeling the miserable injury of the Griffin King, and his sincere eyes, Xiao Yu suddenly waved his hand, and a divine light entered the Griffin King's body.


The Griffin King was startled, and felt that his body's skills were recovering rapidly, and his internal organs, which had been displaced, also quickly improved, but his injuries healed by [-]% to [-]% in an instant.

"Thank you, Xiao Xia, the only way to repay your kindness and virtue is with your life. If you are sent, you will definitely go through fire and water."

The Griffin King bowed down to Xiao Yu again, seeing the other spirit beasts looking at each other in blank dismay, his fear of Xiao Yu deepened.

"No need to say much, let's get out of here as soon as possible, you can't touch the things here!"

Although Xiao Yu's words were blunt, the spirit beasts had no way to refute them. With their strength at the peak of the Yuanshen Realm, even on this island of despair, they were already considered top-notch, but they only realized their weakness after entering the underground palace. .

This strength is simply not enough in the face of a real crisis.


Suddenly, the entire underground palace trembled violently, and the tremor became more and more intense, until the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

(End of this chapter)

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