Chapter 34
"I shouldn't have left at that time, so I regret it." He has calmed down, and his voice is also very calm, "I admit that in the beginning, my feelings for you were not only appreciation but also sympathy, so I thought that as long as you are not in Mu Zheng's side will not be so painful, and you can even forget the previous pain. I think leaving is the best way, just because I have such an opportunity, I want to take you with me. But I still think too simple, first of all I My family stopped me, they are so stubborn... Then there is the situation in your family, I should have thought of it earlier, you are so filial, it is impossible to leave your father alone. I gave up Yunlang's opportunity to go to the UAE, thinking that I could get rid of it The shackles of my family, and then I will pick you up, but after I got there, I gradually realized that it is impossible for you to go with me."

Not just the wrong method, but also the timing of their meeting, not the right person at the right time.

"I shouldn't have left, stay, at least things won't get as bad as they are now."

Liang Zhixuan shook her head: "A lot of things are destined, if you want to make me feel better, don't blame yourself."

In fact, her entanglement with Mu Zheng was deeper than they could imagine.

The one-week training ended quickly, and on the last day everyone went out to sing and go clubbing. Lei Xiaoming couldn't escape even if he insisted on recruiting a few training instructors. Everyone knew about Liang Zhixuan's illness a few days ago, so he managed to escape.

She stayed in the hotel, opened the laptop to make a document and planned to ask for leave, but she deleted and wrote and deleted the reason that should have been explained clearly in a few words, but she couldn't write well, and finally closed the computer with a snap, and looked up. Lying in bed, my mind is empty.

The phone was quiet, Mu Zheng didn't contact her, maybe this is the result, it's not like he said that things will change after a while.

In fact, there are two generations of grievances between her and him, just like Romeo and Juliet, it is hard to be different.

She called Cheng Jie, and Yuan Bao should have just fallen asleep, Cheng Jie yelled and hid in the bathroom as soon as she heard about her pregnancy, and yelled at her, "Don't mess around, Don't do stupid things! Do you want me to fly over, Yuan Bao is on vacation, I'll take him to fly over to find you!"

"No, I'll be back tomorrow, don't mess around with the child."

"Anyway, don't do stupid things! Didn't Captain Lei come back? I'll let him watch you."

"No need, it would be more embarrassing for me to face him face to face. Don't worry, I won't be stupid." In fact, she doesn't know how to choose now is a stupid thing, and how to choose is the right one.

Cheng Jie sighed: "Your own body comes first. Don't ruin your body and ruin your happiness for the rest of your life because of such a scumbag. Let's analyze it after you come back, and then you can make a decision!"

She is not married, and has no family to discuss with, and only such a friend can confide in and help out with ideas.

She saw too much of Cheng Jie's difficulties, and asked, "Sister Cheng, do you regret giving birth to Yuan Bao?"

Cheng Jie remained silent for a few seconds before she firmly said: "I regret that I trusted the wrong person back then, but I never regret having a son named Yuan Bao."

Liang Zhixuan hung up the phone and suddenly thought of her father.Poor parents all over the world, since the hearts of parents are the same, what kind of attitude would he have if he knew that she was pregnant with a child?
Back in Nancheng, she went to the nursing home in Key West.Two days later was the anniversary of her mother's death, so she simply took her father out and went to the cemetery to pay respects.

Liang Guoxing still didn't recognize anyone, but when he arrived at the cemetery, he seemed to think of something again. He felt sad and murmured his wife's name all the time: "Yueqin, Yueqin..."

For some reason, knowing that the previous generation had such grievances and entanglements, and seeing her parents still so affectionate, she felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

She helped her father sit down, and he took her hand, "Where is Xiaoxuan? You saw Xiaoxuan and wanted to tell her to stay away from that Mu Zheng... He hated her mother and our family. Back then I didn't know Xiaoxuan is going to look for him, if she knows, I... I won't let her go no matter what!"

