Chapter 50: Mu Xue Tage (3)
It's not that he doesn't want to tell him, it's just that he promised his sister not to reveal it.He used to be willful and reckless to make her sad, and there must be one time to keep his promise.

Mu Zheng didn't say anything, and got out of the car, "Do some maintenance on my car."

Liang Wendong shook his head. In terms of business and business, his car is always maintained at their place, and the price is always the highest grade, and he is not ambiguous.

Mu Zheng stood by the wall to smoke, and saw a girl come over with drinks and snacks, circling around Liang Wendong.Liang Wendong was busy and didn't have time to talk to her, so she just waited quietly, and stepped forward to receive guests when they came.

Life is indeed going on, even Liang Wendong has a new life, but he is still trapped in the same place.

"That's my daughter." The owner of the auto repair shop came over to borrow the fire, because Mu Zheng used to come here often in the old shop and knew each other, he said cheerfully: "She just likes that kid A Dong, actually I think so too. He is not bad. I am just such a daughter. I hope she will marry well and help me take care of the business. A Dong is smart and willing to endure hardships, but he is stubborn. He doesn’t want to talk about marriage so early, saying yes I have to wait for my sister to get married first..."

Mu Zheng's heart seemed to be hit hard by a heavy hammer, "His sister has someone to marry?"

"I don't know. The girl hasn't been here for a long time. She said that she is abroad now. How easy it is to get married abroad. If you have a partner, you don't have to make a fuss. Maybe you can register and travel."

Mu Zheng was stunned by these words.Liang Zhixuan no longer belongs to him and is not bound by him. She is free and can fall in love with other men...even get married.

He had never considered this possibility, and was only obsessed with her original determination and where to chase her back.

After such a long time, he may not really be unable to guess where she is, but he is afraid to face it, for fear that he will not be able to help but go straight to find her when he hears too definite news.

He almost forgot that she is young and beautiful, has a proud capital, and even in China there is Lei Xiaoming who never forgets her, where can't he start a new relationship?
Doubt is the most uncontrollable thing, once a hole is torn, there will be a torrent pouring out, washing away his strong pride at any time.

Just after the New Year, Mu Kun passed away suddenly, but the doctor said that he passed away without much pain.

Suffering is reserved for those who are still alive.

It was only then that Mu Zheng realized that the death of his parents was an extremely heavy matter no matter what.It's just that time has diluted the burden left to him by his mother's death, or he had some clear goals and more intuitive love and hatred at that time, which distracted his emotions from the matter itself.

When Liang Zhixuan's father died, or even when her mother died a few years earlier, was she also overwhelmed?

Seeing him like this, Mu Rong knew what he was thinking, and handed him something, "This is a package from Kazumi from Japan. I haven't received it. The courier must have been sent to the wrong person. I signed for it. Look." Have you cleared the address above? I didn't tell you, you saw it yourself, and you just wanted to go there to relax, so you looked for it."

Mu Zheng didn't say anything, but raised his eyes to look at him.

"I heard that it's snowing over there too. Some silly girls who haven't seen snow much must be happy there and refuse to leave. Why don't you go and have a look?" He continued, "If you let go, go and see Let’s see, try it. I just have one request, if she doesn’t want to, don’t force her anymore.”

Mu Zheng stood up slowly and opened the package, which contained a large package of individually wrapped wagashi snacks.

Hokkaido, the sky is full of snow.

Liang Zhixuan came out from Zhongzhuo's house, and Mrs. Zhongzhuo followed her to see her off. She turned around and said, "It's so cold, you can go back, there is no need to send her off."

Mrs. Zhong Zhuo said: "It's okay, I'm really sorry that I have to trouble you to bring some snacks in such cold weather."

"Where, I want to thank you for always taking care of our business."

"The wagashi in Daoxiwu has always been the most delicious." Mrs. Zhongzhuo lovingly swept the snow off her shoulders, "Doesn't it feel hard to come and go in the wind and rain like this? I heard that you used to be a stewardess, so good Did you just give up your job?"

