Chapter 39: Love (1)
Mrs. Wang found the pirate, put it in the cage and handed it to Liang Zhixuan.Maybe it is used to being free, and when it has been restrained like this, it is very unwilling to run around in the cage, meowing non-stop.

It still had a lot of fresh buns, dried fish and biscuits that it hadn't finished eating, and Mrs. Wang gave them all to her.There were too many things to carry, so Xiao Zeng took her back as a matter of course.

Mu Zheng didn't show up again, and every time the two of them broke up, he had a decisive attitude, as if he never wanted to see her again.

The pirate followed her back to her residence, and hadn't eaten since she was released from the cage. He hid in a corner and refused to come out. He only came out to drink a few sips of water when he was really thirsty.

Liang Zhixuan bought it a new flavor of Miaoxian Bao and biscuits, and built a new nest for it with the mattress it had slept on at Mu Zheng's place. A kind of arrogance and guard, unwilling to get close to people.

She didn't understand what was wrong with it, and thought it was just awkward when it was difficult to adapt to a new environment, until she happened to see it standing in front of the full-length mirror and quietly looking at its reflection in the mirror, as if in a state of ecstasy, and didn't move at all. Knowing that it misses its partner, and cannot meet face to face, it has to look at itself in the mirror.

Mu Rong told it that it seems to have a date and is about to become a cat father.

Liang Zhixuan held the cat bowl, put the newly opened canned food and dried fish in it, tapped the edge of the bowl lightly with a spoon, and greeted it: "Come out and eat something, today is the third day, if you continue to be hungry, you The baby will never know you after birth."

The pirate hid under the bed where Liang Guoxing slept today.The two-bedroom house, since Liang Guoxing passed away, the room he lived in has been vacant. After she packed the bed and his belongings, she never went in again.

Kazumi also solemnly bid farewell to her after finishing the funeral with her, saying that she would go back to Japan, because the grief of losing her father reminded her of her parents who lived in Sapporo.

"There is an old Chinese saying: A tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and a child wants to be raised but not to be loved. My mother is Chinese, but I am not good at Chinese, and I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence before. Now I understand. This sentence Well said, well said."

Yes, well said.She gently hugged Kazumi, "Please give my regards to your parents, the miso made by your father is really delicious."

Dad's craftsmanship is the taste of home, but it's a pity that she will never taste it again.

She was living alone again. If it wasn't for pirates, she didn't know when she would have the courage to step into this room again.

The pirate lay under the bed and couldn't come out, the only eye in the darkness looked at her faintly.She put the bowl on the ground, sat down, poked the cat food in the bowl lightly with a spoon, "I'm sorry, I did something bad with good intentions and separated you from Mrs. Cat. Come out and eat something first, eat enough I'll take you back."

I don't know if it understood, it meowed under the bed.

She smiled bitterly, "I was afraid that Mu Zheng would really throw you away, but you are not afraid, right? You have been wandering outside, and you have lived a good and hard life, and you can adapt to everything. Even if he If I throw you away, you can still find it, after all, your cat wife is still pregnant with babies, you can't bear them, right?"

It didn't make a sound, and it was still playing deep at the critical moment, and its virtue was a bit like Mu Zheng.

She hugged her knees and sat curled up on the ground, "I was too selfish to pick you up rashly without asking your wishes. Dad is the same, I should ask him what he means... But he must not be able to make up his mind , and finally listen to me."

She put her hand on the bed, and tears welled up for no reason, "Although what I said and what I did may not be right, but he always listens to me... He feels that he owes me, I'm sorry, but in the end I'm still sorry he."

The pirate came out from under the bed, walked very slowly, reached her feet and looked up at her, meowed twice in a low voice, and then wolfed down its first meal in three days from the bowl.

Liang Zhixuan stretched out her hand to smooth the fur on its back, and tears fell into its bowl, "That's right... Only when you're full will you have the strength to go back and look at them. They must still be waiting for you in that yard, and they won't go far. Yes A family is better than a single person,'re going to be a father, that's great..."