Liang Zhixuan patted his hand to comfort him in a low voice, her eye circles were red, and she asked patiently, "You know he hates his mother, but do you know Mu Kun?"

"Mu Kun?" He raised his head, "Didn't Mu Kun leave? Back then, he broke his promise and had another woman, and he came to pester her. Yueqin won't go with him..."

Liang Zhixuan has been bombarded with too much information recently, and her brain is a little numb, but she still feels like her blood is flowing backwards when she hears this.

She took Liang Guoxing's hand: "Dad... You said that Mu Kun was sorry for Mom back then? Then why did he still come to you and pester you? What's going on, Dad, tell me quickly, tell me quickly I!"

Liang Guoxing's arm was shaken by her, and his eyes were empty, "Mu Zheng is the son of that woman, and he would not let us go, let go of Yueqin... He was the one who pulled out the pipes on Yueqin's body, those life-saving instruments , he pulled it out..."

The hand that grabbed his cuff loosened, and Liang Zhixuan froze there as if sealed in ice and snow.She has experienced so many things over the years, big and small, and they should be strung together like a chain over time and with cause and effect, but there are a few links that are missing, so she can't figure it out, and now she finally understands.

When Dad talked about Mu Zheng, he hated and feared, hesitant to speak, so it was because of this.

Holding her breath, she immediately went to the hospital where her mother was hospitalized, found the attending doctor to verify the specific cause of death, and asked to see the rescue records at that time.However, after so many years, and there is no solid evidence to prove that the cause of death is suspicious, the hospital refuses to check the medical records.She was anxious and helpless, Cheng Jie comforted her: "Don't worry, I'll help you see if I can find someone to help."

The medical records were finally found, and the attending doctor said to her personally: "The last time I rescued her, part of the equipment was indeed pulled out, but we believe that she pulled it out by herself. Patients with terminal liver cancer are in great pain, and pulling out the equipment wants to end their lives. There are not a few of them...and your mother died of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in the end, which is also a common liver cancer patient..."

"You're talking nonsense, I don't believe it! My mother won't unplug the device by herself, she won't!" Liang Zhixuan interrupted him, tears streaming down her face.

Were she and her younger brother really too young back then?The pain and the specific cause of death when my mother died were hidden from them by my father and doctors, and they were vague.

But how?Mom clearly said that she would not give up, for the sake of the whole family, she would never give up until the last moment, and God made the decision.She has seen it, she has seen a patient in her mother's ward who lived for three months and three months, and they also believed that there would be such a miracle, and her mother would not choose to unplug the device by herself.

It was Mu Zheng, it must be Mu Zheng, only he hated their family to such an extent, only he would see an old man who was dying of illness and still couldn't let go of his hatred.

When she came out of the doctor's office, she ran into Rong Zhao, who looked at her with folded arms, "The reason why you put in so much effort is to find out the cause of your mother's death?"

Cheng Jie asked someone for help to find him. Maybe this world is really too small, or maybe his network is really too wide. After all, there are seven other people between the two strangers.

She looked at him with some perplexity, "You are Mu Zheng's friend, but you are a doctor first, right? So you shouldn't lie to me...Did my mother really die from a massive digestive tract hemorrhage?"

Rong Zhao was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Patients with advanced liver cancer died of gastrointestinal hemorrhage, multiple organ failure, and even myocardial infarction. I have read your mother's medical records and rescue records, and there is nothing suspicious. What are you suspicious of?" ?”

"Anyway, the terminal cancer is going to die, so it doesn't matter if you unplug her device to make her go earlier and suffer a little bit more? I can't tell anyway..."

Rong Zhao frowned: "What are you talking about? Don't think about it. As the name suggests, those life instruments are to maintain her life in the end and relieve her pain as much as possible. They are not used for medical treatment. Some patients want to unplug them and get rid of them early. It's also understandable!"

"No, my mother won't do this..." She sat there almost exhausted, muttering.

Rong Zhao didn't think it was a big deal at first, but now he was a little worried seeing her like this, "Are you okay? What's wrong with you recently, one and two are both mysterious...does this matter have anything to do with Mu Zheng?"

