Chapter 51: Mu Xue Tage (4)
They were talking in Japanese, but Mu Zheng couldn't understand, so he went out and asked, "What did you just say?"

Although he couldn't understand, he saw her blushing.

"Nothing, let's go!"

Mu Zheng glanced at her Beetle, "Do you want to drive?"

"No, there are subways, buses and steam trains." To experience the scenery of the snow country, of course, take the local transportation.

Mu Zheng said it didn't matter, put on his sunglasses and followed her, reaching out to hold her hand.

She was not used to it and wanted to break free when the bus stopped right in front of her.He pulled her into the car and motioned her to look at the other people in the car.

There were two or three young couples in the car, both locals and tourists, all holding each other's hands.

He was reminding her to get into the role as soon as possible, after all, they only had three days, and neither of them had much experience in it.

They sat side by side, and he asked, "Where do we go now?"


"Go for what?"

"You'll know when you go."

Although it is also a very unique scenic spot in Hokkaido, she is embarrassed to say that she is going to pray for lottery, for fear that he will scoff.

There are dense forests outside the shrine, and the ground is covered with thick snow, and the sound of feet stepping on it highlights the tranquility of the surroundings.

She took him into the shrine, taught him to wash his hands with a wooden spoon, and then went in to pray and draw lots devoutly.

Mu Zheng thought her side face was cute when she was praying, but he had already guessed what she was doing here. He didn't believe in ghosts and gods, so when she drew lots, she got lucky, while he only got bad luck.

His expression didn't change, but she muttered gloomily: "Why is this..."

He took the lottery paper and kneaded it into a ball, "Forget it, I don't believe this."

"Hey, don't break it." She was more anxious than him, grabbed the sign and said, "There is a way to resolve it, come with me."

There is a special wooden frame in the shrine, and the drawn evil lottery is tied into a knot on the rope of the wooden frame, which is said to be able to resolve it.

She knotted her fingers nimbly, and when she turned her head again, she found that he was no longer behind her.

He was waiting for her in the woods outside, and he was not idle. He built a few small snowmen and put his own hat on the snowmen's heads.

She was a little angry, "Why did you leave without making a sound?"

His eyes were still on the snowman, not at her, "The knot is tied, can we go?"

His indifferent and superior attitude made her feel like a fool, so she ignored him, picked up her bag and left.

He grabbed her, but she broke free. When he pulled again, she bent her elbow and let out a muffled grunt.

She suddenly realized that he had been seriously injured, so she couldn't help but stop, "You...are you okay?"

In fact, the wound on his body didn't feel any better, but seeing her so concerned, he was not in a hurry to clarify that it was all right, and said: "I was stabbed by my fiancée in order to save someone, but the person he saved ran away, and his parents were gone... Do you think anything worse could happen to me?"

She froze for a moment, and he continued: "The worst thing I can think of now is that we have to separate in the end. Can you change? Are you willing to come with me?"

"This is not what we want to discuss," she turned her face away. "That's not what you said before."

He seemed to smile, "So God's will is often useless at this time." He took her hand again, "Where are we going next, I listen to you, I won't spoil the fun anymore."

She still cared about him, and in fact he was very happy.

The two went to White Lover Park again, everything was romantic and retro.Liang Zhixuan looked enviously at the DIY chocolate, and Mu Zheng said, "You should have been here many times, haven't you done it?"

She shook her head. Most of the time before, she came here as a guide. She didn't have the opportunity to make chocolate by herself, and she didn't even dare to buy the beautiful ice cream because she felt that she couldn't finish it by herself.

Mu Zheng pulled her up, "Then let's make one together today."

She was surprised, "Aren't you bored?"

He glanced at her, "Isn't it okay to eat it in the end?" How can it be boring, if it's not well done, it's a big deal to eat it.

Unexpectedly, the two cooperated very well. The chocolates made by themselves seem to be much tastier than those bought.He bought her the largest and most beautiful kind of ice cream, and kept a copy for himself. She looked at it and said, "The taste is different, right?"

"Yeah." He generously pushed the cup towards her, "You can try mine."

She took a sip, strange, obviously hers looked prettier and richer, but his one seemed to be more delicious.

She was embarrassed to change it with him, and lowered her head to eat her share, when a spoon suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and he ordered: "Open your mouth."

She opened her mouth obediently, and ate the piece he fed again, a strange sweetness penetrated into her heart along with the coldness.

In fact, he didn't eat much, and brought the cup to her, "The tip on the top is about to melt, the strawberry is about to collapse, take a bite."

She looked up at him, "Then give me this cup?"

"I'll give it to you after I bite."

What's so difficult about it?She stood up and reached her body to bite, but he pressed her head down and buried the tip of her nose in the ice cream.

Seeing that her nose and mouth were covered with white, he couldn't help laughing, she clenched her fist angrily and hit his shoulder, hiding while beating him.In the end, it was he who grabbed her wrist, leaned over, and gently sucked on the tip of her delicate nose.

It's really sweet.

They traveled between several large and small cities by steam train.The carriage was very quiet, Liang Zhixuan sat beside Mu Zheng, fell asleep leaning on his shoulder, with his hand still in his palm.

The healing effect of ice cream is amazing. After laughing and quarreling, the two people seemed to really let go of their guards and found the feeling of a real couple, running in the snow and holding hands to eat.

She unceremoniously ordered the most expensive dish, and even snatched away the crabs that belonged to him, saying plausibly: "Crabs are cold, your stomach has been hurt by a knife, it's best not to eat them."

He also let her go.

But when buying bento at the station, she specially picked out hot milk for him.

She remembered his injury and kept it in her heart.

Outside the car is the vast snowfield, the snow-covered world, because of the trees and bridges has become less monotonous, and the blurred shadows of her and him can still be seen in the mist on the car window.

