Chapter 40: Love (2)
No matter the cat or the person, he was actually a little scared when she mentioned the look on her face when the child was born, which made him feel as uncomfortable as the tears in her eyes when the kitten came back to life.

"Let's go!" He chased her away, "Look at the good deeds you have done, one is enough to bother you, but now there are cats all over the room."

"If you find it annoying, you can find someone to claim the kitten."

"Am I in a hurry?" He said angrily, "If you want to claim it, you first take the smallest and weakest one away."

"Is it okay?" She seemed very happy, "Then I'll hold it when it is weaned."

He looked at her inquiringly, "Why didn't I realize that you like small animals so much before?"

Liang Zhixuan smiled wryly, "To each other, I didn't know you had a cat."

In the past, her family's situation was not good, and she couldn't take care of her family, so she didn't have the energy to take care of her pets.Now she has no relatives around her, so she wants to raise a cat to keep her company.As for Mu Zheng, she really didn't expect to have this experience today. Even when he insisted on accompanying her to save the kitten, there was a voice in her heart saying: The matter of mother and father may really have nothing to do with him .

A man who loves small animals will not disregard human life. This is a purely emotional perception, which has nothing to do with any rational analysis or conclusive evidence.

He may be cold and unfriendly, but he's not crazy enough.

Mu Zheng didn't know what was going on in her mind, but he could feel that the tense atmosphere when they were getting along some time ago had eased.Maybe she still can't completely trust him, but it's good to have such progress.

He took the car keys, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

"No, I'll go back by myself."

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell rang loudly outside the door, one after another.

Which blind person is knocking on the door at this hour?

"Maybe someone from the company." Mu Zheng frowned and said to Liang Zhixuan, and then raised his voice, "Steward Zhao, Steward Zhao..."

The rest of the family took refuge upstairs to make room for them.The two of them were standing in the living room right now, the doorbell was annoying, and he couldn't wait for someone to come down, so he opened the door by himself.

If it's really a member of the company, no matter who it is, just wait to be fired!

However, the door opened, and the person standing outside was Feng Xiaoxiao.

"Fourth brother..." When she saw Mu Zheng, her eye circles turned red, she dropped the luggage bag on the ground, wrapped her arms around his neck, and burst into tears.

It was like a gust of wind blowing towards the face, without the aroma of osmanthus, nor the last bit of tenderness in autumn, cold and straightforward, enough to make people sober.But Mu Zheng froze there, letting her hug him tightly, he forgot how to react for a moment.

He didn't forget that Liang Zhixuan was standing behind him, but he couldn't turn his head, so he couldn't see her expression.

Time stopped and the air froze. He knew that what he had obtained with difficulty would be lost easily.

Liang Zhixuan walked a long way to get a bus. Her sprained ankle was still not fully healed, and she stumbled home exhausted.

She didn't know how she left Mu Zheng's place, they seemed to have been waiting for Feng Xiaoxiao to come back, but when she really came back, they looked so shocked, as if she was a visitor from outside the sky.

She stood there as stiffly as Mu Zheng, her feet seemed to be nailed, unable to move.She watched Feng Xiaoxiao hugging him, screaming "Fourth Brother" and scratching her lungs, but she couldn't feel any sorrow or joy. There was only one question looming in her mind: Feng Xiaoxiao is here, so where is Adong?Where is her younger brother Liang Wendong?

But Feng Xiaoxiao seemed to have been greatly wronged. When he saw her, he cried hoarsely, and refused to say anything when asked.

Mu Zheng had no choice but to pull her away, "You go back first, what's the matter when she calms down."

Now it's her turn to be the uninvited guest.

Feng Xiaoxiao is back, and A Dong must be back, but he refuses to show up, and she doesn't know where to find him.

She was walking in the dark corridor, and every time she stepped on the stairs, she felt her heart sinking, so sinking that she couldn't walk, and she just reached the door of the apartment where she lived.

There was a person sitting at the door, in the narrow layout of two households on one ladder, and the dilapidated and mottled anti-theft iron gates of the two neighbors were close together, so he huddled in the innermost corner of the wall so as not to block other people going up and down the stairs.The person sitting here last time was Hemei, who was waiting for her because she didn't want to trouble her, so who is this person today?
Some of the voice-activated lights in the public area are always off, and it can only be seen that it is a man through the leaked lights from other floors.The familiar figure made Liang Zhixuan's heart beat wildly, and she couldn't utter the familiar title when it reached her mouth, as if it was stuck in her throat, only the sound of her own breathing could be heard.

When she got closer, the man seemed to be very tired and fell asleep. He woke up now, raised his head and whispered in the darkness: "Sister? it you?"

She stood still, and he stood up on the ground, making a rustling sound, and this time he seemed to see clearly, and called again in a hoarse voice: "Sister, I'm back."

The voice-activated light downstairs turned on, and Liang Zhixuan could see his outline clearly, as well as the tears in his eyes, and his hands were hanging by his side, trembling slightly.

It was indeed Liang Wendong, he was dark and thin, and he looked different from before, so this must not be her hallucination, nor a dream, her brother really came back.

