Chapter 278

At this moment, Li Zhengchun was incomparably shocked, beyond shock, and even terrified.

Undoubtedly, everything that Li Hongbin said was a real thing that happened to him. There are some things that no one else knows except himself and the people involved. There are even one or two things that he almost forgot. , but now Li Hongbin said it.

This made Li Zhengchun have to be afraid!This person is really too powerful. If I am in front of him, then I am a transparent person.

Even if Li Hongbin said he knew what color he was wearing today, he would not doubt it.

Mu Jinyu next to her was also very shocked. Seeing Li Zhengchun's performance, she knew that what Li Hongbin said was very correct, my God!How is this possible? Could it be that Li Hongbin has secretly followed behind Li Zhengchun since the very beginning? This is impossible, because Li Hongbin is only in his 20s, and Li Zhengchun is almost 50 years old. At that time, Li Hongbin was not even born. Woolen cloth?
Then how is this possible, how could he know everything about Li Zhengchun like the back of his hand?Even better than himself.

Suddenly, Mu Jinyu suddenly remembered that what her grandfather Mu Yi once told him was also said by Mu Yi inadvertently. He said that in Huaxia, there was a very mysterious army. All of them have very miraculous abilities, the strength of ordinary people's understanding, and more importantly, they are mysterious, and no one knows their identities at all.

The most important thing is that this army, they control all the information in China, as long as they want to know.

At that time, Mu Jinyu was very disbelieving, and shook his head and said, "Grandpa, what you said is too exaggerated! How could there be such an organization in Huaxia? Even our Mu family didn't know it, and even Lao Mei didn't know it." Without such a powerful army, it is too powerful to be able to control all these materials! Could it be that they also have all the materials of our Mu family."

Mu Yi nodded and said, "Jin Yu, you are right, that mysterious army does have all the information of our Mu family."

"Oh my God." Mu Jinyu was surprised, and then said in disbelief, "Grandpa, how is this possible, how could they have such abilities, they have all the information about our Mu family, if we want to destroy our Mu family, That’s not so easy.”

Mu Yi nodded again and said, "Yes, the abilities of that mysterious troop are beyond what we can imagine, but they won't appear randomly."

At that time, Mu Jinyu would never have believed that there would be such a mysterious army in Huaxia, but now, after seeing Li Hongbin's performance, he couldn't help but think of what Mu Yi said. Mystery troop.

Before thinking about Li Hongbin's mystery, his magical ability, and what he said now.

It made Mu Jinyu believe what Mu Yi had said, and Li Hongbin was probably a member of that mysterious army.

When Mu Yi told Mu Jinyu about this mysterious army, he also told her that this mysterious army has a lot of power. It can be said that if they want to do what they think is right, then they can do it, even if it is It is not illegal to kill someone, and it has much more rights than the special operations team of the National Security Bureau.

Before, Mu Jinyu would never believe that Huaxia still had such troops, but now, seeing Li Hongbin, she suddenly believed a little bit.

"Oh, that's right." With a playful smile on his face, Li Hongbin pointed to his desk and said, "Li Zhengchun, just the day before yesterday, you and that young woman called a famous flower in the stage did something here. matter."

Li Hongbin said, "Today, you and that young woman named Xiaoling did something here again, hey! It's just that the time is too short."

"You. You." Li Zhengchun said fearfully, "You, who are you? How can you be so clear about my affairs? Who are you?"

Li Hongbin smiled disdainfully and said, "Me! I'm just an ordinary farmer, not a special person. Look at my clothes, all of them are street stalls without brands. Looks like a dollar."

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, Mu Jinyu couldn't help but want to despise him. You are an ordinary farmer, and the clothes add up to only a few tens of dollars. Thanks to you, you have the nerve to say it. Murakami, Versace's, designed by famous designers, cost tens of thousands of dollars a piece, the jacket outside, it is said that there is no brand, it is hand-sewn, hundreds of thousands of sets, you have the nerve to say dozens of dollars The appearance of Qian, I really admire you.

Regarding this, Li Hongbin really didn't know, his clothes were either bought by Xu Qingxue or Tang Xin.

I bought it for him and used it to wear, no matter how much it costs, is it a brand of goods!Even if it is a street stall that costs tens of dollars, Li Hongbin still wears it on his body, and luxury goods worth hundreds of thousands are still worn like this. In his heart, there is no such concept at all, these are all external things.

