Peerless Peasant

Chapter 32 Longxiang Group

Chapter 32 Longxiang Group
Longxiang Group is a very large enterprise, a well-known enterprise at home and abroad, and the tax paid each year exceeds the total assets of Tang Xin's company.

So if you think about it, if such a company wants to do something to her, her small company will definitely not be able to survive, and it will only be a matter of time before the company goes bankrupt, unless she can find someone who is better than Longxiang Group. Larger companies come to be their backers.

This backer actually existed, and that was the Tang family. It was just that she was required to go back and admit her mistakes and invite them. Tang Xin would never be able to do such a thing.

They were the ones who brought her out back then, and Deng Qunshan's death is still a mystery to this day. She didn't want to mention it, and she didn't want to investigate it, because he thought of some of the possibilities, so she could only bear it secretly You must not ask the Tang family.

"Longxiang Group." Li Hongbin frowned. He had heard of this company before, so he couldn't help asking, "How could you get involved with them?"

Tang Xin's face was a little dark and she said, "Longxiang Group wanted to buy my Xingmengyuan, but I didn't agree to them, and the general manager of Longxiang Group wanted me to be a lover, which is impossible. How could I agree to him, and last time in my office, he touched me, was kicked by me, and lay in the hospital to rest for several days. "

Li Hongbin couldn't help but asked, "Why did you kick him? It was so hard that he stayed in the hospital for a few days."

Tang Xin couldn't help but glared at Li Hongbin, and said, "I think it's very likely that he has a grudge against your man's crimes. In addition, he wanted to buy my company several times before, but I didn't agree to him, so I think if this time If the things you did were man-made, the biggest possibility is that people from Longxiang Group did it."

"Okay, as long as I know these things, I owe you two mothers and daughters in my previous life, so I'm helping you once."

"How can you help?" Tang Xin asked, "Do you know that their Longxiang Group is not just a simple boss company, but they have a deep background. I appreciate your kindness. Thank you for saving your life this time." , I can give you whatever you want, I don’t want to owe you anything anymore, Longxiang Group is not something you can deal with, so forget it! If our mother and daughter really can’t make it through, then That’s fine, let’s get rid of it sooner.”

"Damn it." Li Hongbin couldn't help cursing, "You are really cruel! You don't think I'm interested in you, do you! Let me tell you, I want to help you purely for Xiao Yunyun, I don't want to see Seeing that such a lovely child died early, and there was no mother early, if it wasn't for her sake, I wouldn't care whether you were dead or alive, and I didn't have the time."

"You, you." Tang Xin couldn't help pointing at Li Hongbin angrily and said, "Hmph! How is it possible that you would be so kind to help us?"

She has been in the mall for a long time, and she has never seen any kind of people. Everyone does what they do for a certain purpose. She doesn't believe that Li Hongbin will be so kind to help them. In today's society, there are such good people. Well?She has never seen it, and she will never believe it.

She looked at Li Hongbin with two eyes, as if she wanted to see something from his eyes, but she was disappointed, Li Hongbin's eyes were so pure that she couldn't see anything, but the more she was like this, the more she believed that Li Hongbin was holding There is some purpose, but it is hidden very deeply, such a person is terrible.

"Speak!" Tang Xin said coldly, "This time you saved Yunyun and me, no matter what the conditions are, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree to you."

"You, you." Li Hongbin was also a little unhappy. I helped you with good intentions, but you took it as some kind of purpose, some kind of conspiracy. You said, who am I, Li Hongbin, I am a god, even if it is what I want, Can you give it?
Following her haughty face, I couldn't help but look down, her chest is quite high, and she is also very tall, probably at least a C or above, not bad, and I didn't pay attention to it before, this girl is still a standard She is a great beauty, but she is only slightly inferior to Xu Qingxue.

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Hongbin's mouth, and he said in his heart, okay!Since you insist on saying what purpose I have, then I will say it!

Walking a step forward, with a wicked smile on his face, he said, "Okay! Now that you've said that, I'll just say it straight. The reason I'm helping you is because I've taken a fancy to you, and I want you How about being my lover, you said it yourself, as long as you can do it, you will definitely agree. "

"You." Tang Xin looked at Li Hongbin angrily and said, "I know you, you are no different from those people."