She watched him hesitantly walk up to him, thinking that she would raise her hand and give him a hard slap, but in fact she cried first.

Liang Wendong didn't bow his head like a child who did something wrong like in the past, he was at a loss as to what to do. Instead, he embraced her with his arms wide, tears streaming down his face, "I'm sorry,'s my mistake, it's my mistake..."

The siblings hugged each other and wept, but she still couldn't help scolding him: " still know to come back? I thought you died outside...I thought you would never come back again!"

The scolding was stuffed in her chest, muffled.She was hugged tightly by him, and he was dusty, mixed with sweat, dust and other complex smells, but unexpectedly made her feel familiar.When he was a teenager, he knew that there were gangsters molesting her at the street corner, and he was not afraid of death to argue with others. He just came back from the fight with his face covered with injuries, and he had such a breath when he sat beside her and told her not to be afraid.

This is her brother, who is now her only relative.

After Liang Wendong took a shower and changed his clothes, he came out and saw Liang Zhixuan helping him pack his luggage.

The whitewashed shirt and the frayed jeans were all worn by him when he was at home, and the shoes on his feet were so worn that they couldn't see their original color.

He took it in a bit of embarrassment, "Sister, I can do it myself."

Liang Zhixuan sat on the sofa, collected his expression and asked him: "You have almost no money on you, how did you come back?"

He didn't even have a wallet, so he stuffed some money in the pockets of the trousers he was wearing. They were all rolled-up change bills, dirty and wet, and it looked like they were being carefully held in the palm of their hands.

Liang Wendong lowered his head and folded his clothes, "I picked up the train and came back. I don't have enough money to buy a direct train ticket to Nancheng, so I can only change trains at one place. The slow ones don't check tickets much."

"Picking the train?" She looked at him incredulously, "You are really a brave man with a high skill now, aren't you afraid of being caught, and aren't you afraid of dying in an accident in the wilderness?"

He was silent for a while before looking up, smiled bitterly and said: "It's nothing, since I got on the first train and knew that I was really going back, I slept the most peaceful sleep I've had for more than a year." .”

He is penniless, impoverished, so destitute that he is not afraid of others stealing and robbing him, and it doesn't matter if he is crowded with chickens, ducks, vegetables, and various goods, because he can go home immediately.

No matter how angry Liang Zhixuan was, he couldn't vent his anger at this time.The Liang Wendong in front of him is visibly thinner. The image of the sunny and fair boy in the past seems to have been honed into another person in the wind and sun. I don't even feel bitter when picking up trains.It seems that he should have endured more and greater hardships, both physically and mentally, and endured a lot before he came back today.

She asked: "Then where have you been this year? Isn't Feng Xiaoxiao your true love, why are you willing to come back?"

Liang Wendong dared not look at her with downcast eyes, "I have been to many places, basically all the way to the north, the farthest I have been to Inner Mongolia, and then to Xi'an. I know I should come back sooner, but I can't make up my mind until …until I saw the news about Dad."

The characters in the trending news were all mosaiced, but he still recognized at a glance that they were his father and sister.

He couldn't find a word to describe his mood at that time, he just remembered squatting on the side of the street and crying loudly holding his mobile phone after seeing the news.

The man did not cry easily because he did not reach the sad spot.

Liang Zhixuan turned her head to look at the portraits of her parents on the TV cabinet, tears welling up, "I thought you jumped out of a rock, so you still remember that you have parents and family."

"Sister, I'm sorry..." His voice was choked up, and he covered half of his face with his hands, "I didn't know that such a thing would happen, if I knew... I wouldn't leave no matter what."

He was young and frivolous, willful, and always thought that he had a lot of time to squander on adventures, but he never thought about what to do when life didn't treat him well enough.In fact, life has never been kind to their family in these years.

"Then will you leave in the future? Parents are gone, and now you and I are left at home. I can support myself, and you have nothing to worry about. So if you still want to leave, you'd better tell me in advance .”

"No, I won't leave again." He held her eagerly, "Sister, I can support myself, and I will support you in the future."

She smiled, soft-hearted and sad: "You raise me? Isn't it Feng Xiaoxiao who raised you?"

There was a calm stubbornness on his face, "It's impossible for me to talk to her."

This is strange.Although she guessed that the relationship between the two might have fallen apart the moment she saw Feng Xiaoxiao fall into Mu Zheng's arms, she only thought it was due to Feng Xiaoxiao's unilateral reasons--the novelty had passed, she couldn't bear the pain, or she was homesick. After all, she still has a mother who can provide for her without any pressure.But she didn't expect to see such determination and calmness on Liang Wendong's face.

The two of them didn't speak for a while, and he looked at her with red eyes after a while, "I left quietly last time, Mu Zheng... did he make things difficult for you?"

He asked this question carefully. He knew Mu Zheng's personality very well, and he knew almost everything about the past relationship with his sister, and he knew even more that he would not let her go easily.

It took him some time to inquire before he found this place. When he returned to his original home and found that they had moved away, he thought that life must be difficult for his sister and the others.