Liang Zhixuan smiled, "Well, for some reason, I won't do it for the time being. I think it's fine now."

Mrs. Zhongzhuo nodded, and looked at her with emotion, "Tsk, it's so beautiful. My family, Yishu, will be back in a few days. You know, he teaches at Waseda University, and the university is going to be on spring break. He will come back to rest for a while .Can we meet up? You are about the same age, so you should have a lot to talk about, huh?"

Liang Zhixuan was a little embarrassed: "Ah... no, I..."

"Hey, needless to say those rules, I'm also very familiar with the boss and his wife of Daoxi House. It's just an ordinary meeting for young people. It's arranged by me. It has nothing to do with you, so don't worry. Then we'll make a deal like this, Kazuki must be very happy's great that there is Valentine's Day in February!"

Mrs. Zhong Zhuo became happy when she said that, and she still told her after sending her out: "Be careful on the road, see you in a few days."

Liang Zhixuan bowed to her.

It's really a nice family. The couple are very friendly. There is also a young daughter who is in middle school and a son who teaches at a university. The family is harmonious and harmonious, which is enviable.

Those who are just parents seem to be the same as Chinese parents. When their children reach a certain age, they start to worry about their life-long affairs, and spare no effort to arrange various blind dates.

She met Kazuki-kun once, he was calm and gentle, and praised the delicious wagashi at the banquet, which was his taste from childhood to adulthood.

It's not that she thinks there's anything wrong with the other party, it's just that she doesn't have the heart to start a new relationship now, and no matter how good a man is, she only leaves a vague impression.

She couldn't tell why, maybe she needed more time.

During this year, she went to many places, and finally chose to stay in Hokkaido. Hemei's wagashi shop needed manpower, so she stayed to help.

There are some families in the city who order some wagashi every day, and she packs them in boxes and delivers them to the door, and sometimes goes to places with a lot of traffic such as stations to do publicity.In order to maintain the business of the wagashi store, Hemei’s family now also runs a homestay. There are often tourists from China, and she will also be responsible for picking them up or acting as a guide.

There is really nothing wrong with living a peaceful and fulfilling life with a surplus of income.It's just that deep in my heart I always feel that there is still a corner missing, and no matter how busy I am, I can't make up for it.

In summer and autumn, she can go out by bicycle, but now it snows every day and the road is slippery, so she cannot ride a bicycle.The city is very small, and she walks to places not far from the store like Zhongzhuo's, and then walks back.

The area where Zhongzhuo's family lived was crowded with many famous and wealthy families. When she was walking down the road, she heard the sound of a piano playing "Romeo and Juliet" from a family's house.

It was probably a melody that she had just mastered, and her fingering was not yet proficient, and she would play the wrong note halfway, but she still stopped and listened involuntarily.

The situation in the house was obscured by the half-closed curtains, and nothing could be seen.She couldn't guess whether it was a boy or a girl, whether she was like the one she knew, sitting quietly at an age when she was supposed to be laughable and playful, using the piano as her only toy.

No lonely thoughts can be heard in the sound of the piano, and does the player know the story behind the tune?

She still remembered what Mu Zheng said: That story was really terrible.

She hooked her lips, and started walking again.

The wagashi shop is at the end of the street, and there are several shops selling music boxes on the street. The windows are so beautifully decorated in winter, and she can't help but look at them when she passes by.

She remembered that there was a very beautiful rabbit music box, and the song was "Romeo and Juliet".She was lying in front of the window, looking and searching, and subconsciously put her hand into her pocket. She brought money out today, do you want to buy Mr. Rabbit?

"Liang Zhixuan."

When she finally saw the rabbit in the dazzling display window, she suddenly heard someone calling her from behind.

This voice was familiar yet unfamiliar, like an invisible hand disrupting time and space, making her forget when and where she was in an instant.