She cried so much that she couldn't help it, she was so envious of the pirates.It has been seriously injured, it is arrogant and full of vigilance, it competes with the same kind for territory and food, and is not willing to trust people easily, but now it has found a partner and a family, it is better than she is alone in this world, losing her mother, brother and daughter one after another. Dad, he can't even keep the baby in his belly.

Maybe she will be alone in this world from now on.

The pirate was put into a cage and sent back to Mu Zheng's villa again.

Its wounds have healed, even if Mu Zheng doesn't want to take care of it, it doesn't matter if it goes back to the outside world.It has its own way of living, not to mention it has concerns now.

Mrs. Wang came to open the door. She was very happy to see her, but she was a little surprised when she saw the cage in its hand, "Hey, why is this little guy back?"

"It won't eat at my place." Liang Zhixuan told her about the pirate's stubbornness.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang waved to her, "Come here, come and see this."

She led Liang Zhixuan to the side door, and heard a low cat meowing from a distance.She let the pirate out and it flew out in a jiffy.A cardboard box was placed in a hidden corner under the eaves outside the door, with a hole in the side, and a soft cloth inside. A white cat nestled inside, with a big belly, and it looked like it was about to give birth.

The pirate ran over and circled the cardboard box, and the white cat meowed even more vigorously.

It seems that this is its cat wife.

Liang Zhixuan couldn't help squatting down to look, the white cat's eyes were shining brightly in the dark, staring at her vigilantly.

Mrs. Wang said: "I have noticed this cat for a long time. I have been looking for a nest everywhere recently. I am afraid that it is about to give birth, so I built one for it. It barks a lot today, and it has not come out since I went in. It may be about to give birth, just in time. Xiaoxuan, you are here, do you want to help it?"

Liang Zhixuan didn't think much about it, "Okay. But when I was a child, I saw the cat that caught mice in my kindergarten give birth to kittens, and I have no experience in delivering cats."

"It's okay, I can teach you. Scissors, hot towels, alcohol, etc. are all available at home, just prepare them. They won't be needed if you have a normal delivery. Let's help it in case of a difficult delivery."

Liang Zhixuan nodded, feeling inexplicably nervous.

Mrs. Wang said that the pirates could not be here, so she isolated it with a cage, and could hear its cries from afar, which echoed the cries of the white cat in the cardboard box, worrying her.

The white cat was indeed about to give birth. It lay down on its side and licked its body, and its body began to exert force.Liang Zhixuan watched it attentively, clutching a clean towel tightly in his hand.

"Why are you here?"

When Mu Zheng's voice sounded behind her, she almost jumped up in fright, and asked exactly the same question as him: "You...why are you here?"

He glanced at her, "I was resting at home today."

But he smelled of alcohol, the cuff buttons of his formal shirt hadn't been undone, and the neckline was pulled wide open, so he should have just had a social meeting at noon.

She didn't expose his self-contradiction. Anyway, this was his villa, and Mrs. Wang didn't mention whether he was at home.

He looked down at the movement in the cardboard box, then at the alcohol and scissors in the basin at her feet, frowned and said, "What is this for?"

"The pirate doesn't eat or drink at my place, so I'll bring it back. It just so happens that Mrs. Cat is about to give birth, and I want to help."

He snorted, "Mrs. Cat?"

"Yeah." She looked down at the carton, "It's a pair with a pirate, and this is the pirate's child."

Mu Zheng was silent for a moment, and just about to speak, Liang Zhixuan lowered his voice and shouted in surprise: "Come out!"

Under the white cat in the cardboard box, there was indeed a kitten's body squeezed out.

Liang Zhixuan couldn't care less about talking to him, and focused all her attention on the mother cat who gave birth to her cubs.

The kitten came out first, but its head was still stuck in it. After a while, Liang Zhixuan was a little anxious, and put on medical gloves to reach in.

Mu Zheng grabbed her, "What are you doing?"

"Can't you see? The kitten is stuck inside, and it will be dangerous if you can't get out."

He was very calm, "It's only a few minutes, just wait."