"Okay!" Li Hongbin said helplessly, "You have seen all this, so will you agree? You can do this. Think about it, I saved the lives of both of you. Your life may be worthless, but what about little Yunyun?"

"You, you are shameless." Tang Xin scolded, "If you want me to be your lover, there is no way."

"Hehe." Li Hongbin smiled and said, "I don't know who said it before, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree. Is Xiao Yunyun's life so worthless, then okay! I didn't say what I said before."

"You. You." With a trace of anger on Tang Xin's face, she pointed at Li Hongbin with a trembling right hand. Li Hongbin's words pierced her heart. Xiao Yunyun is everything to her, and Xiao Yunyun's life is in her eyes. Here, seeing is more important than everything else, I didn't expect Li Hongbin to use this as an issue.

After a fierce struggle, Tang Xin nodded and said, "Okay, so what about being your lover, anyway, you can only get my man."

"Ahem." Li Hongbin couldn't help coughing twice, and said with a trace of surprise, "No! You just agreed, I was just joking before."

"What?" Tang Xin looked at Li Hongbin expressionlessly and said, "I hate that I'm a person who has given birth, and I'm not as good as other people."

"Ahem." Li Hongbin was speechless again. If he knew it earlier, he would not have made this joke. Now he doesn't know what to say. Li Hongbin's EQ was not very high in the first place, although it has improved after becoming the God of Life. But it is still a little low and needs to be improved.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. You are recuperating well in the hospital, and I will go out to help you solve the rest of the trouble."

As he spoke, he took out two green jade pendants from his bosom and put them in front of Tang Xin, and said, "Keep these two amulets on your body, the previous amulet has been broken, remember to keep it on your body, it can save your life, remember It should be worn close to the body and cannot be taken off at any time."

With that said, he snapped his fingers, and slowly retreated out of the room.

Looking at the two small jade pendants in front of her, Tang Xin was stunned. Who the hell is this man? The mysterious man said that he was dressed so ordinary, as if he came from the countryside, but there was something radiating from him. A unique aura makes people feel very comfortable, and such a jade pendant of tens of millions can be given without any hesitation, as if in his eyes, it is considered worthless.

To be honest, in Li Hongbin's eyes, this kind of jade pendant is really worthless. He can make as much as he wants.

In fact, in the eyes of immortal cultivators, this imperial green jade stone is just a better spirit stone. In Li Hongbin's hands, there are still a lot of immortal crystals that are much higher than this spirit stone. Jade pendants are really worthless.

But in Tang Xin's eyes, it was different. Even the young men and women she had met in Yanjing were not as forthright as him when they wanted to chase any girl.

Looking at it, Li Hongbin's figure had disappeared, and she couldn't help shaking her head. She really couldn't think of Li Hongbin's purpose. Only for the sake of saving myself.

What's more, his miraculous ability can predict people's good or bad luck, and this amulet feels so unreal, but it really exists.

"Could it be." Tang Xin's eyes froze suddenly, and she said with a shocked expression, "Could it be that he is one of those special people."

When she was in the Tang family, she occasionally heard from the old man in the family that there is a special kind of people in the country who possess some magical abilities, a kind of ability beyond human ability. Thinking of Li Hongbin's ability, he is very likely It is among those people.

Touching the two jade pendants and feeling the warmth from them, Tang Xin couldn't help but relax, and put the jade pendants on herself and Yunyun.

Coming out of the city hospital, Li Hongbin's body instantly appeared several thousand meters above the sky. Since the general manager of the Longxiang Group had something to do with this matter, he could find his practice from Tang Xin. There is such a great causal relationship between these two people, Li Hongbin found his location in the blink of an eye.

A smile appeared on his face, and he saw his body flash, and he appeared not far from a building.

"Longxiang Building."

Li Hongbin smiled, fiddled with his clothes, and walked in, but as soon as he walked in, he was stopped by two security guards in front of the gate. Li Hongbin smiled at the two people, regardless of whether they Go forward.

After he had walked a long way, he saw one of the security guards shaking his head and saying, "What happened just now."

The other person was also taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, just do our job well."

Li Hongbin stood in front of the elevator, the door of the elevator opened, a man and a woman walked out, the man walked straight forward, and the woman's eyes paused for a while on Li Hongbin's body.

(End of this chapter)

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