Sure enough, Liang Zhixuan said: "So what if you're in trouble, can you go to him and fight for your life?"

He pursed his lips tightly, and said after a while: "I was ignorant before, and I won't let him bully you again in the future."

Even though she had been disappointed in him for quite a long time in the past, she still felt relieved to hear him say such things now.

She kept her face away and didn't want him to see too much emotion, "Be hungry, I'll make you something to eat."

She fried rice for him, put in three eggs, fried it up and brought it out, and saw Liang Wendong wiping tears with his father's photo.

She asked him to come over to eat, "Dad has already left, don't cry to make him uneasy. Save the tears for now, let's go to the cemetery to see him and mom some other day."

On the other side, Mu Zheng also quietly watched Feng Xiaoxiao, who was across the table, cut up a piece of steak, dipped it in sauce with a fork and fed it into his mouth piece by piece.

Feng Yaru added some juice to her glass, and said affectionately, "Slow down, girls will lose their manners when eating like this. If you don't have enough, order more, no one will grab you."

She raised her head, looked at Mu Zheng with a smile, and said, "I want to eat this steak in my dreams. It's so delicious! It's super expensive. I didn't think so before, but now I's the fourth brother who treats me most!"

Mu Zheng's expression remained unchanged, "It's just as long as you like it."

Feng Xiaoxiao continued to eat with his head down, and he turned to look at Feng Yaru, who was always smiling, "Now that Xiaoxiao is back, Aunt Feng should feel at ease."

"Yeah, the mother who travels thousands of miles is worried. She ran out ignorantly and came back after playing all over the world. What worries me the most is those of us who stay at home. I do everything for her sake, but she Now that we’re back, we can all relax a little bit.”

They each have something to say, and they can understand each other clearly.

The foie gras on Mu Zheng's plate was hardly moved, but the coffee had already been refilled once.He picked up the cup and took a sip, waiting for Feng Yaru's next words.

Sure enough, after a while she said: "The weather in Beijing is good recently, the autumn is crisp and the smog is gone. Since Xiaoxiao is fine, why not choose a date to make arrangements for the two of you first, and discuss the rest later. .”

He put down his glass, "You mean engagement?"

Feng Yaru nodded.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at Mu Zheng and then at her, pulled her a little embarrassedly, "Mom, why are you in such a hurry..."

Feng Yaru pressed her hand tightly under the table.

Mu Zheng smiled calmly, "Okay, I'm fine. But Xiaoxiao seems to have suffered a lot outside this time, and she is also tired. I think it's better to let her rest for a while to adjust, anyway. It's just a ceremony, as long as people are in the heart, it's the same whenever you do it."

This was a slap in the face, but Feng Yaru understood Mu Zheng's personality, so he was very polite when he said that, after all, they were the ones who made mistakes first.

She nodded.

Mu Zheng said again: "I still have conditions. The engagement ceremony will be held in Nancheng instead of going back to Beijing. Aunt Feng, you and my father, as parents, must attend."

Feng Yaru frowned, "How can this work, the rest of the family are all in Beijing..."

"It's because they are all in Beijing that I don't want to go back and make a big fuss. The old lady has just left, and the filial piety has not passed. We, the juniors, are about to hold a wedding. It's better to keep a low profile as much as possible, so as not to People gossip."

The three words "gossiping" also hit Feng Xiaoxiao's sore spot, she suddenly felt unable to eat, and threw the fork into the plate to lose her temper, "I said it too fast, you still have to discuss this now!"

Mu Zheng didn't seem to hear, just staring at Feng Yaru blindly.

She gradually put away the smile on her face, "Well, the engagement doesn't have to be in Beijing, but you know your father's body..."

"It's not suitable for long-distance travel and fatigue, I know. Why don't you tell me where he is, and we can go directly to him." He leaned back in the chair, "My mother died early, marriage is a major event in life, I don't want to On such an important occasion, neither of the parents is around. I believe Xiaoxiao is the same, right?"

Feng Xiaoxiao didn't understand the joints and thought it didn't matter, "Yes, Mom, this is a happy event. Of course you should let uncle come. Maybe he will be cured when he is happy!"

Feng Yaru took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, "Okay, then I'll ask the doctor to pay more attention and bring him back to Nancheng as soon as possible."

Mu Zheng stretched his eyebrows and poured the sober red wine for them: "Try this wine, it tastes good."

After the meal, he sent someone to take them back, and personally sent them to the car. When the car door was closed and the car lights disappeared from sight in an instant, he lowered his face and beckoned Xiao Zeng to come over. The five old men are coming back, and I told the HR department to ask them to transfer his former secretary Tong Lingsheng to my office. There are also shareholders Jiang, Chen, Xu, and Wang, so keep them from acting rashly. The news of the marriage will also be released. Go out and ask the PR to write an article, they should know how to write it."

Xiao Zeng wrote down one by one, only the last one was a bit hesitant, "The news of the it really revealed so early? Then no matter who it is, they will know."

Mu Zheng stopped and looked at him, "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Zeng lowered his head and dared not speak.

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "Why did I marry this way, don't you people who follow me every day don't know?"

(End of this chapter)

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