Peerless Peasant

Chapter 31 Tang Xin's Past

Chapter 31 Tang Xin's Past
Tang Xin is actually a very hard-working woman, but she is also a very strong woman.

how to say?This starts with her birth. She was not in an ordinary family since she was a child, but since she went to college, she has never used a penny of the family's money, and she has earned it all by herself.

Not to mention, she still has a talent for business. When she was in college, she kept accumulating experience while working part-time and working outside. When she was a sophomore, she decided to start her own business and make a career. Out of the private money I have saved since I was a child, as the capital for my own business, there are hundreds of thousands.

So I set up a small company of my own. There are only six people in this company from the chairman to the members below.

And these members are all her classmates, or play well with her, let alone, this small company, under the work of these young people, is getting better and better, and its development is getting better and better. Soon, in just one year, the company's assets have grown from hundreds of thousands to several million.

This is inseparable from the abilities of several of their young people. It is mainly because they are young and have their own unique ideas that can make the company develop so fast.

By the second year, the company's total assets had exceeded the ten million mark, and the company's members had changed from six people to more than 30 people, a large number of them, They are all alumni from their school, Yenching University, the highest institution of higher learning in China, they are all cutting-edge talents, and some are elite talents invited from the society.

For Tang Xin, none of this was important. What was important was that during the two years of struggle, she met the most important person in her life.

Among the six people who started the business with her at the beginning, there was a young man named Deng Qunshan, who had an average family background, but studied very hard in school, what grades?He has always been one of the best in school. He and Tang Xin met when they were working in the student union.

After the first meeting, the two felt that they were easy to talk to each other. After getting along for a while, they became familiar with each other. Later, after Tang Xin told her about her business plan, he greatly agreed with her, and jokingly said, If she starts a company, he will be the first to support her, and if she needs any help, he will speak up.

Deng Qunshan is a very accomplished young man. Although his family background is average, he has never felt inferior. He has good academic performance and is excellent in all aspects.

In the two years of struggle, the two people have known each other, gradually developed a good impression, and later fell in love with each other. All these developments have been so smooth and so natural. The two have made an appointment. After graduating, the two will get married, and 23 is the time to get married.

And both of them already have their own businesses, a company with very promising development prospects.

However, things are often so unsatisfactory!After Tang Xin's family knew all this, they tried their best to stop these two people. How should I put it?It was her parents who looked down on Deng Qunshan, a child from a migrant worker family. No matter how hard you work, your future achievements will not be great, so their family strongly opposed it. No matter what, they just disagreed with the two of them.

but?Tang Xin's parents underestimated the relationship between the two of them, thinking that they were just playing for fun, as long as they were not allowed to meet each other, the relationship would naturally fade.

So, after knowing about the two of them, she locked Tang Xin at home and didn't let him go out. Even if she went out, someone would watch her by her side. She could do whatever she wanted, but she couldn't meet Deng Qunshan.

But Tang Xin's parents didn't know that what they did was wrong, and he was absolutely wrong. Not only did this not make the relationship between the two of them worse, but it got deeper and deeper.

Finally, taking advantage of an opportunity, Tang Xin escaped from home and got together with Deng Qunshan, but not long after, she was found by members of the Tang family. With the overwhelming power of the Tang family, she wanted to find someone in Huaxia. It is not very easy.

After finding her, she strongly demanded to take Tang Xin back. In order to defend her love, Tang Xin even threatened her parents with death. Tang Xin said, "I'll give you two choices, either follow us back now and never associate with this man again, or stay with him and disassociate yourself from the Tang family. You are no longer a member of the Tang family."

This was a difficult decision. Between her family and her lover, she could only choose one. In the end, Tang Xin chose her lover, because her family had already chilled her heart, and she couldn't feel the existence of family affection at home. I'm like a toy, let them manipulate me, it's better to get rid of it earlier.

In the end, Tang Xin and Deng Qunshan were together, and the matter could have come to a perfect end here.

The two lovers finally got together, and the company of the two is also developing well. The total assets of the company will soon exceed the [-] million mark. Originally, they wanted to take advantage of this time to prepare for the wedding.

However, at this time, an unexpected thing happened. Deng Qunshan passed away because of an accident, which was also a car accident.

This was definitely a bolt from the blue for Tang Xin. When she heard the news, her eyes darkened and she passed out on the ground. Her heart was broken. When she heard the sad news, with Deng Qunshan's departure, Heartbroken, she originally wanted to leave with Deng Qunshan, but at this moment, the doctor told her that she had, had Deng Qunshan's child.

This child is Tang Yunyun. Since Tang Yunyun was born, she has become everything to Tang Xin. Everything in her life is more precious than her own life. I will do my best to make her happy. , lived happily ever after, so at the moment the car was hit, she blocked Tang Yunyun's body without hesitation.

After Deng Qunshan left, the company fell into her hands alone. In order not to let herself think about other things, she worked hard.

After four or five years of development, their company has begun to take shape, and she has thousands of people under her command. The company's assets have already reached billions. A company has grown from its original assets of several hundred thousand to In just seven or eight years of operation, it is inseparable from their business talents and hard work to reach such a point, but recently, they encountered a little problem.

What's the problem?A large enterprise took a fancy to the company's development prospects and planned to acquire the company.

How could Tang Xin agree?It can be said that she and Deng Qunshan developed this company together. This can be said to be a testimony of their love and has an extraordinary symbolic meaning. How could she agree to the acquisition?Absolutely impossible.

But that big company seemed to have made up its mind to acquire Tang Xin's company.

At the beginning, she was soft, as long as Tang Xin agreed to the acquisition, everything was easy to discuss, but Tang Xin refused to agree, and if she couldn't be soft, she would be firm, threatening Tang Xin in various ways, if she didn't agree If not, her company will face the possibility of bankruptcy.

How could her small company be able to withstand the attacks of those big companies?Those are all big companies with assets of tens of billions, or even tens of billions.

Recently, her company has always been attacked inexplicably. Some companies that originally cooperated with them have canceled their contracts with her. Although they have received compensation, it is far from the loss suffered by the company. In just a few days, her company suffered tens of millions of losses. If this continues, her things are likely to go bankrupt.

But even so, she didn't intend for the company to be acquired.

Hearing Li Hongbin's words, Tang Xin was stunned for a moment. Could it be that they did this thing? The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible. A gleam of anger flashed in her eyes. They had already touched her bottom line by doing so. , her Yunyun was almost hurt, Tang Yunyun is her everything, if anyone dares to do anything to Tang Yunyun, she will definitely find him desperately.

He looked at Li Hongbin and said, "You mean, the car accident this time was not accidental, but man-made."

Li Hongbin nodded and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I am young and have studied with a master for several years. I know how to read faces. When I saw you and Xiao Yunyun last time, I saw you and Xiao Yunyun. In one word, it means that your hall is blackened, and there is a big ominous omen, so I left a bodyguard for Xiao Yunyun. Maybe you think this is fantasy, I am a magic stick, But whatever you want."

This time Tang Xin did not refute, but looked at Li Hongbin with a hint of surprise, because of the previous incident, she already believed Li Hongbin's words a little bit.

"Originally, your death in this car accident, which is a bad omen, should have passed, but the fierce aura on your body has not diminished at all. This time the car accident did not let him be buried. I don't know what will happen next time. For Xiao Yunyun's sake, I'm helping you guys once! I wish you all escape this disaster, tell me! Have you offended anyone recently?"

Tang Xin frowned, and said with a hint of anger in her eyes, "Longxiang Group, if the only possibility is Longxiang Group."

(End of this chapter)

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