After 10 minutes, the first kitten finally landed smoothly, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.Maybe it's because she has no experience in giving birth, and the mother cat didn't bite off its umbilical cord. Liang Zhixuan wanted to call Mrs. Wang over, but Mu Zheng took the scissors from her hand, "I'll do it."

Before she had time to be surprised, Mu Zheng had already put on the gloves.He is a bit of a clean freak, and he always wears two layers of gloves. This is probably the first time for him.He put his hand into the box, and the mother cat was very disturbed. Liang Zhixuan comforted him in a soft voice, and helped to pass the thread to him.It took a lot of effort to finally tie the knot on the umbilical cord. Mu Zheng cut the umbilical cord with scissors, and the mother cat had already started to exert force again.

"Looks like there's still some in my stomach." There was a dense layer of sweat on his head, "You want to wait for it to be born?"


He seemed indifferent, and sat on the ground, "Then wait."

His hands hang down naturally on his knees, without taking off the gloves, his fingers are slender and bony, really like a surgeon's hands.

Liang Zhixuan looked away, "You don't need to stay here to guard, if you have any questions, I will call Mrs. Wang."

He sneered: "This seems to be my house, but you are commanding me?"

She stopped talking, fiddled with the things in the basin, and looked at the movement of mother cat from time to time.

The second kitten didn't come out for a long time, and the mother cat screamed a little weakly, as if she couldn't exert her strength.Mu Zheng stood up suddenly and walked into the house. Liang Zhixuan thought he was impatient to wait to go back to rest, but he turned back soon, holding a bowl in his hand, and the aroma of soup wafted over.

"what is this?"

"Crusch carp soup, Mrs. Wang has stewed it to feed the cat for the past two days." He blew on the hot air and passed the bowl in. "If the kitten is still unable to give birth, it will have no energy. Give it some energy. Look at it There are probably more than two stomachs."

She was a little curious, "How do you know, you had a cat before?"

He paused, "I raised it when I was a child, but no one took care of it later. I sent it to my grandparents' house, but I didn't take care of it and ran away."

His tone was flat as if he was talking about an insignificant matter, but she knew that the little animals she raised by herself were not just animals, they were her closest childhood companions.He knows how to pretend now, but he didn't know how uncomfortable it was when he lost it.

The mother cat drank some fish soup and continued to exert force. Finally, the second kitten slowly emerged. It was probably bigger and difficult to give birth to.

Mu Zheng was about to reach out to grab him, but she stopped him, "Let me try."

She put on the gloves, and gently grabbed the kitten's body and pulled it out. The soft and fragile touch of her palm made her nervous again, her heartbeat was rapid and chaotic, and her hands trembled slightly.

Mu Zheng's hand covered it, and the two of them worked together to pull the kitten out.

There are four kittens in the mother cat's belly. From the time the water broke to the end of the birth, it took four hours to give birth, and it was already very late.

Four kittens huddled under her stomach, and she licked them one by one, raising her paws to pat them to breathe, and the last kitten that came out was the weakest and seemed to be motionless.Liang Zhixuan was very worried, "Why is Xiao Si not moving? Will he die?"

"Don't make up your name!" Mu Zheng frowned and gave her a dissatisfied look. "Maybe you choked on the water, or held it in your stomach for too long. Take it out and have a look. Go and pour some warm water."

In fact, he didn't understand these things either, it was Mrs. Wang who was giving him advice.Liang Zhixuan still did as he said, took warm water in a basin, and he had already caught the youngest cat in his hand.

He carefully put the kitten into the warm water, covered its body with his hands and rubbed it gently, "wipe its mouth and nose with a towel, and see if it can spit out the fetal fluid."

Liang Zhixuan knelt aside to wipe the kitten's mouth, and used a cotton swab to dry the fetal fluid in its mouth.It still didn't move, and the heartbeat was so small that I couldn't tell if it was still beating.

After trying for 2 minutes without any response, Mu Zheng said, "Forget it, maybe it won't be saved."

She raised her head eagerly, "No, try again! It was still moving when it came out...Let's try again, don't give up on it."