The person who asked him for help this time was Guan Long, who seemed to be entrusted by others, and he kept secret to tell Mu Zheng not yet.Considering the friendship between Guan Long and Mu Zheng, it seems that it is really a big deal and not a good thing to hide it from him.

In his life, he likes to watch the excitement and meddle in other people's business, and he is not afraid of wading through muddy waters. He just sympathizes with these good friends, all heroes are saddened by beauty.

Liang Zhixuan didn't answer, but stared at the terrazzo floor, "Thank you, Doctor Rong, you go back first, I want to be alone for a while."

Rong Zhao was not at ease, and wanted to persuade her, but thought of what her Tai Zuo said: As long as it is not your woman, if she says she wants to be alone, she really wants to be alone, so you just go away quietly, don't make trouble for others.

He touched his nose and stood up, "Okay, then you should be careful and don't think too much. I don't need to tell Mu Zheng about this, but listen to me, no matter how cruel he is, the basic sense of right and wrong is still the same. Yes, he won't do things that hurt nature and reason."

She didn't respond, and sat alone in the chair for a long time, until she couldn't sit still because of the pain in her back, and then slowly stood up and prepared to go home.

There is heat gushing out of the body, and the lower abdomen is also faintly sinking and hurting, a bit like those few days of every month when it is the most uncomfortable time.But how could she be in such a physical condition at this time?
She looked down subconsciously. She was wearing a skirt with a short front and a long back, and her smooth legs were exposed under the skirt. Sure enough, there were winding bloodstains flowing down the side of her legs, staining the white flat shoes on her feet red.

She knew what it was almost immediately, but she didn't cry, and she didn't feel a lot of pain. Instead, she felt relieved, because her body suddenly became very light, and all the disturbances in her consciousness disappeared.

Did mother feel the same way when she was pulled out of the instrument that kept her alive?
It was raining again outside the window. Nancheng had a lot of rain in summer, and it was ticking, like the sound of time passing by.

Liang Zhixuan was lying on the bed, watching the raindrops hit the glass, shattering into invisible splashes, repeating it again and again, like hypnosis, and the eyes that had just opened felt sleepy again.

"Xiaoxuan, don't sleep, get up and eat something!" Cheng Jie knew she had woken up, "Don't always sleep when the weather is bad, the more you sleep, the less energetic you will be."

Without looking back, she asked softly, "Sister Cheng, what time is it?"

"It's past two o'clock in the afternoon, and you haven't had lunch yet, so get up and eat something, sleep alone can't keep you healthy."

It turned out to be so late.

Liang Zhixuan sat up propped up, one dish, one soup, and a plate of rice balls were already on the coffee table, and He Mei knelt on the cushion next to her, "I know you're going to say you don't have an appetite, so I made some rice balls, and I brought the soup Miso is made with fish and tofu, which is good for the body. My father is used to making miso at home. It tastes so good that you can’t find it anywhere else. I heard from Sister Cheng that your father is also very good at cooking. Try it Taste and see if my father's craftsmanship is as good as yours."

Liang Zhixuan glanced at her, knowing that she was here to let herself eat, and smiled gratefully: "Hemei, thank you."

After she finished the operation in the hospital, she was suspended again. When Cheng Jie came back with her, she saw Hemei sitting at the door of her small apartment.After going through a few days of roller coaster, she has seen everything she sees.Hemei also said very frankly: "I have something to ask of Mu Rong, but he said that he never helps others casually, so I am willing to do something in exchange with him. He said he likes you very much, and I want to match you two. I hope he can agree to my request for this sake."

Liang Zhixuan laughed, Hemei is still too young and innocent, but if possible, she hopes that everyone can maintain such innocence from beginning to end, and the original intention remains unchanged.