She didn't dare to turn her head back, she still kept the same appearance just now, bent over, with her hands still pressed against the window glass, her body was slightly stiff... She thought that appearance must be funny.

She didn't move, and the people behind her didn't approach, the two of them were just separated by a not too far or a short distance.

In the end she turned around, and the snow in the sky was falling even more. Mu Zheng was wearing a hat and a dark coat, with one hand in his pocket, and looked at her from a distance, a layer had already fallen on his shoulders. Snow.

He was a little thinner than before, maybe it was because of the light in the snowy sky, and his face was a little pale, but his outline was handsome, his eyebrows were handsome, and he was still the indomitable man he was before.

Her heart was beating wildly, and there seemed to be a voice in her heart urging her to flee, so she didn't even think about it, and didn't say hello to him, and turned her head away.

Hemei's house is right in front, right in front... She didn't know what she was trying to avoid, but she just kept reassuring herself: It's okay... as long as you go back to the store, you'll be fine.

However, Mu Zheng caught up with her in a few strides, grabbed her by the arm, and called out again as if to be sure: "Liang Zhixuan."

She had to stop, raised her hand to break away from him, with unbelievable emotion in her eyes, and asked in an excited voice: "What are you doing here, who told you I'm here? Why don't you just let me go? "

She moved a lot, pushing him back and forth. Just as she was about to turn around and walk away, she heard him grunt.

She suddenly thought of how he once fell in a pool of blood, and stopped involuntarily.

Mu Zheng stood in front of her again, looking at her steadfastly, his amber pupils flowed with an imperceptible strange brilliance like fine amber, but that brilliance gradually cooled down and disappeared after seeing her expression .

His Adam's apple rolled gently, and finally said: "No one told me, I found it myself. My dad is gone, I want to go out and relax."

Hearing the news, Liang Zhixuan was stunned for a moment, and finally he held his shoulder again.He smiled bitterly, "I'm just like you now, without father or mother, and I have nothing to worry about."

The long-lost sadness in her heart was aroused again, and she suddenly felt that he was a little pitiful, and he was right, she was actually as pitiful as him.

"The last time..." He seemed to be trying to suppress something, and the palm on her arm tightened, "Didn't you say that you have never had good memories with me? I only stayed in Hokkaido for three days, so you just Stay with me one last time, let's keep some good memories, so we can get together and get away. After these three days, I swear that I will never pester you again in this life."

All the previous relationship is written off.

There will be no more debts, nor will there be repayments.

Liang Zhixuan took Mu Zheng back to the wagashi shop.He saw the car parked outside the door, covered with a thick layer of snow, but he could still tell it was a light blue Beetle, the same as the one he bought for her.

She knew what he was thinking, and explained: "Don't think too much, I bought it when I saw that it was a second-hand car that was cheap, and sometimes I used it to pick up and drop off guests."

Mu Zheng snorted, "I didn't say anything."

There is a signboard of Daoxi House on the door of the wagashi shop, and the door next to it is the place to stay. There is a small yard inside, which is not exquisite, but very clean.

Hemei's mother stuck out her head, "Xiaoxuan is back, do you have a new guest?"

Mu Zheng knew that Kazumi was of mixed Chinese and Japanese blood, so when she spoke Chinese with Liang Zhixuan, he knew who she was.

"Aunt Xiuwen." Liang Zhixuan called her by name, pulled Mu Zheng and said, "He is Mu Rong's brother, Mu Zheng."

She smiled, "I know, they look alike."

Only then did he salute and say hello: "Hi, I'm Mu Zheng."

After Zhou Xiuwen got married, she changed her husband's family name to Bo Ye, and together with her husband, she took care of Daoxiya, a wagashi shop handed down from her ancestors. Later, with the advice of Mu Rong and Hemei, she started to run a homestay.Also because of this relationship, they were very polite and considerate to Mu Zheng, and kept emphasizing: "Mu Rong really helped us a lot, thank you very very much."