It was still too small and fragile, and her wet eyes could not be opened, which easily reminded her of the little life she had lost.

Mu Zheng took a deep look at her, bowed his head and said, "Come here and change hands with me."

This time, she held the kitten and gently rubbed her body in the water. He put his hand under the top of the kitten's head and shook it lightly. He felt the kitten move and swung it a few more times. Finally, he saw it cough up two mouthfuls of fetal fluid. After coming out, the body moved slightly in the water.

Liang Zhixuan cried with joy, "It's great, it's's fine."

The two of them were so close, as if they were snuggling together, he could even feel her body trembling slightly when she spoke.He could hug her by raising his hand, but he was still wearing medical gloves, and his hands were filthy and filthy.

In the past, it was really within reach, but at some point it became a taboo that could not be touched.

He stood up, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and took off his clothes to take a shower. The residual alcohol and cat smells were all washed away.

After he came out, he thought she was gone, but when he walked to the side door, he found that she and Mrs. Wang were busy changing the mats for big cats and kittens.From one cardboard box to another, all the kittens huddled under the mother's belly to feed, only the smallest one, which was rescued by them together, was carefully held in her hand and wrapped in a soft towel with.

After changing the litter, Mrs. Wang dragged out the winter oil and put it beside the cat litter to keep them warm. Liang Zhixuan sat beside the youngest kitten and waited for the other kittens to eat before moving one of them to change. It eats and talks to it in a low voice.

He leaned against the wall and watched her silhouette quietly, breathing very lightly.The pirate was still kept in a cage, which was placed by the door, and his wife and children could be seen from a distance, but he couldn't get close.

One person, one cat, a bit of sympathy for each other.

Mu Zheng took out the cigarette and put it near his mouth. Just as he lit it, the pirate raised his head and gave him a quiet look.He snorted coldly, and moved his lips soundlessly: What are you looking at!

After thinking about it, he put out the fire and walked to the other side of the garden before lighting a cigarette.

It would be nice to let her sit there a little longer, they're both exhausted from a stray cat today.

The phone was vibrating in his pocket, and he picked it up. It was rare good news, and a smile could not help but spread on his lips, "...Well, I got it, keep watching for me. Feng Yaru should also keep an eye on her."

After hanging up the phone, he almost finished smoking half a pack of cigarettes, and the garden was as quiet as if he was the only one.He walked back slowly, feeling a little ridiculous. It was obviously his home, but why did it look like he was trying to avoid her?
She was still there, probably tired, leaning against the wall to doze off while the oil was warmed.The smallest and weakest kitten was fed back to her arms after being full of milk, and slept soundly on her lap.

He raised his face and took a deep breath. There was a scent of osmanthus in the night wind.Autumn in Nancheng this year was earlier than usual, and it was another round of cold and heat unknowingly. Thinking about all the things he and her have experienced recently, the most peaceful and peaceful moment is actually this moment.

He bent down, trying to hug her in.But there was such a burden on her leg, so he had to remove it first, but she didn't sleep deeply at first, and she woke up when she moved the kitten.

She blinked her eyes, she looked a bit like a cat when she just woke up, bright and ignorant, with a little childish innocence.Finding herself falling asleep, she was a little embarrassed, "Well... what time is it?"

He retracted his arms and straightened up, "It's getting late, you should go back."

She didn't need him to tell her that she knew that today was a bit out of line, and she was delayed here for so long.

She put the kitten back into the cat litter, and looked at it a little more worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, this cat will have to be hand-fed from now on."

She looked at him puzzled, "Why?"

"You still ask why? Natural selection, it was born weak and should have been eliminated naturally, or it would not be able to grab milk and starve to death or be bitten to death by other kittens. You insisted on rescuing it After being rescued, I fed it alone. It has no sense of competition and strength, and it has to be fed like this until weaned. Even when it grows up, its body will be weaker than other kittens.”

Liang Zhixuan understood what he meant, "I just can't bear to see it die like this, after all, it has spent so much effort to get out of mother's belly..."

(End of this chapter)

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