Seeing through Mu Jinyu's thoughts, Li Hongbin chuckled and said, "Jinyu, someone bought it for me. I don't know how much it is."

"Li Zhengchun." Li Hongbin said coldly, "Now let's talk about our affairs!"

"Yes, yes." Li Zhengchun said terrifiedly, he was terrified of Li Hongbin now, there was no reason for such a person not to be afraid of him, if he looked at him, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

Even sitting on the stool, his body was still shaking.

Seeing his performance, Li Hongbin smiled, this is what he wants, even if I don't move my hands and feet, with a single mouth, I can still kill you, and scare you out of courage with just a few words.

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled casually and said, "Don't be so nervous. Seeing how nervous you are, how can we talk?"

"I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous." After Li Zhengchun said it several times, he calmed down a little, and said, "I don't know about this gentleman, and Miss Mu, what do you want to talk about? At what time do you want the TV station to broadcast the advertisement?"

Li Hongbin said, "It depends on what you want, Director Li. All of this is in your hands. You can broadcast it at any time you want."

Li Hongbin came to turn against the guest, and now all the initiative is in his own hands, Li Zhengchun has no idea in his mind now, everything follows Li Hongbin, this is completely frightened by Li Hongbin.

"This." Sure enough, this made Li Zhengchun a little embarrassed and said, "I don't know much about this."

What he said was the truth!Not only does he not know about this, he doesn't know anything about the situation in the TV station. However, he is very clear about one thing, that is, how many beauties there are in the TV station. It is very clear about your marriage and love affairs, and what you have had a relationship with yourself.

Apart from these few things, he didn't know anything about the things in the TV station.

For his answer, Li Hongbin had already expected it, and said, "That's it! I think these few hours are not bad, from [-]:[-] noon to [-]:[-] pm, and from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] pm. It's a good time, what do you think?"

These two are the most frequent commercials, the real prime time.

Without even thinking about it, Li Zhengchun said, "Okay, yes, yes."

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "Since this is the case, then I want these two time periods. How about it, Director Li, do you have any opinions?"

Li Zhengchun quickly said, "No, no."

Seeing that the negotiation was so easy, Mu Jinyu admired Li Hongbin very much in his heart. This is a master, a real master. Hold it in your hand and turn Li Zhengchun around.

But the most important thing is to master his handle and play as you want.

In Mu Jinyu's heart, there was already such an idea that as long as Li Hongbin stepped forward, there would be nothing impossible to do. For example, it was the same with himself back then, even if Li Hongbin casually said a few words, She was completely trapped, and it's the same now, with just a few words, Li Zhengchun was dealt with.

When I went out on my own before, it was very difficult.

"Okay, since you have no objection, let's sign the contract!"

Li Hongbin waved to Mu Jinyu. Mu Jinyu took out the contract he had prepared last time and handed it to Li Hongbin. It’s not too much! Do you want to have less.”

"Yes, yes, yes, it's a little too much." Li Zhengchun said, anyway, as long as Li Hongbin said anything, it would be fine.

If it was really an advertisement broadcast during prime time, let alone 400 million, even 1000 million a year would be impossible. Now Li Hongbin says that 400 million is too much, and this is all here to cheat Li Zhengchun.

Li Hongbin smiled and said, "How much money does Director Li think is appropriate?"

"This, how about 200 million." Li Zhengchun said hesitantly, "200 million! Is this still a little..." Li Hongbin said seeing Li Hongbin's hesitation, Li Zhengchun gritted his teeth and said, "100 million."

"Okay." Li Hongbin clapped his hands together and said, "Since Mr. Li is so straightforward, then 100 million a year will be fine. Are we all straightforward people? If so, then sign the contract quickly. I have already signed it here." Words."

After Li Hongbin signed the contract, he handed the contract to Li Zhengchun. Without looking at what was written on it, he found the place where he signed it, and Li Zhengchun directly signed his name.

Seeing that the contract was finally signed, a smile finally appeared on Mu Jinyu's face. After accepting the contract, the matter was finally done. Sure enough, his big boss is powerful. His grandfather is a hundred times stronger than him, so why not worry about big things if you follow him?
"Director Li, now that the official business is done, let's talk about our private affairs."

"Private matter." Li Zhengchun was taken aback, and said with a panicked expression, "What private matter."

(End of this chapter)

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