Mu Zheng is not quite used to Japanese etiquette, especially the two elderly people who kept bowing to him to thank him, but in fact he did nothing, the smile on his face was a little stiff, and he had to look at the Japanese for help. Liang Zhixuan on the side.

She was a little funny, so there were still times when he felt embarrassed and embarrassed?

Bo Ye and his wife prepared the biggest and best room for him. The room was decorated in a pure Japanese style, and he slept on tatami mats.It is said to be the largest, but it is only six stacks, which is less than ten square meters. Two people sharing a room seems to be full.

Liang Zhixuan spread out the quilt, and brought another quilt, "This year's temperature is very low, and there may be heavy snow at night. If you are cold, you can also cover this quilt."

He had been sitting silently watching her busy, and when she put down the last quilt and was about to get up to leave, he knelt down on the bed and held her hand, "Where do you live?"

There was a scalding temperature in his palm, she wanted to shrink back but couldn't move, so she could only say: "I have my own room upstairs."

"So you're going to sleep in your own room?"

"of course."

He took her hand and moved closer, "Did you make a mistake? I mean, for these three days, we have to be together like be together like a real couple, not to live separately like this .”

Liang Zhixuan glared at him, and said angrily, "It's inconvenient to be at Renjiahemei's house now."

"You mean we won't live here tomorrow?"

She looked at him a little strangely, "Don't you want to relax? Hokkaido is so big, don't you plan to stay here for a few nights before leaving?"

In fact, as long as she is there, he doesn't care where he is.But since she said so, he also readily agreed, "Okay, then listen to you."

"Then I'll call you tomorrow morning, you go to bed early."

He nodded, pretending to let go, but pulled her back the moment she stood up.She fell on top of him, and he took the opportunity to kiss her.

This kiss came a bit like an accident, but the two people's lips were pressed together, but they made each other shiver.The long-lost soft touch aroused the desire deep in his heart. Of course, Mu Zheng would not be satisfied with such a touch. He hugged her tightly and turned over, then pressed her under him, and leaned over to bite her lips again.

Liang Zhixuan's hands were pressed on both sides of her ears by him, trying to struggle, his hands had slipped into her palms, his fingers wrapped around hers, and he whispered in a hoarse voice: "I won't do anything else, just like this... don't move around , otherwise I can’t guarantee it.”


He didn't give her a chance to speak at all, continued the kiss just now, closed his eyes, and became more and more lingering.

He looked down at her greedily, his eyes were like flames, "I can't control it..."

How long had he not seen her?What's more, he always lost control again and again in front of her.

The palm of one of his hands was still attached to the skin of her lower back, it was soft and smooth, and he couldn't help but want to move again.However, as soon as he moved, he heard a knock on the door. Hemei's mother asked softly, "Xiaoxuan, are you in? Tell the guests to come out and have something to eat. I made soup curry."

Liang Zhixuan hurriedly pushed away the person on her body, arranged her clothes and hair frantically, and responded, "Oh, I'll be right here, please."

When the people outside the door left, she lowered her voice and said to Mu Zheng again: "After a while, pack up and go out to eat by yourself. It's no better than staying with you. Don't wait for someone to serve you."

She opened the door angrily and left, and gave him a hard look before leaving.

Mu Zheng felt a little funny for some reason, but actually laughed out loud.Her warmth was still on his lips, he touched it lightly, and thought about it for a long time.

The two of them were going out the next day, and Mu Zheng was still eating breakfast. Liang Zhixuan said goodbye to the two old people, a little apologetic, "I'm sorry, I have to leave for a few days, and the shop will have to work hard for you."

Hemei's father, Mr. Bo Ye, said: "It's okay, Mr. Mu rarely comes here, you should go for a walk with him. You must go to the hot springs. I have already called my old friend who runs a hot spring hotel and asked him to save a room for you. .”

Mrs. Boye whispered ambiguously: "There is an open-air bath with a superb view, and you can take a bath without being disturbed."

Liang Zhixuan blushed like a tomato. It turned out that they already knew about her and Mu Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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