Hemei lived temporarily in her small apartment, and when she learned that she had just had a miscarriage, her expression became serious for a while, and she came to take care of her instead.Cheng Jie was worried, and would come over to have a look. Both of them are very good at cooking, so they cooked soup for her to nourish her body in different ways in the kitchen, but she really didn't have any appetite, and she failed their hearts. .

Sometimes I feel that life is not too hopeless, that is, there are friends like them who will never leave in the most difficult times.

Hemeijia's unique miso soup is really delicious, and the rice balls are also very delicious. Liang Zhixuan finally cheered up and ate a little more.Seeing her open her notebook and writing, Hemei couldn't help being curious, "What are you writing?"

The wound in her abdominal cavity was still aching, and the blood under her body was still not clean. She took the lead and wrote as lightly as possible: "Record your physical condition, and hope to get better soon."

It was fine on July [-].She lost a child and lost a family.

Hemei can speak Chinese but can't read or write, but she understands what Liang Zhixuan is doing, and takes out a beautiful notebook from her backpack, "I also have the habit of keeping accounts."

She also carried a lot of beautiful tapes and stickers with her, and taught Liang Zhixuan how to decorate the notes beautifully.

She originally thought it was a childish hobby, but she unexpectedly liked it very much.The most important thing is that the two girls got together to make collages, draw pictures and typeset, as if they found a little fun and could distract her energy, so that she would not be so sad, so sad that her chest was stuffed with cotton and uncomfortable.

The operation happened yesterday, but she could still see the blood flowing from her body when she closed her eyes. The doctor's words echoed clearly in her ears: "Spontaneous abortion is a process of survival of the fittest, which proves that the quality of embryos is not good. , plus you were seriously ill before and took a lot of medicine, so it's normal if you can't keep it. Don't be too sad, you can ask for it again in the future when you are not old."

In fact, how can it not be sad, this unformed child is also a blood relative, her family, but after all, she still can't keep it.

In the afternoon, Hemei and Cheng Jie went out together. Liang Zhixuan leaned on the sofa and continued to post the ledger. When he heard someone knocking on the door, he thought it was Hemei and the others who had returned. He closed the notebook and opened the door with it in his hand.

She didn't expect that the person standing outside the door was Mu Zheng, so she froze for a moment.Neither of them moved or spoke. Mu Zheng seemed to be rushing over from somewhere, the front of his shirt was soaked with sweat, and he was panting quickly.Oh, by the way, her apartment is very old and there is no elevator. If he ran up to the fourth floor in one go, it would probably be like this.

She knew that he would find this place, she didn't doubt it at all, even she was actually waiting, just waiting for him to come.

"Is it true?" He asked seemingly without thinking, his eyes fixed on her, but his tone was terrifyingly calm.

Liang Zhixuan was glad that she finally didn't have to play charades with him anymore, and said simply: "It's true. I'm pregnant, but the child has been aborted."

Mu Zheng clenched his hands tightly by his side, so hard that his body trembled slightly.He took a deep breath, and Liang Zhixuan knew that a storm was coming. He instinctively wanted to raise his hands to cover his ears and then close his eyes, just like he was afraid of firecrackers when he was a child during Chinese New Year, as long as he didn't listen or look at it.But she knew that was useless, and her mother told her that running away would never solve anything, and now that she was in the center of the storm, she couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

As expected, Mu Zheng became ruthless, grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her hard against the wall, gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Why do you...Liang Zhixuan, why do you..."

Perhaps because of too much force, his voice seemed to be choked in his throat, and he couldn't speak a complete sentence.

Her wrist hurt like it was going to shatter, and there was a cold wall behind her, but she didn't think it was anything—if he had also experienced lying on the operating table and letting those cold instruments go through his body to scrape away a layer of flesh and blood, he would also I don't think this pain is really a big deal right now.

But the tears still flowed from the eyes, and she didn't know why, it didn't hurt... Maybe it was just a conditioned reflex, or the soul of the unfavorable child still hadn't dissipated, and she couldn't help it when she sensed that her biological father was coming. Cry again.

(End of this chapter)

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