Even though he was born in the north, he had never seen such a beautiful and pure snow scene.The snowflakes outside were still blowing, but his heart was strangely quiet.

Liang Zhixuan opened his eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's almost there." Mu Zheng lowered his head and pulled the coat that covered her, "Tired?"

She shook her head: "I just want to recharge my spirits and watch the fireworks at night."

"There are fireworks here at night?"

"Well, I saw it last time, it was beautiful."

Yeah?Mu Zheng looked out the window, but it was still snowing outside...

After settling down at the hot spring hotel, I heard that the fireworks display at night was canceled due to the heavy snow.

Liang Zhixuan showed some disappointment, and Mu Zheng asked, "Do you like watching fireworks?"

She shook her head: "The fireworks here on a snowy night are beautiful. It's always a pity to miss it. It's rare for you to come here."

He didn't speak.

Both of us were a bit hungry after the long journey.The canteen of the hotel prepared supper. I don’t know if it was porridge with pumpkin or sweet potato. It was very sweet and delicious.They drank a bowl each, and they felt warm all over.

Liang Zhixuan said: "Let's go for a walk, the snow scene by the lake is also very beautiful."

Mu Zheng nodded, walked to the door and said, "Go slowly, I'll go up and get the scarf."

Under the night, the scattered hotels and houses in the mountains are all lit up, and the snow is crystal clear white under the light, so soft that it seems to sink into another world.

There is still snow in the sky, but the air is clear, and you can see the roofs and the lake in the distance.

Liang Zhixuan walked to the lake, still feeling a little cold, jumped up, rubbed her hands again, and looked back to see why Mu Zheng hadn't come yet.

There was a sudden bang behind him, and a small flower bloomed in the night sky.She looked up with some joy, thinking that the fireworks display was held as scheduled.

However, the fireworks are too small, they bloom one by one, and they still look a little lonely, not the kind of dazzling fireworks that bloom like a hundred flowers.

There was another row of small fiery trees and silver flowers blooming by the lake, and it finally became more lively. Only then did she see Mu Zheng not far away.

In fact, when she first fell in love, she also imagined that a man she liked would accompany her romantically and set off a firework for her.

But she almost never thought that this person would be Mu Zheng.

She stood there without moving, and he didn't speak until the last flower bloomed in the snow.

He finally walked up to her and asked her, "Does it look good?"

She was noncommittal and just asked, "When did you prepare the fireworks?"

"After getting off the car." It's snowing heavily tonight, and he guessed that the event will be canceled in all likelihood, and she must be very disappointed.

"It's beautiful." She nodded, feeling sore for some reason, "It's beautiful."

"My mother also liked fireworks back then, and she was still talking about it when she was leaving." Mu Zheng looked into the distance, "She was too busy, and spent her whole life running around with my dad, but it didn't make him really look back at her more. "Let alone do anything romantic for her.

The wind blowing from the lake was filled with snowflakes, which was so cold that people could not open their eyes.The past events of their parents are mentioned, and they still weigh heavily on their hearts.

She smiled faintly, "This place is so empty, maybe she can see it too."

Maybe she was being sentimental, he didn't show her the fireworks, or just to remind her not to forget the deep two-generation entanglement between them.

He could see what she was thinking, "I didn't intend to use the past to press you down, I just want to know that after so long, they are all gone, have you really let go?"

There is only her and his world left, and she has lived alone for so long, has she really seen it?
Liang Zhixuan's eyelashes were covered with snow, she looked at him and said, "Why do you want to know?"

"Because you never told me. I know that you are by my side is an expedient measure, and you have never been sincere."

"I think you made a mistake. What I can't let go of is never the kindness and resentment of the previous generation. If I hadn't met you, I might not have known such a complicated relationship between them." She smiled, " Even the extubation of my mother's death, I have figured out that it has nothing to do with you."

Mu Zheng's heart shook.

"I don't want to mention the past anymore. You must be very upset if you say it. Didn't you say you want to keep some good memories? I don't want me to ruin this trip."

But he held her back, "but I want to hear it. If you tell me, I promise, you won't be angry."

In fact, he is the one who is nervous, like a person who has made a mistake and waited for a long time until the day when the sentence will be pronounced.She is the one who holds the power of life and death in this relationship, but she never knew it.

Liang Zhixuan opened her mouth, maybe she stood for too long in the snowy night, she suddenly felt too cold to make a sound, she took two steps back, turned around and wanted to escape back to the hotel.

Mu Zheng stretched his arms to stop her, hugged her forcefully into his arms, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not afraid of what are you afraid of? What are you afraid of! Tell me...tell me how much you hate me. "

She was held tightly in his arms, with her hands curled up and conflicted between the two of them.She couldn't see his eyes, and burst into tears, "I don't hate you...even at first I was grateful to you, I thank you for letting my father and our family go. But then I realized that I was wrong, you just Think of me as a fool. You forced me to be with you, humiliated me by admitting to the wrong person, identified me as a money worshiper, dissolute, and made me think that you took such photos to threaten me... Later, A Dong You have taught me too much about things about Lei Xiaoming and about Lei Xiaoming. I don’t even have the courage to leave you no matter how close you let me be! I used to think I had a lot, but after I met you, I watched helplessly. You took them all away."

Mu Zheng hugged her, his heart beating wildly.He understood all of this, but listening to her speak, the feeling was completely different.

He had never felt so intuitively that he hurt her so deeply.

Fireworks are easy to be cold, and personnel are easy to divide.

The lights flickering in the distance, she finally pushed him away and ran back to the hot spring hotel.

The snowflakes danced densely in the sky, but he didn't seem to feel the cold, and stood in the snow for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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